Ok Donna, it's MY turn to throw up now!


I am resigning from my job today. I'm taking a ride with Joey so that everyone can see him and then I gotta do the "dirty deed" before I leave! Should I puke now or later? x(

My boss is VERY cool so I know he'll understand...my problem is that I feel bad for leaving but it's not like I have the desire to stay either!


6/13/05 Some new pics added!Check out pics of Joey's room in the "nursery" album!

I am sure they won't be too suprised Wendy! Everyone understands wanting to be home with your new bambino!:)
Oh Wendy, I remember when I had to do that, but I was a coward and did it via a letter instead of going and doing it in person.

Good luck! I'm sure your boss will understand and you'll feel like a great weight is off your shoulders once it's done!
Good Luck Wendy! I know you'll be happy when it's over. Joey is one lucky boy!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
The only words of comfort that I can give you is that it never comes as a shock to employers when their new mom employees give notice.

Good luck though. It won't be as bad as you think.
I never once regretted staying home with my kids. Some moms are better moms when they keep their jobs and other moms are better when they resign, take the HUGE pay cut and stay home with their kids. Either way, they are wonderful moms for recognizing what is best for the entire family and carrying through with it.

It would be really bad if a mom stayed home and was miserable or vice versa.

Good for you for seeing what was best for your family and doing it, regardless of how hard it will be to quit your job.
Well put, Sarah. I really appreciate seeing a comment like that. I get so tired of each "side" attacking the other for their choice. Every situation and family is different and there is no one answer for everyone. I think no matter what each mom's choice is, that once in a while she wishes she could have the other one, even temporarily!
Congrats Wendy! I agree with everyone else. When they take one look at little Joey, they will understand for sure. If they don't, you still know that you're making the right decision for you. I love staying at home with my kids. Though it's only the second week of summer vacation and I feel like a cruise director! LOL!

Good for you! :D

Thanks for that comment. I get really frustrated when people assume that just because a mom wants to have a job outside of the home, she's not as dedicated a mother. There's no evidence that children of stay-at-homes are better off than moms who have an outside career. It all depends on the mom and what she does with the time she does have at home. Clean house or time with child?
Thanks everyone! My boss wasn't really surprised. He wasn't sure if I'd be coming back or not so to have me resign today really wasn't a shocker. He was sad to see me go but happy for me. Said if I ever need a reference he's there. I'll miss him and some of the others I work with but I will be keeping in touch with them.


6/13/05 Some new pics added!Check out pics of Joey's room in the "nursery" album!

Congrats Wendy on making a very GOOD decision :) CONGRATS welcome to the hardest job in the world! Sure you will be an awesome Mom.

You can always go back to work but you can't go back in time with your kids
Wendy -

By the time I saw your post, the deed was done! I bet you feel better now that it's over with! Congratulations and I hope you treated yourself to something to celebrate the official closure to that chapter :) (Can you pump some milk and then have a 'beverage'?) I hope DH gives you an extra hug today, too, for being such a strong woman and good mother.

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