New Runners Check-In; All Runners Welcome! August 10, 2009

Hi Ladies

A large portion of my day was spent reading about various running injuries. Yes, I attempted to run this morning. As you probably can imagine I didn’t make it very far. The spectrum of emotions I have felt today is similar to the stages of grief. What is funny is all of this is pre-mature as my podiatry appt isn’t until 9/14.

Sunday I am going to check out the health club pool. They supposedly have a 500m out door pool and a 25 yd indoor pool. If it checks out I will swim, bike and row until I can run again. (The health club is 40 minutes one way!)

Here is an extract from the newspaper about yesterday’s fire,the location is about 1 mile from my house.:

A Friday fire destroyed a residence and burned an acre of wildland. Authorities also arrested at the scene a 58-year-old [man], who appeared to be attempting to set a fire. A total of about 45 firefighters from [__]and Cal fire, as well as inmate crews, responded and got to work quickly. Several aircraft also helped with the firefighting effort. County Sheriff's Office received a request for assistance from Cal Fire, which reported that two subjects were at the scene obstructing firefighters. As deputies were on their way, Cal Fire further reported that the subjects were threatening the crews as they battled the blaze and one of the subjects was screaming that he “was the devil.” When deputies arrived at the scene, Cal Fire personnel led deputies to an area of the fire line where the two subjects had apparently fled, Deputies found [____]kneeling at the fire line trying to light matches. They confronted him and, following a brief struggle, took him into custody. While he was being arrested [___] threatened to kill one of the deputies, [___] was immediately transported from the scene of the fire and booked at the County Jail on felony charges of arson and threatening a peace officer, as well as a misdemeanor charge of resisting arrest. [___] is known to locals as having “some problems,” and his part in the actual fire isn't certain. Officials are continuing to investigate the cause. [End]

Jenn – Hi, yes did legs 2x this week, no not fried yet! I am considering going heavier and using my barbell for Meso 1 (I don’t want to buy heavier dumbbells), but I need to sort out my ankle issue first!

Alisha – how are you feeling?

Tricia – 4 miles – way to go girl!!! Ok, some advice - don’t do what I did, build gradually with plenty of recovery time thrown in. And always listen to Morningstar.;)

Christine – you are so smart to keep your rotations changing! BTW how did you break your foot?

Morningstar – Is the hiking trip still on? If so, have a stupendously beautiful time. Enjoy lying on your back gazing at the morning sky, take the time to bask in the sunset and revel in the magical twilight, but most of all soak up the evening stars and the waning moon.
Eat lots and lots of bread.:)
Hello lovely women,

Thank you all for your incredibly beautiful words of condolence. I am feeling better today. I refuse to dwell, so onwards!

Yesterday I attempted to run the 5k race route again, even though I had just attempted it just the day before. I got about 13 minutes in and could not go any further. I walked 2 minutes, tried again, stopped after one minute, walked another two minutes while deciding what to do. I decided that one way or another I was going to finish the damn course, so I ran intervals for one minute the rest of the way, interspersed with one minute or thirty second breaks. So now I know that even if I have a bad day I WILL finish that mutha on race day, one way or another. Doing it this way took 33 minutes. I was disappointed, but I know I will do better next time.

I then did some upper body weight work, quick and dirty really, just wanted to do it because I hadn't done strength in a week and I know that next week will be mostly about lower body on the trail. It only took just under an hour and was not very challenging - on purpose. No push ups!

Today is just a stretching and packing day. No heavy cardio or strength, because I will be doing a whole heckuva lot of each of those very soon!

I am considering starting a short kettlebell rotation on my return. I have two kettlebells, along with about 5 kettlebell workouts that I haven't even previewed. I think I might be bored with lifting, so this might be a good way to get me interested again.

So yes, Janis, the hiking trip is still on and I plan to take all of your suggestions, as long as I have the energy at night to look at the stars! So often I just collapse into sleep immediately. The best laid plans are often destroyed by the time you are halfway through the trip, but we plan to hike anywhere from 8km to 25km per day, depending on the terrain. Where we are hiking has some of the most challenging terrain in North America. The views are incredible, so that tends to slow us down as well. We will be camping each night on the trail, not in a campsite, so that is a lot more fun.

