Lurker's Invitation

Will be hiking in the Grand Canyon tomorrow. Our daughter Tina and our Chasie is here as well, so should have a fabulous time.

Just got out of the hot tub. It's huge, just like his house. OMG! It's so beautiful! Will take pictures or find some so you can see his place. Unbeliveable!

, OOOOO, will be doing the Cardio's after Tina and Chase goes home, in a few more days. Ripken with triple licks? O boy, I'm in for a great workout then. can't wait!

Why are you going to the wonderful city of New Orleans? Work or pleasure?

Lat night went to Brazilian place to eat. Out of this world. Off to the buffet tonight, called the "M". Suppose to be a really great place according to Dan. And when Joey visited last time he went to Vegas and he also said how wonderful it is.

Ah, I think I might be gaining weight. Even with walking and weight training. I better watch what I eat, and won't eat anymore for the rest of day.

Have a great evening everyone,

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Athletic step, now Ripkin approved! That's a proud label :D:D Michelle, after your post, and Ripkin's triple-lick rating, I decided to do that one today. A good choice!

My only issue is that my space is now too small for step, at least as done by Cathe, and I had to modify quite a bit. The workout lends itself to that very nicely, though! And there are simply no breaks. None. The best we get is a box step :) So I did not mind having to march in place a few times while figuring out a reasonable alternate move.

Michelle, now that you have the Tower set up, how do you like using it? Or is tomorrow the first time? Does it drive Ripkin crazy to see you rising off the ground ... ?

Janie, very nice to hear from you, and learn that you and Joey and Tina and Chasie are having a wonderful and well-deserved good time together! Do send pics, and tell us about hiking the Grand Canyon. Yes, a GoWearFit is ideal for what you're doing now because it tells you how these movements add up - but really, you need to rest, mentally relax, and basically just plain recuperate more than anything else, right? It's great that you are keeping up the workouts even with all the distractions. Enjoy "M"!

Today is my last day off work, SIGH. I need to check email tonight again, set up for the morning ... have been putting that off. Tuesday I'll be on travel (not far) through Friday; that will be a chance to try out TravelFit as well as my new TRX dvds, so it is not all bad. Perhaps I'll take Boxing, too. There are three nights, after all!

Or maybe I will do a second workout tonight since I got this one in early :eek::eek::eek::eek:
Hi Ladies! I did MMA: Fusion today and all I can say is FUN FUN FUN! I absolutely loved this one! It is a feel good workout through and through. All the rolling around reminded me of my old gymnast and diving days. It felt good that I could do all the moves, including the somersault into pushup dealy that has been hanging up some folks on the Shock Cardio Forum. I worked up a good sweat as well.

Shadowpup: Thanks for the goodie on SP! I had fun last night dipping my toes in a little bit. I joined a bunch of groups and was a little overwhelmed by emails today!;) I will have to take a little bit to find the forums I really like and get off the email list of the others and check in from time to time. The girls are HUGE Harry Potter Fans we listened to all the audio books on our commute several times through before they were allowed to watch the films so that their own imaginations had time to take root. They enjoy the films but constantly compare them to the actual story and the can catch little details that even escape my attention. They are super clever girls!:) I think I might just do the print out of the 1RM and guestamate the ones left out than, especially if it seems there is some adjustments going on anyways...
Michelle: Thanks for all the info on the 1RM I am glad you are a little ahead of me in the process now even though it would have been fun to start together. After reading your posts and Shadowpups I think I will just do all the ones on the 1RM print out sheet and make an educated guess on the rest. As I am doing the 6 month rotation I will be doing each week two times in a row, so I figure the first week will be figuring it out a little bit and the second week to tighten it up! How did the STS tower workout for you? Do you need it for pull ups? I can use my cadillac, a pilates piece of equipment for that. But I think the STS tower doubles as a squat rack and maybe even a Chest Press rack is that correct?

Janey: sounds like a lovely time you are having in Vegas. The weather must be pleasant. I agree with Shadowpup and allow your self a little rest and recovery time to help with all the stress you have been through the past few months., really has been a lot from health, to family issues, to can always pick up the pace when you get home! We will be here to encourage you!~ I am also ready to really clean up the diet so we can support each other in that area as well. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}}

Hi Shoegal...missing you...hope you are well!
Good Lord - I have missed days and days worth of posts - I'm caught up now - gee - I need to get back in the swing of things. Reading about 1RM and STS - the excitment for me is building and I think that is just what I need. I am going to do Hiit 30/30 tonight and also I'm going to go start the testing again and see how far I get. The little bit of testing I have done took forever - and I was doing them by disc.

