Nia Shanks

Sounds like a great w/o you do one 7 days/ week? I'm going to look up Palloff presses...I think with an overhead kb? The workouts you've been doing sound DIABOLICAL, but really effective. I think the coumpound moves are much better for atheleticism and if I were younger would use them more, but the older you get the more joint abuse figures in and things like snatch, cleans and overhead squats become difficult....besides I just want to be a bigger, burlier badass!!!!
Well today was to be the start of my last week of simple strength 2, but I decided to go back to a bodypart/day. I just felt I needed to try something else and see if it would help me gain some hypertrophy. I think I will do chest,back,legs,shoulders and arms, doing 5 days a week. I did chest today doing an 8 set pyramid of bench, 1 set of incline flys and 3 sets of pushups. I finished with 30 20 ab wheel roll outs. I would like to come back to Nia sometime and sts too, but I think I will try this again for a bit and see what happens. I have really enjoyed this program and I am going to incorporate much of it into my bodypart/day thing. I am going to include deadlifts, hanging leg raises and reverse lunges , which are all things I really hadn't used much before. Time will tell...keep" killin it".
I. Ache. Everywhere.

Karen - no idea whether it was the slam ball or the DLs + pull ups - but my back hurts from the neck to my bum! I'm beginning to 'get' GSF2 and I'm working out how to use it best (go heavier on the first move, and then use the ancillary exercises as a sort of heavy-conditioning).

Tom - I was going to try back squats with various BB placements, but front squats tested better. I did try a very light back squat with various BB positions, but there was little difference. Perhaps it was too light to really tell if I could get deeper with the BB lower on my back. Will try properly soon. One body part a day will probably be great for hypertrophy - not too metabolic, so it shouldn't burn too many calories. (The reason I do more compound stuff!)

Today squats and lateral lunges, crunches and SHELCs. Not too hard, but I was tired, so I was glad not to push. I worked on squat depth (front squats only 45kg, 11 sets of 4 reps as low as poss). I'm looking forward to having a few weeks recorded on adaptifier so that I can see how I'm doing.

Karen - would love it if you did GSF2 alongside me.....
Well today was to be the start of my last week of simple strength 2, but I decided to go back to a bodypart/day. I just felt I needed to try something else and see if it would help me gain some hypertrophy. I think I will do chest,back,legs,shoulders and arms, doing 5 days a week. I did chest today doing an 8 set pyramid of bench, 1 set of incline flys and 3 sets of pushups. I finished with 30 20 ab wheel roll outs. I would like to come back to Nia sometime and sts too, but I think I will try this again for a bit and see what happens. I have really enjoyed this program and I am going to incorporate much of it into my bodypart/day thing. I am going to include deadlifts, hanging leg raises and reverse lunges , which are all things I really hadn't used much before. Time will tell...keep" killin it".

Not trying to influence your decision in any way, Tom. However, if you are looking for hypertrophy, may I suggest a body weight program. I've been doing body weight routines since Mid July. My shoulders are massive, but defined, same with my back. Nice muscle definition in the legs. With my Ho Co workouts, I have abs again. I'm quite pleased with the results, and will definitely do this type of program again. With Winter coming on, I will now be going for strength. Highly recommend this periodization type of routine. Good luck with your program, hope you see the results you want!!!

Justine - I'm almost ready to dive in. Sounds too good, and I can't resist!
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Thinking about different programmes, this is the first time I've done back to back strength/weights programmes. Usually I do STS then something like Xtrain for a few months. I've now done STS (4 months), Nia (20 weeks) on to GSF2, with only a week or so in between each. It's meant I'm not starting over with the weights each time - hopefully I'll keep on getting stronger.
Not trying to influence your decision in any way, Tom. However, if you are looking for hypertrophy, may I suggest a body weight program. I've been doing body weight routines since Mid July. My shoulders are massive, but defined, same with my back. Nice muscle definition in the legs. With my Ho Co workouts, I have abs again. I'm quite pleased with the results, and will definitely do this type of program again. With Winter coming on, I will now be going for strength. Highly recommend this periodization type of routine. Good luck with your program, hope you see the results you want!!!