Janis, I was so happy to read your recent blog post about your stages of grief for your ankle. You are so much more likely to heal completely and be running for years this way. Yay! I KNOW how tough that is, but you do not need to worry that this is it, that you are throwing away fitness and joy of running out the window. You WILL get back to it when it is right for your body, not just your mind.

By the way, they were talking about that arson situation you were dealing with all the way up here; I'm really glad those nutburgers didn't get any closer to you.

How's the ummm, situation, with your cycle? All straightened out, as it were, or still walking around exuding sex from every pore? And really, which way is more fun anyway? :eek:

Congratulations on the 4 miles! Woo Hoo! By the way, the Sony Walkman is indeed an MP3 player, and a very good one when you don't drop it a lot and bathe it in sweat on a regular basis.

I found Ripped and Chiseled challenging too, but if I remember correctly, it was the one I pulled out most often. Back in the day, I used to do three weight workouts back to back, so my day would go something like Muscle Max, followed by Ripped and Chiseled, followed by Slim and Lean. I remember once, I did 6 hours in a row of weight training. Up until about February this year, I did 3 hours of weight training, four days a week. Insane, really. No wonder I gained so much muscle so quickly. Now I've gone the other way and don't want to do anything.

I have to get off the computer, so I will be back later and finish this post.

Okay, I'm back.

How's the tummy/energy situation? Can you still not eat anything because of the pain? When you can eat, are you able to get in some nutrient dense food, or is it pretty much whatever doesn't hurt the most?

Congrats on the 35 minutes! I hope to be able to do that soon too!

See ya guys!
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Hello lovely women,

So yes, Janis, the hiking trip is still on and I plan to take all of your suggestions, as long as I have the energy at night to look at the stars! So often I just collapse into sleep immediately. The best laid plans are often destroyed by the time you are halfway through the trip, but we plan to hike anywhere from 8km to 25km per day, depending on the terrain. Where we are hiking has some of the most challenging terrain in North America. The views are incredible, so that tends to slow us down as well. We will be camping each night on the trail, not in a campsite, so that is a lot more fun.

Sounds fantastic!!!

Janis, I was so happy to read your recent blog post about your stages of grief for your ankle. You are so much more likely to heal completely and be running for years this way. Yay! I KNOW how tough that is, but you do not need to worry that this is it, that you are throwing away fitness and joy of running out the window. You WILL get back to it when it is right for your body, not just your mind.

I know! I am so stubborn. I have come so far, and I really do get worried that the tendril of lethargy will grab hold and all my hard work will unravel... I think you are right- I have crossed over to athleticism completely and I am not going to let this set me back. (wish the pool wasn't such a distance.) I am looking at wetsuits right now, I may occasionally swim in the watering hole near my house, which would be more fun and more convenient.

By the way, they were talking about that arson situation you were dealing with all the way up here; I'm really glad those nutburgers didn't get any closer to you.

Really!? The guy's booking photo didn't show up on the sheriff website until 24 hours later, I bet he had to 'come down' first before they could book him.

How's the ummm, situation, with your cycle? All straightened out, as it were, or still walking around exuding sex from every pore? And really, which way is more fun anyway? :eek:

Bwh- ahahhha (or a deep throaty laugh)

Yep, I got my problem solved. :D:D:DSoremax.

You know, the perfume industry, natural foods, energy drinks, drug companies, vitamin and supplements companies, you name it, all are looking for ways to capture and bottle the euphoria, the rose-colored glasses-life is good, the feeling of invincibility, the fountain of youth, or whatever you want to call it that accompanies that particular surge combination of estrogen and progesterone. Whoa baby!

Really it is no wonder guys buy fast cars and ladies get plastic surgery once the hormonal tide washes out the last time.

Every cycle I say the same thing to my dh “I wish I could feel that way for more than 4-5 days every month.” It always feel like such a rip-off that the peak, the good side, is so short compared to the descent.

Hmmm – which is better – gosh – do I have to choose? :D:D:D

See ya guys!
HEY! you didn't share how long the trip is!

(I love backpacking - haven't done it in a long long long time. Insert green smiley face of envy here.!) Have a great trip!

