New to Cathe and Luving It


Hello everyone -

I'm new to the forum and new to Cathe. I did the Wedding tape for the very first time yesterday. Now I know this is considered one of Cathe's "easier" workouts. Let me tell kicked my butt (I mean this in a good way). The steps were easy for me to follow and the intensity was off the meter(excellent)! I burned 400 calories and felt good knowing that I got a great workout.

Cathe, you are just too good at what you do. I look forward to working my way up to your other workouts!!

Hi Cheryl,
Just curious how you knew that you burned 400 calories. Is there a piece of equipment that tells you how many calories you burned kinda like how a monitor tells you if you're in your target heart rate zone? Just curious. I would love to know more about it. The wedding cardio section is still probably my favorite Cathe workout. Glad you are enjoying Cathe's videos.
Take Care.
Hi Lisa,

I use a heart rate monitor (Polar M22) during my workouts to make sure that I'm working "in my zone" and not under- or overdoing it. It also records the calories burned during the workout. I ordered it from

When I saw 400 calories, I couldn't believe it! The day before I did a Firm tape (Maxixum Body Sculpting) and burned 225.

When I finished the Wedding tape, it looked as if I was dunked in a swimming pool or something!

Hi Cheryl,
Thanks so much. I have heard about monitors that keep track of your heart rate, but I had no idea that some of them could keep track of how many calories were burned during a workout. Thanks for the website. I think I'll be buying one soon. I need all the motivation I can get these days, and knowing how many calories I'm burning will help to keep me motivated!!! Thanks again.


Welcome to the club. I too am new and have basically become a Cathe video addict. Her cardio tapes are the best! I know what you mean about looking like you were just dunked in the swimming pool. I love looking that way after a workout. As others on this forum know, that is the premiere reason why I workout I guess you can call me a sweating fanatic. I just love to sweat! Glad to know that others like yourself share that. If you are planning to buy other tapes, I highly recommend Cardio Kicks.

Hi Stephanie,

Wow, this forum is so great. I've received the warmest welcomes!

I know exactly what you mean about the sweat factor. For me, a workout ain't a workout without alot of sweat!! And Cathe's tapes definitely provide that.

You know, I was actually considering buying Cardio Kicks next. Thanks for the recommendation!

Cheryl :)
Hi Cheryl,

Just wanted to say a quick hello & welcome to Cathe! Keep us up to date on your progress, you will find so many educated & warm people here to encourage you & help with any problems.

Must run, HB is bellowing that dinner is ready! :)

Take care, Ruth
Hi Ruth,

Thank you for the warm welcome. I have to say it again, I really appreciate everyone welcoming me the the forum. I know that I will have lots of questions and will hopefully be helpful to you guys as well.

And I will definitely keep you posted on my progress :)

Thanks again, Ruth!

CORRECTION: Next tape to get....ALL OF THEM!!! :D

Just kidding around :D (although I plan on increasing my Cathe video library big time).

Actually, Murph, I bought the two tapes you mentioned at the same time I got the Wedding tape and have included them in my rotation. Are these two tapes considered more intense than the Wedding video or about the same?

Hi Cheryl!

And WELCOME!!! I haven't been around for a few days but saw that you are new around here! Trust me, it won't be long and you'll own every Cathe tape made! They are all so good. You can't go wrong even if it's an easier tape. Some days we need those EASIER workouts!;-) I would say that the two tapes you mentioned are more intense the the wedding vid, but then again, it's what you put into it. Glad to have you join us!:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Hi Cheryl!

Hi DebbieH!

Thank you for welcoming me to the forum.

Between the pics-of-the-day and the video suggestions I've been receiving, it's safe to say that I'll have a complete Cathe library in no time! :D

Also,thanks for answering my question about the other two videos.

RE: Hi Cheryl!

Hi Cheryl,
Welcome to the forum! I also am new to Cathe and have had the warmest of welcomes. Everybody is so nice.

Anyhow, your heart rate monitor sounds cool. I wanted to tell you that I use a pedometer and it showed that I did 6500 steps in Interval Max compared to 4700 steps in my one hour Kathy Smity Step video--I agree that Cathe gives you a much more effective step workout! Keep up the hard work!


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