Justine - I'm almost ready to dive in. Sounds too good, and I can't resist!
Karen..who's Hoco program did u do?? I don't have a great area for a lot of floor work, but I want what you got so I will look into it!!
I have Horizontal Conditioning: Get rolling, and Volumes 1-4. Sandra Koulourides is the instructor. For me, they were very challenging, at first. I had to hit the pause button frequently, and they had a big dread factor. I was just determined to do them, because they were so challenging. The results have been great. Check out You Tube, she may have some of them there. If not, just buy one, to see if you are willing to do them. I've read some reviews, they just have too much of a dread factor for some. I now look forward to doing them. (sorta) They do get easier, and someday I just want to cruise through them. She has posted pictures of people that do Ho Co. They have great abs, but they are a total body workout. If you decide to try them, I wish you well, and good luck!

I forgot to add, she does use a step, a stability ball, a body bar (although a weight would work) and gliding discs, for props. Not all of them in the same workout. I suggest you preview, before you buy.

Other good bodyweight workouts are by Mark Lauren. "You Are Your Own Gym, EFX and Mobility RX, are very good, and not as challenging as Horizontal Conditioning.

Another edit. I have a book "Convict Conditioning" all bodyweight training, leading to handstand pushups. Hope these ideas help!!
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I have Horizontal Conditioning: Get rolling, and Volumes 1-4. Sandra Koulourides is the instructor. For me, they were very challenging, at first. I had to hit the pause button frequently, and they had a big dread factor. I was just determined to do them, because they were so challenging. The results have been great. Check out You Tube, she may have some of them there. If not, just buy one, to see if you are willing to do them. I've read some reviews, they just have too much of a dread factor for some. I now look forward to doing them. (sorta) They do get easier, and someday I just want to cruise through them. She has posted pictures of people that do Ho Co. They have great abs, but they are a total body workout. If you decide to try them, I wish you well, and good luck!

I forgot to add, she does use a step, a stability ball, a body bar (although a weight would work) and gliding discs, for props. Not all of them in the same workout. I suggest you preview, before you buy.
Thanks..I'll ck it out!
Today was back day for me. 3 sets of chin ups,3 sets of lat pulldowns, 3 sets of 1 arm rows and 3 sets of deadlifts (thanks Nia)! and a set of seated leg raises. Karen, I will be greatly interested in seeing, when you transition to heavy weight from Hoco, if the program made you stronger or just more defined? I saw the testimonials but not the pics...I will see if I can find those. I have a terrible surface to use for some of that stuff. It is a basement of rough concrete that occasionally gets wet. It was carpeted but after several water incidences I tore the carpet out. Since it was glue down, some of the glue remains.We don't use it for anything except as my sweathouse, but gliding discs don't work well and I would have to modify. Thanks for the info!!
Hi, everyone!
Glad to see you're all kicking butt!
Justine, those 100# presses were push presses, not strict presses. I am far from strict pressing 100#!
Karen, GSF2 is great -- I highly recommend! I have only ONE GSF2 workout left! I can't believe it.
Today I did more push presses, 5x5 at 95#. Then renegade rows, reverse flys, leg raises, and biceps curls.
Yesterday was squats -- I worked up to 180# for a single, which was a PR for me. (I know you're all squatting triple that, but hey!)
I don't know what I'll do next... maybe some yoga and LWF for a week and see how I'm feeling.
High fives and well wishes to you all!
Roz - embarrassingly my strict presses seem to morph into push presses by the end of a set! 180# squat is fab - I've never tried a heavy single - way too scared that I won't get back up!

I had a disastrous w/o on Wednesday - even more pathetic attempt at presses. I tried to do more reps for the first set, and it just burned me out too quickly, so I didn't get the volume in. Suspension trainer inverted rows saved the day. So yesterday I did Mark Lauren's EFX, as a break from BBs and DBs - it felt so good. It really works on those little stabiliser muscles. I was getting somewhat unsteady towards the end. I find the body rocks so hard - burns my shoulders. Tom, it's certainly worth considering. You could do the whole thing on a yoga mat, so no more 'rubbish floor' excuses ;)

Much better day today (even though I could feel EFX) - sumo DLs, pull ups, croc rows and more pallof presses. I'll feel it in the morning! I did a higher volume of sumo DLs - 80kg 45 reps over 9 sets in 15 mins. Pull ups were better, too - got in 10 more than last week in the same time. I'm a little bit scared about where any improvement will come from next week.