ETA: I have been meaning to ask if you joined Tom V's forum, the Inner Circle. Some of the guys there make up interesting rotation using kettlebells, clubs, heavy's a hybrid of functional lifting...a whole different world from pumping iron. I find it extremely interesting. Seems like they have found a way to challenge all their muscles without nerve/spine compression or lateral injuries from going heavier and heavier with the barbell.
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Wow, Janis, you're dangerous with a Quote button!

I will be gone from Monday morning to Sunday evening.

I haven't joined the inner circle yet, but I'm thinkin' about it! The stuff people are doing there sounds wonderfully wonky- although I don't see myself flippin' around any tires anytime soon!

I will probably post again before I go, but in case I don't, if I don't post again by, say, Wednesday, September 16th, you should probably assume I've been eaten by a black bear (giving the poor thing horrible indigestion, no doubt).
Morningstar - Have a fantastically wonderful trip! Take some pics and post them for us when you get back! If any bear eats you, you'll probably jump right back out whole and he'll go vegan!

Janis - Not to worry! I try to only do one longer run per week and keep the rest of them below my longest one. My DH was asked to enter the USMC marathon in Arlington, VA, so we're going to train for the one next year in October. I'll only be training for the 10K and he'll be dong the marathon, assuming he gets in! There are a limited number of entries and they fill up every year, but we're going to try for it!

Jenn - No biking in yet! We did take the pups for a nice long walk on the Cliff Walk in Newport today. They loved it! Milo carried his little hiking pack with puppy essentials and my poor little Peanut just walked. As we went farther, she got slower until I had to keep stopping and waiting for her! She's such a trooper! She kept going and we only had to pick her up and carry two or three times! She just has a hard time climbing the rocks in some of the sections 'cause of her short legs! Milo has long lanky legs and is a rock climbing fiend! I call him my little Mountain Goat! After all that, Peanut was exhausted, but Milo was still ready to go again! There's not much that can slow him down or wear him out! He will outlast you every time! Wish I could bottle that!

My DH wants to go diving tomorrow. I want to bike and play some tennis. We'll see if we can fit it all in! Probably not. I don't really get going in the morning before 10 a.m. I have to eat and have my coffee before I can even think about functioning as a real live human being!

Alisha - Hope you're feeling okay and are able to enjoy your weekend.

Christine - Having fun I hope!

Now it's back to our ongoing X-Files marathon and some ice cream! Yes, I'm splurging on ice cream. I've been good today!
Hi everyone!

Just wanted to check-in quick, as I had an eventful weekend. We thought my grandma had a stroke on Friday so spent all night in the ER. Turns out, thank GOD!!, that it was just really low blood sugar - 52. She was talking really funny and seemed out of it when the ambulance picked her up, but they gave her a shot of some sugary cocktail in the ambulance and by the time she got to the hospital, she was fine - except for extrememly high blood pressure. We had to stay until her blood pressure came down though. She is fine now. All the excitment threw me off though and I haven't felt 100% all weekend. I did get a workout in yesterday, just some cardio to help with some stress relief!

Janis, I'm glad to hear you're exploring other methods of cardio until you heal up and can run again. It was silly the way I broke my foot. I jumped up off my couch one night and landed on my foot sideways and it broke! I was doing waaaay too much high intensity cardio at the time and it was a real wake-up call.

Morningstar, I know you said you feel better and are moving on, but I wanted to say how very sorry I am that you lost your kitty! :( I am glad she is no longer suffering in anyway anymore though.

Hellos to everyone, hope you're enjoying your extended weekend.
Oh! How terrifying! I'm glad she's okay, but what a scare that must have been for you and your family! Did they give any reason why her blood sugar fell so low? She's not diabetic, is she?

Well, I'm glad everything is alright!

I would say a little stress relief would be all you need to worry about right now! Hope you can get some rest and enjoy your day tomorrow!

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to check-in quick, as I had an eventful weekend. We thought my grandma had a stroke on Friday so spent all night in the ER. Turns out, thank GOD!!, that it was just really low blood sugar - 52. She was talking really funny and seemed out of it when the ambulance picked her up, but they gave her a shot of some sugary cocktail in the ambulance and by the time she got to the hospital, she was fine - except for extrememly high blood pressure. We had to stay until her blood pressure came down though. She is fine now. All the excitment threw me off though and I haven't felt 100% all weekend. I did get a workout in yesterday, just some cardio to help with some stress relief!
Extremely low blood sugar can be a very scary thing for a diabetic, especially a Type 1 diabetic. It can also be hard to diagnose by a layperson, who can think the person is drunk, on drugs, etc., and they react accordingly.