I have done Athletic Step - it was the 2nd Shock Cardio that I did - I wrote about it in my Dec 29th post :confused: Yes - It was a good intense workout - although I thought it could have used a couple more minutes of step but generally I was very pleased with it and thought it would be one I would reach for often. So glad everyone is enjoying it!!!

Laura - I love Harry Potter!!! I have read all the books and have seen all the movies - so far. I got Half Blood Prince on dvd for Christmas - have to say - not one of my favorite Potter movies - but still good. I jumped on the bandwagon when there were 5 books out - wondered what all the hysteria was about it - so bought the books - and had a blast reading them. I loved the Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone movie so much - and the Prisoner of Azkaban - thought that was clever and the Order of the Phoenix - also very very good. I can't help comparing what I've read to the movies - I do that with Jane Austen too!!!

Okay - about the shoes - you have to buy what you like - there isn't any secret to the shoes - but if they speak to you - you have to have them!!! Also - you have to like the fit - if they hurt - it will be a cold day in hell that you'll want to put them on. Rex is all over me about my shoes choices - I have practical, warm shoes - but if I'm going to be walking from the car to the building and back again - who says you can't wear heels? I'm so into pointy toed shoes - slingbacks, pumps - I think they look the sleekest & sexiest - well, to me - Rex sometimes says my shoes look scary like witches shoes. It isn't about what he likes though or what I like - it is about you and what makes you feel good - it is a very personal choice - and if they are snowshoes or riding boots or boating shoes or no shoes - that they are all the perfect choices.

So New Years Eve - there was no canoe ride on a frozen lake, Thank GOD!!! My goodness but it is soooo cold. We ended up seeing a movie - "The Blind Side" very good - highly reccommend it. We went out to dinner to one of our favorite restaurants - unfortunately, it is fast becoming our not so favorite restaurant recently. Came home - I put together some snacks - shrimp, Champagne and we brought in the New Year - just the two of us. I fell asleep on the couch afterwards - when I woke up he was watching that old Striptease movie with Demi Moore, huh???? He was getting a kick out of it - but I thought the 2 parts I saw were lousy. Next day, we packed up the girls and went hiking in Moraine State Park - then over to my Mom's for Pork dinner!!! So I had a nice time - decorations - still up!!! - and still beautiful I might add. I'm really enjoying them - I will take some pictures for everyone to see. I bought some more yesterday on clearance. :eek::eek::eek:

Oh - one more thing - I came home yesterday and Rex said he had a surprise for me. He takes me back into his office - and I feigned a heart attack. He had cleaned up all of the papers and crap that had a been around - now it is clutter free and empty - I LOVED THAT. What a great surprise.

Okay - I will post again a little later - finish up personals - hope everyone has a great day.
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Laura, you're welcome! I don't know why I like SparkPoints and the silly little goodies, but I do enjoy getting the one so I can 'give' the other :) The site is just plain huge. I mostly just go to a few favorite places, like that checkin thread, log my workouts, read some articles, and call it good, nowadays. And after your review, am looking forward to MMA Fusion. Sounds great! Very glad to have gotten Shock Cardio at presale prices! Do your girls like The Dark Is Rising Series, The Hobbit, and so on, also? And what about Walter Farley's Black Stallion series ... ? Or maybe those are too dated, now.

So, I'm also a Harry Potter fan. I'm sorry that the series ended ... it certainly made it harder to find a good Christmas gift for my mom! She's the one who got me hooked to start with.

Must confess I also compare books to movies, and fuss when they don't match, especially if it is a favorite book. For instance, my DH thinks it is hysterically funny that I complain about Asfaloth having the wrong rider in Lord of the Rings, but doesn't everyone know that he is *Glorfindel's* horse??? At least they got the color right.

Shoegal, thanks for the shoe advice. I haven't been thinking about shoes as being related to me in any truly personal way, unless they are functional (riding boots, hiking boots, workout shoes). For biz shoes I tend to ask myself if the shoe looks okay, check to see if the color doesn't clash with too much, and decide if I could walk between buildings in them without pain, but never ask whether or not they speak to me. Standards clearly too low. I'll think about that ... soon my work pumps need replacing! It sounds more fun your way than my usual try-it-fits-buy-it. Your evening sounds fun, too! Very glad you opted out of the canoe ride. BRRRRR. Agree with you on that particular movie :) But Rex and I could have been twins, since I also shocked my DH by presenting him with a clean office! He wondered what happened to his real DW :eek::eek::eek:

Very good on the decorations! New ones, on sale! Now, did you put the new ones up, just to kind of see how they'll fit in with the others? Or will you make yourself wait until next year? Definitely we need those pics!

Michelle, hope you had a good day today! Were you back at work? I was, though from home; and found it a little painful, to be perfectly frank ... it was a lovely time off.

