Need a cellulite solution


I have had cellulite since I was 16. Although I have never been fat, I have been from time to time chubby for my 5" 1' frame. Last August 4 months after my son was born I started working out regularly. I have been using various videos. Since Ocotber I have been using The Firm set w/Cardio Scuplt, Body Scuplt and Ab Scuplt. I have tried doing other cadio in my routine, such as running or walking when I can. I average 3 days a week with weight training and one with cardio. I am very proud of my success. I was 130 last summer and now I am a very lean 114. I have more muscle than I have ever had. I know my cellulite is better but I have such a stubborn case, especially in the inner thighs. It is aggrivating for me. I am fit, I am 22 and I just want it to go away. A friend told me about your workout tapes and suggested them. What video or videos would you suggest for me. I really don't need to lose any more weight. My measurements are 34 bust, 25 1/2 upper waist, 29 lower waist around belly button (needs work), and 36 1/2 on hips. I have busted my butt getting in shape but want these ugly bumps to go away. I really could use advice. I also eat very healthy too.
I appreciate your input if you have time. I am new here and hope to be an avid member. I need a boost in my workouts!
I wondered if you are breastfeeding? I was told by a fitness guru of sorts that your estrogen levels may contribute to cellulite formation/retention. I do not know if that is true by any means. I have been running this year more than ever and I think it has really helped my legs as far as cellulite goes. You sound like you are in terrific shape! Congratulations.
I'm not Cathe but her tapes I would recommend are Power Hour or Muscle Endurance. These are total body weight tapes. If you want to separate upper body and lower body her new Pyramid tapes are excellent. The Pyramid Lower body really targets that area well. She does use a balance ball for floor work. She shows modifications with a step. Leaner Legs is a tough lower body and Ab workout. You can't really go wrong with whatever you choose of Cathe's. I have also enjoyed Cardio Kicks for a cardio workout.You may want to try to add another day or 2 of cardio to your plan as well. Doing 3 days of strength training and 2-3 days of cardio on alternate days.
Do you own a Step bench? If you do for cardio you could try IMAX. It's intense, but easy to learn and an awesome fatburning workout!! All of Cathe's step tapes are fun to do and if you've stepped before they can be easy to learn. Choosing a Cathe can be tough to do! Hope this has helped a little! Susan
Hi there!!! I have had the same problem all my life, no matter I am lean or chuby, but I discover this through a personal trainer. I asked for some kind of help with my amount of fat in the body, so she told me about L-Carnitine, an aminoacid that weight lifters use to get leaner muscles. So I gave it a try. I do lift weight, but only once or twice a week; I did not get bulky muscles, but it helped me with my cellulite, I can tell you it is like 90% diminished. I had it in my buns and legs, and I can tell you now I can wear a swim suit!!! I bought it in a GNC store and take one pill every morning with an empty stomach. I have been taking it for about six months and you can see the diference in about a month. And the pill just makes me sweat more easily in my workouts.
I hope this helps.

Hi Michelle, Is this product safe and natural. I have heard of it by name but not what it is exactely.

I appreciate your advice. I too wonder did you look into the health aspects of this pill. I think I may call my doctor and see what she says. If she gives me the ok, I'll try it. I mean why not give it a whirl if it is safe.
I was breastfeeding up until december. So I breastfeed for a total 9 months. I think I will try running more as well with the nice weather being here now.
Thanks Susan, I was really interested in her Pyramid Lower. It does look like a hard workout, just what I need.
Michelle, I am very interested to know more about this L carnitine idea. I have cellulite on my thighs that wont' go away no matter how much weight I lose and muscle I build and toning I do. I am 47 years old and have had the ugly bumpy stuff on my thighs all my adult life. All I have read has been discouraging about it actually going away but I keep working at it. It is much improved after 5 years of Cathe, running and 35 pound weight loss but I get disgusted when shopping for or wearing bathing suits thinking "as hard as I've worked and I look like this!"
Did this REALLY work!!!! Do you know much about what it does, is it safe and all that or where could I go to learn more???
At the risk of throwing a grenade into a foxhole, I'll reprint a column from Dr. Cedric X Bryant (ACE Chief Exercise Physiologist) in the March/April '03 edition of the American Council On Exercise "Fitness Matters" publication:

"The whole notion of cellulite is a myth. 'Cellulite' is simply plain old fat. A significant portion of the body's fat is stored subcutaneously (i.e. directly beneath the skin), where strands of connective fiber separate fat cells into compartments. When fat cells hypertrophy (i.e increase in size), they tend to protrude out of these compartments, giving the skin a dimpled appearance in some individuals - especially women. Whether or not individuals develop "cellulite" depends on several factors, including the amount of fat in their bodies, the strength of the connective fibers and the thickness of the skin. In women, the connective fibers are usually taut, the skin is thin and the fat tends to protrude between the connective fibers. In men, the connective fibers are more flexible and the skin thicker; therefore, the fat is more evenly contained.

"Special creams, lotions, machines, etc. will not rid the body of 'cellulite'. 'Cellulite' will, however, yield to the same regimen that gets rid of excess body fat - sensible eating and regular exercise (aerobic and strength)."