So, folks, I'm going into radio silence for a while. I hope you all have wonderful workouts and lives while I'm gone (and after I return, actually!) I wonder what the view count will be on my return?

Ps. Janis, you will LOVE swimming!
Hello ladies,

Janis the health club sounds great. It will give you many options to help keep you active until you can run again. :)

Tricia what types of pups you do have? Your hike sounds wonderful. I hope you can all your activities in today.

Christine I am glad your grandma is ok. {{{{HUGS}}}} to you and your family.

Morningstar have a great hike.

Alisha how are you?

Yesterday I did week 1 of legs and stability ball abs. I was going to take on some cardio at the end but I was so hungry and tired.

Today I am starting week 2 of sts, more pushups. :eek: And I'm hoping to tack on some cardio to that.
Hi Jenn!

We have two Beagles! Stubborn, noisy, but so much fun and very loving! When Peanut gets tired, she'll just stop and stare at me like she's saying, "Uh-uh. Nope. Not taking one more step until I'm ready!" She's so funny! Milo gets these huge happy puppy smiles with his tongue just lolling right out of his mouth almost down to the ground! It's hilarious!

Jenn, you just go, go, go with your STS routine! I am still just doing cardio. Once in a while, I throw in a weight workout. Not very useful, I know, but I'm assuming I'll get back to my weights more once it gets too cold to go running outside! I'm hoping to be able to get to a gym to keep up my endurance when it gets too cold out! If I get STS for my birthday, my plan is to start that right in the beginning of November. Hopefully, that'll give me time to get my 1RM tests done!

Anyway, going to try to make the most of my last day off! Boy, that went by way too fast!
Good Morning Ladies!

Christine!!!! That must have been really scary! It is such a good thing, thank GOD is absolutely right, it is such a good thing that she was with all of you when she had this episode and wasn't alone! What is her normal living situation? Stress relief by exercising is a great solution, much better than the chocolate cake solution!

Tricia - training for a 10k! Yay! What an honor to run with the USMC in Arlington! Over a year to train is excellent, you'll have such a strong foundation built. Smart. Hey, maybe some of those young pups I saw in DC will be there too! Speaking of pups, your beagles sound like adorable companions. We would love to have dogs (we being ds's and I) but my dh has been opposed to it for ----ever---so we don't talk about it. I have always wanted a standard poodle, then I met a cross between a golden retriever and a poodle, a Goldendoodle. LOVE. A dog is the only thing I am deprived of, so I really have no complaints! LOL. You'll love STS when you get it, it really is a value seeing as how you only use each dvd once in 3.5 months! Great program too.

Jenn - I am doing STS disc4 today, and using my stationary bike. How is your dd doing with top and bottom expander? Ouchie?? I'll go for my first swim on Wednesday. The health club was being worked on, cleaning/ construction/repair and was closed for use yesterday, but my visit was encouraging. It was cheap too - only $10 a visit. They also have a sauna!!! Yay!

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Tricia, congrats on your 4 mile run! That's awesome! I've yet to work up to a 4 mile walk with my dog, but it's a goal of mine! Yes, my grandma is a diabetic! She didn't develop it until her 80's though (she is currently 92 and sharp as a tack!) The doc at the ER said one of the meds she is taking is known for causing low blood sugar if you don't eat properly while taking it. Normally my grandma eats just fine, but she said that day she ate something around 11:15 and that was it for the rest of the day! :eek: BTW, I had a beagle growing up, I loved his floppy ears! :D

Jen, awesome job too on your 35 min run! The podcast I was using for the C25K program came with a bonus 35 min track. I'd like to try that sometime myself. Thanks for the hugs! :)

Morningstar, I know you're already gone but wanted to say have fun & stay safe on your trip!

Alisha, how are you doing?

