Men's Locker Room Check-in


Congratulations on both counts! Finishing an STS cycle and 1 month of no smoking!

Cathe's RT is NO JOKE! Today we had 4 classes today! Step class, 30mins later, Boot Camp ( That was a killer!) then yoga and I lower body workout! WHEW!!!!

I'm beat...I can barely type. I've lost 5 pound since friday....probably all water weight cause I've sweat buckets!

Enjoy your vacation!

Hey Guys

Kevin, I watched some of the first step class online and I saw you (& your wife? Was she on the left of you?) Great job, and I'm super jealous. I'm glad you had fun.

Chris, keep up the non-smoking. Enjoy some time off STS. I enjoyed revisiting some other workouts - they all seem so much less intimidating after STS.

I backed my jogging off to 6 miles, and feel no knee pain at all. So I've stuck with that for a few weeks, and tried 7 miles today. So far so good. I really want to take advantage of the nice weather.

More guys should go to the RT

YEAH DUDE! that was me and my wife was next to me!!

Let me tell you....It was sooo worth the trip!!!

I was a little nervous at first because of not being very familiar with Cathe workouts and being one of a few guys there, but the girls made me feel right at home!

We had a great time working out together and making new friends. More husbands/boyfriends/significant others should go. My wife and I had a lot of fun together. I think I'm just now recovering!

I'll let y'all know when i get the pictures posted.


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