Of all the Bigfoot myths of the health, "diet" and fitness industries the "cellulite" myth is surely one of the most enduring (probably the most enduring myth has to be the lo-carb diet). From at the very least the early 1970's, with "Madame Ronsard's" book and spa dedicated to attacking cellulite, millions of trusting consumers have been suckered into believing that cellulite exists by would-be "scientists" who are willing to prostitute their credentials to make a fast big buck.

Just my $.02.

Yes A-jock, I have read all this too about cellulite and I pretty much think it is true. The only thing is that in some people (me I guess!) it just doesn't seem to respond that well to diet and exercise. Since doing Cathe weight training 2 to 3 times per week, running about 20 miles a week and eating well (about 30 pound weight loss over last 4 years), my body has really toned and everything is much improved except the cellulite on my thighs. It IS better, just still there! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get rid of it!! But I am skeptical of most methods just because of all I have read. I am thinking of trying a rigorous thigh toning routine in addition to all my other stuff which I put together from Cathe and some other videos I have (Buns of Steel for one!) but I am skeptical. It may be that I just need to drop about 10 more pounds but any weight lower than where I am is very difficult for me to maintain, especially since I hit mid 40's! Thanks for your input and any further suggestions would be welcome.
I've found that just getting a tan really helps hide the cellulite. Or use of a self-tanner. I also think the more you sit all day at a job makes it worse.
No matter what they want to call it, for us with cellulite we know it definately exists! I too work out a lot and have for close to a year now. I know I am fit, and the cellulite is better. But when you draw your hand on your thighs and you can feel the bumps it causes distress. Especially when you are eating and working out often. And since you can not "spot reduce" it makes it more agrivatting. Sure it's excess fat, but when you are doing everything you can you get a little sick of the embarressment of it. Our culture even makes fun of and says you should be embarressed of your cellulite. I remember a sprint commercial where they used the play on words cellular for cellulite and how an aunt had cellulite and how awful it was (all in a whispery voice). Sorry A-Jock but your 2 cents are not helpful. No matter the idea of what to call it, it still exists.
I heard that Avon's cellusculpt does a good job of reducing the appearance of cellulite, but does not get rid of the problem, as soon as you stop taking it, the cellulite will "reappear". I personally wouldn't care. I am trying Nivea's skin firming cream (my mother got it for me, what is she trying to say), I will let you know how it goes, if nothing else, it is a good moisturizer:D
Hi Aquajock,

I think that was super well written and totally agree. Most of us, and I include myself in this, just look for a fast solution. I have been working out for over a year now, but I don't eat as healthy as I should and I know my weight is a little high. So if we really want to be serious about getting rid of the cellulite, we really need to watch what we eat, and get down to our ideal weights/body fat.

I used to dream that exercise would do it all for me, but I'm starting to realize that I can be as fit as anything, and still carry excess fat. Diet, unfortunately seems to play the bigger role.

Now if I could just get myself to like veges, I'd be laughing!
To get the fat out of your body, you have to get the fat out of your diet. I read that in one of my magazines and to me it makes a lot of sense. I don't eat as clean as I should but I have been better the last year or two. I just enjoy eating too much so I've been trying to make my portions smaller.

I can sympathize with you. I am a fitness instructor and personal trainer. I do cardio and strength training faithfully and I follow a clean diet. I have great quad and hamstring development, and my abs are well-defined, and yet still have cellulite on the back of my thighs.
I chalk it up to genetics. My mom who is lean and my sister who is lean both carry cellulite on their thighs. I finally resigned myself to this fact. But I don't give up totally....I still train my legs faithfully using methods like that in PS-Legs and Pyramid- Lower Body. I also jog and do step aerobics, and fully believe in walking lunges. All these things have improved the cellulite, but it is still there.
I have finally found peace with my foe. I know I have done my best and have learned to focus on the positives about my body and health and not harp on the negative. And perhaps the cellulite is not as bad as you think. We are our own worse critics.
Good luck, and God bless!
Hi Julie~I don't have any solutions either as I battle it too. I instruct four Hi/Lo classes a week, plus do all the Cathe tapes and jogging and it is still there. I believe it is definitely genetic as I see others around me who never exercise and eat whatever they want and don't have an ounce of it. I do know it has gotten better with exercising, focusing on cleaning up my diet (that is MY hard part) and also adding jogging and the B&TR into the mix. I know this has not helped you at all but want you to know I do know how you feel. It is VERY frustrating and ugly!! (I always say I am going to have a talk with God when I get to Heaven on why He gave that to us! Ha!) Good Luck and if anyone else can add some helpful hints, we would be sooo appreciative!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Julie~I don't have any solutions either as I battle it too. I instruct four Hi/Lo classes a week, plus do all the Cathe tapes and jogging and it is still there. I believe it is definitely genetic as I see others around me who never exercise and eat whatever they want and don't have an ounce of it. I do know it has gotten better with exercising, focusing on cleaning up my diet (that is MY hard part) and also adding jogging and the B&TR into the mix. I know this has not helped you at all but want you to know I do know how you feel. It is VERY frustrating and ugly!! (I always say I am going to have a talk with God when I get to Heaven on why He gave that to us! Ha!) Good Luck and if anyone else can add some helpful hints, we would be sooo appreciative!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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