Janis, unfortunately was grandma WAS alone when it happend. :( The living situation is kind of a long story, but long story short my mom lives with her during the week (but works from 7-2), then she is home the rest of the day with her. However, on the weekends she goes elsewhere. My sister and I spend as much time with her as we can, but it's hard to be with her all day. Up until this point she has been incredibly self-sufficient. She would go out on a bus everyday to go grocery shopping, clothes shopping, etc. She even cooks all her meals and cleans for herself! I can only hope to be half as together if I make it to 90! Anyway, after this episode it's clear she needs round the clock companionship. We'll have to figure something out. My sister and I both talked to her on Friday and she was fine during the day. In the evening my sister called her and realized my grandma could barely talk. My grandma has a "life alert" bracelet that will get her assistance at the push of a button, but she refused to push the button because she hates doctors/hospitals! (So the bracelet is basically useless because she will never use it! She can be stubborn and its frustrating) So my sister called 911 and then headed over to the house. She said my grandma was a mess when she saw her, trying to talk but she couldn't and she was just out of it. I met them at the hospital but by then, my grandma was fine, except for the high blood pressure.

Wow, I didn't mean to ramble on so much about it, but thanks for listening (or rather, reading, LOL)

Today's workout was Jari Love's original Ripped. I am not feeling that well with a sore throat and sneezy, so I thought that one might be the easiest of the series. I was right, but it was still a good workout. Now I will relax the rest of the day! The mini-BBQ is off, but thats okay with everyone.

Have a great day ladies.
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Today I did disc 4, I got through the whole workout and then the last 2 exercises of 21's came. I went to lower bb weight and couldn't get the dang clip on the stupid thing. How irrating!! So I did the entire w/o except for the last 2 exercises.

Janis, Shelby is doing fine with her expanders. We did the bottom one for the first time yesterday. I don't know if I did correctly. We do the top every other day and the bottom ones every 4th day. I had to write this all down on the calander to remember.

Tricia, I like STS but it is exhausting. I like the structure but I have never done the 1 rep testing. I just grab and go. Don't worry November will be here before you know it.
Christine – How is your grandma? Your extended family seems so thoughtful and caring. How fortunate you all are! I want to be a self-sufficient 92 year old also!
Have you been running with your dog?

Tricia – what did you end up doing this weekend? Biking or tennis or both? I think weight lifting compliments cardio workouts, especially running, it keeps the muscles strong, builds weak areas, and you can also hit the full range of the muscle. Even though I am sidelined at the moment, I know working with weights prevented me from having more injuries than I have had.

I am thinking about buying the swimman, it’s a waterproofed ipod shuffle that clips to your goggles! Cool huh! That ‘ll make swimming much more interesting!

Jenn – you just grab and go to lift! Do you use the workout card or keep track of what weight you used so you can increase by 5% each workout? What did you do when you got to Meso 3? I know what you mean about the clips on the barbells, they can be tenacious! The pause button is my friend. LOL.

Alisha – I am getting worried about you!

Today I am using the rower and then I'll do STS legs disc6.

I am going to have to live my running life vicariously through you guys! So - gimme details!!! What you saw, your heart rate, how far, intervals or whatever you want to talk about!

Oh and - who would like to start the new thread?!

Good morning!

Its sunny, not too hot, and nice out. I just did a Leslie Sansone 3 miles with weights (thats what she calls it but seriously 2 pounders?) ok that was good.

On Friday I spent the whole day on the phone (I think I mentioned this) my doc gave me Donnatal and said if it didn't help he would give me a referral. It did not help. I just emailed him saying that it did not help, I got cramps and it did not help me sleep. I asked for the referral and that I was looking forward to understanding my test results. So, I'm sleeping better. I'm feeling better. I still have trouble eating and feel pressure so I'm favoring liquids, soups, and broth. The pain has stopped. Yeah! I have been off the gluten for a week because of other medical issues which appear to be closely associated. I have PCO and I read that 85% of women with PCO are gluten intolerant. I had never been told that. Nobody ever mentioned it. So, where I am at now is that I still don't understand my blood work, I'm trying the GF diet (gluten free) and in November I will try challenging it with wheat to see if my symptoms come back, and I am trying to get in to see an gastroenterologist. My sister has nasty GI problems too so I'm not surprised that I could have this. My mom has always had IBS problems. She had a hysterectomy at forty because she was passing blood clots the size of a softball and bleeding profusely. (she passed out on the freeway and the car pulled itself off the freeway and parked which is why I believe in angels.)
So, the whole family has issues. I have tried some fruit and a little rice with well cooked chicken. My body temperature has come back up. I had been so cold I was wearing sweaters in the heat. I'm never cold.