I'm sort of 'getting' this new programme now. I treat the accessory moves as a conditioner, as there's no time (or energy) left for LWF when I've finished. Time will tell whether it gives me a PR or two.

I'm off to Manchester for the weekend - my DD's 21st birthday party. I'll sneak a quick session in tomorrow morning before we leave, and then take Sunday off as a recovery day (recovery from the party, that is). Hope everyone has a great w/e xx
Justine, you saw right thru my bull$#@t floor excuse!!! I thought that would!!!! I've had days like yours fun, but 80kg doing 45 reps over 9 sets is tremendous! I did chest day Tuesday. , and it was less than impressive!! Thursday I combined arms and shoulders because I thought I was getting a flu shoot and would be sore, but that happens next week. Presses were awful, dropped weight to an embarrassing place with the Olympic bar, lighter than I would like shoulder presses ( dumbbell) and side laterals. I skipped leg day Wed...but I PROMISE to do it today! For arms I did 3 supersets, 3 sets of tri extensions/barbell curls and 3 sets crossbobody tri ext/ concentration curls, and I'm sore...go figure, I even dumbed down the weight!! Off to do legs (as promised). Enjoy your party, Justine, ...Karen,Roz, any slacker or warrior stories??
Well my leg day is done and interestingly enough, it was basically a " Nia day" ! 8 sets of squats, 3 sets of reverse lunges, 3 sets of single calf raises with a 35# dumbbell, 1x32, 1x25, 1x25. 3x8 hanging knee raises,and finished with 1 minute side plank on each side.I ALWAYS feel better when I do a workout...even when it doesn't go well. When I didn't do leg day Wed, I was in a terrible mood all day. Now that I made it up, all is well with the universe!! Everyone have a great weekend!!
Well my leg day is done and interestingly enough, it was basically a " Nia day" ! 8 sets of squats, 3 sets of reverse lunges, 3 sets of single calf raises with a 35# dumbbell, 1x32, 1x25, 1x25. 3x8 hanging knee raises,and finished with 1 minute side plank on each side.I ALWAYS feel better when I do a workout...even when it doesn't go well. When I didn't do leg day Wed, I was in a terrible mood all day. Now that I made it up, all is well with the universe!! Everyone have a great weekend!!

I agree, a day without a workout, is a day without sunshine. Something like that.
Hi everyone,
Great work on your workouts!
Justine, glad you're enjoying GSF2 (or so it seems). Enjoy your DD's party! If I'm 1/2 as fit as you are now when my daughter turns 21, I'll consider it a major accomplishment! ;)

So I've decided to continue with GSF1. It just looks too good. I started right in today -- the rep ranges are much higher (8-10 for main lifts!) than the end of GSF2, so I don't feel the need for a break as there's built-in periodization.
Today was deadlifts (I love how 'Monday' is deadlifts). Still experimenting to find my 'happy place' in the 8-10 rep range (which I almost never train with conventional deadlifts), so I did 7 sets at 135, 145, and 155 (then back down again). Maybe I'll start at 140 next week.
Then a superset of DB one-arm strict presses and band pull-aparts and a superset of hamstring curls on the sliding discs and side planks.
No conditioning needed after those high rep DLs! :eek:

Karen and Tom, I totally agree about a day without a workout. I need to enforce rest days!
What are your favorite 'day off' workouts, everyone?
Roz, I wish I had a favorite off day w/o, but usually I do nada!! Sometimes I will do pushups or some ab stuff, but usually I'm a slug!! Today was chest day. I did an 11 set pyramid bench series, 3 sets of incline bench, 1 set of incline flys, 3 sets of suspended pushups and 3 sets of ab wheel roll outs. Not proud of the weights used, but compensated with lotsa reps and sets. I'm really tired of seeing the scale go down and weights with it!

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