The protocol I'm using to deal with all of this is as follows:
Attune bars, Kefir, IBS Probiotics (capsules), peppermint enzymes, avoiding gluten (testing it later) bilberry (do not want my interstitial cystitis to come back, no way!) and evening primrose oil (for my insulin resistance/female problems.) I'm drinking broth as much as I want to deal with hunger pangs. I am going to take up a hobby to help with the sleeping if it gets bad again.

The good news is I have lost 5-6 pounds.:) The bad news is it probably is a lack of fluid/food in my body.:p

The sad news is that we lost a friend to bone cancer last Friday. I did not know him very well, but I think you guys know my Aunt Peggy has non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (cancer.) Roger was 33 years old. He was like a second son to my Aunt Peggy. He had been a friend through jiu jitsu with my cousin Robert (Peggy's son.) Roger always came for holidays. About a week ago he called to tell them he was sick. The cancer had gotten into his bones and he had a staph infection. This was quite a blow on top of the Robert's wife losing the baby. So, everybody is a bit sad. I'm ok but it really hit Peggy hard. We are going for a visit in a couple of weeks. :(

Janis- I hope your ankle is ok. I used to be best friends with the pool but then I acquired a personal floatation device that flips me upside down (also known as my butt!) I love standard poodles too! There was one here in the ranch until a few years ago and he was so friendly. Thanks for asking how I'm doing.

MStar- wish I could have gone with you on your hiking trip. It sounds like so much fun. You are right about the blood sugars issues being really hard to diagnose by a lay person. My dad gets mean/belligerent like a mean drunk only its just blood sugar (he doesn't drink it puts him to sleep.) and he isn't even a diabetic. He just doesn't eat enough.

Christine- I hope your Grandma feels better.

Jenn- Thanks for asking how I'm doing.

Tricia- I wish I had doggies! Tennis sounds like fun too.
Hi ladies,

Today I did a short run. About 25 minutes in length. Felt good. Breathing was good, I didn't feel tired, legs didn't feel like they had cement blocks tied to them.

Janis I just grab what weight I think I will be able to lift for 15 reps. This time around I am keeping tracking of the weights and increasing as needed. I really have no desire to lift heavy. I enjoy endurance workouts. The last time I did STS I couldn't wait for meso 3 to be done.

Well today is the last day of my vacation and so do not want to get back to work tomorrow. I hope Columbus day gets here quickly so I can have a 3 day weekend.

Oh and Shelby loved the first day of 6th grade. They get to earn Katz cash for good attendance and homework being turned in on time then every 10 weeks they get to have a penny social. They are also learning French for the first half of the year and Spanish the second half. Plus her teacher has a canary that she brings in and lets fly around the room.

Hope everyone has had great workouts and a happy day.:D
Yeah! I have been off the gluten for a week because of other medical issues which appear to be closely associated. I have PCO and I read that 85% of women with PCO are gluten intolerant. I had never been told that. Nobody ever mentioned it. So, where I am at now is that I still don't understand my blood work, I'm trying the GF diet (gluten free) and in November I will try challenging it with wheat to see if my symptoms come back, and I am trying to get in to see an gastroenterologist. My sister has nasty GI problems too so I'm not surprised that I could have this. My mom has always had IBS problems. She had a hysterectomy at forty because she was passing blood clots the size of a softball and bleeding profusely. (she passed out on the freeway and the car pulled itself off the freeway and parked which is why I believe in angels.)
So, the whole family has issues. I have tried some fruit and a little rice with well cooked chicken. Roger was 33 years old. He was like a second son to my Aunt Peggy. He had been a friend through jiu jitsu with my cousin Robert (Peggy's son.) Roger always came for holidays. About a week ago he called to tell them he was sick. The cancer had gotten into his bones and he had a staph infection. This was quite a blow on top of the Robert's wife losing the baby. So, everybody is a bit sad. I'm ok but it really hit Peggy hard. We are going for a visit in a couple of weeks. :(

Janis- I hope your ankle is ok. I used to be best friends with the pool but then I acquired a personal floatation device that flips me upside down (also known as my butt!) I love standard poodles too! There was one here in the ranch until a few years ago and he was so friendly. Thanks for asking how I'm doing.

Alisha - It is so good to hear from you. I am glad you are feeling a wee bit better. Gosh - grief has been at your door too frequently of late. May the months to come be filled with happiness and pleasure.:)

I think you should wait much much longer to test the gluten - I'm thinking three months! Allow your body time to heal first. And as you have a familial history of these types of problems the longer the better. I'd be inclined to eat very simply - chicken, lamb, salmon, rice, peas, green beans, zucchini....I'd even avoid the brassica family for now.

Your flotation device comment made me laugh out loud. I know I will think of it every time I swim! :D

I bet walking felt really good! It is such a mood improver. The 2# weight thing, ha ha ha, so true....

Thanks for checking in.
Janis I just grab what weight I think I will be able to lift for 15 reps. This time around I am keeping tracking of the weights and increasing as needed. I really have no desire to lift heavy. I enjoy endurance workouts. The last time I did STS I couldn't wait for meso 3 to be done.

Oh and Shelby loved the first day of 6th grade. They get to earn Katz cash for good attendance and homework being turned in on time then every 10 weeks they get to have a penny social. They are also learning French for the first half of the year and Spanish the second half. Plus her teacher has a canary that she brings in and lets fly around the room.

Jenn, I had totaly forgotten today was the first day of school! Her school and class sound excellent. I love the tri-lingual lesson plan! And the canary!!! haha - that's great!:D

You know - I only did the 1rm test on the key exercises, but I made notes about what I was lifting and entered it as I went (in the calendar section), so by the time I got to Meso 2 I had most of the exercises entered, and most definitely by Meso 3. I loved loved loved Meso 3, but that's just me, I really loved the slow and heavy and my legs suddenly had definition.

My leg workout went well, although it seemed to aggravate my ankle :(
But tomorrow is my inaugural swim day, they have a whirlpool too (in addition to the sauna) and I plan to soak!
Good Morning Everyone!

Didn't have a chance to post last night!

Alisha - It must be so frustrating having to deal with all of this still! I hope you get some answers soon! At least you're able to get something down!

Christine - How is your grandmother doing? Better, I hope!

Jenn - Sounds like you've crossed the threshold and are ready for some longer runs! Congratulations!

Janis - I thought the floatation device comment was funny, too! I can barely swim anyway, so it just cracked me up! Enjoy your swims! Because I'm so bad at it, I can't get any good cardiovascular benefit!

Monday ended up being a veg day! DH worked on the yard, then did his practice GMAT exam to see where he stood (that was 3 1/2 hours), so by the time we had lunch, it was almost 2 p.m. After digestion, it was 3 p.m. and I was pretty much settled for the day!

On the good side, I ran last night, 3.28 miles! My legs were tight afterwards! Probably from not running for 3 days! I did have a little squirrel go flying across my path in my last mile! He had a black tip on his tail! I've never seen that. When I got to the bike path, there were some women, probably a class, with easels and paints out all along the parking lot. They were just sketching with a pencil when I headed out, but when I got back, they looked close to done! One or two even looked pretty nice! As I stretched, I looked up at the skyline across the river and saw a faint rainbow! It was beautiful! Funny, I thought about how bright and clear they used to be when I was little and how for many, many years I just didn't see them. Now, I see them pretty often again, but never as bright and colorful as so long ago. A sign of the destruction of our environment and pollution? I don't know, but it kind of made me happy and sad at the same time.

Tonight, I think I'll do a Cardio Coach run. Oh, and, I FINALLY got below 126! I hit 125.6 today! I thought I'd never see my 125 goal. I'm hoping to be there by Friday! Yippee!! Not sure why all of sudden my body has decided to let go of that last . . . stubborn . . . pound!

Morningstar - Wherever you are today, I'm thinking about you and wishing I could be there too!

Have a great day!
I"m making us a new thread

This one is really long. So, I made us a new one. For updates, go to the New Runners Thread For Sept. 9, 9.

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