Janie, hope you are doing okay in Vegas still. Worried a bit til I heard that here were no civilians harmed in the shooting there today.

All, tomorrow I am headed out again but only through Friday. I may do STS legs in the morning first. That was on the list for today, and then I realized I had not had a break in too long. Having all these new dvds is making it difficult to take rest days on schedule. But, being on travel will give me an excuse to use the TRX and Travel Fit, so that's fine.
I did Hiit 30/30 last night - WOW!! It was a terrific workout - and definitely the one to start with - I could make it through 30/30 - although by the end I was gasping for air. In the beginning I could pretty much recover in 30 seconds - near the end I couldn't get my breath back. I was surprised at how well I did the intervals - the tuck jumbs and air jacks especially. It has been awhile since I've done them and I used to pride myself on doing them relatively well but I was just pleased that I could actually do them. I didn't skimp on any of the intervals - and it was a blast!!! Has anyone else done 30/30? I unfortunately didn't get any 1RM testing done :(- but decided I'd do it this evening as a workout.

DH called me outside to look at the snow. He said it was downright balmy outside and that it was really beautiful. The house looks so pretty with the pine sprays and bows - and we were talking about how much we love it. He said he wanted to leave it up awhile longer - I'm all for that but not too long -after awhile it looks as if you don't take care of your house if Christmas hangs around until February. He asked if there was some sort of winter decorations we could do - I mean afterall I do decorate for Fall. I don't do snowmen so I'm at a loss.

Shadowpup: YES! You know me so well - I did put out the new decorations I bought - just to try them - I had to see!!!:eek: Last night - I pulled out the whimsical ornaments I bought and put them on the tree I'm trying to convert to a more whimsical look - it looked fabulous. Then I thought - It would really be a shame to take this tree down right about the time it is coming into its own. You should have fun with your shoes for goodness sake - think less for function and more for fun. I like shoes now with patterns and multiple colors - they can be your splash of color to dress up an outfit that is relatively plain. Say you have black on from head to toe - what is wrong with a really cute pair of red heels??

I had my DH buy me a pair of weight lifting gloves for Christmas. They were too small and we took them back - while I was at the store I saw a pair of Cathe "cardio gloves" - and I was immediately attracted to them. Rex said - yeah, I saw those - I would have bought them but you said you wanted weight lifting gloves. So I did. What are cardio gloves for? I really don't believe that I need gloves to do cardio - or am I being dim?

Have to go, unfortunatley, hope everyone has a great day.
Yesterday was back to work for me and I just didn't have time to post. So, it was STS disc 2 yesterday, back and triceps, which seemed a little easier than disc 1. Used my tower for the pull-ups and chin-ups in the supine position. Boy those are hard. I think that I am not quite positioned correctly and will have to spend a little time figuring out the correct form and where I should have the bar. But, that tower sure is a sweet exercise accessory.

Shoegal: I'm totally with you on the cardio gloves--what are they for and how are they different from weight lifting gloves? It's just not clear to me from the descriptions on the shopcathe website. I'm also with you on shoes: they have to talk to me before I even consider trying them on which means I don't try on many shoes because not many give me that "vibe" these days. But I'm not too adventurous with shoes either. Oh well.

Janie: sounds like a good time in Las Vegas. The trip to NOLA next week is business. The conference is at the Pavillion Hotel so that is where I'll be staying. Only my second trip to NOLA. I will definitely be taking Travel Fit with me.

Shadowpup: welcome back to the working world--vacation time is so much more fun. Speaking of which I need to run for an afternoon meeting, so I'm going to have to cut this short. Will try to get back later.

Laura: just a quick note. I'm a Harry Potter fan too. Love the books. Movies can only be so good when the books are so well written. Haven't seen the most recent movie yet though.

After eating so many wonderful dishes during these holidays, my GERD decided to act up yesterday, just before the Sky Bridge at the Grand Canyon. Yep, I was too sick to go. But, we plan on going again in about a week with Dan this time. Oh well. Need to eat 4 or 5 small meals during the day, and can't eat things that will flare it up.

Decided to take the day off, walk a little, hot tub, and maybe watch WII cardio. Dan has that here. He said he would show it to me. Hmmmmm.

I think Laura's idea to change our names from Lurkers to something else is a great idea. You all are way beyond Lurkers anymore. Congratulations. If you all agree (this is your forum too) let's do that. But, don't be surprised if I keep trying to get others to join the Lurkers group again. It worked for you, and I'm hoping it will still work for others as well. Hopefully it will bring in more people like yourselves. You guys are the best! Sounds like fun trying to think of a name for us.:D

, I here ya on the no space for step. So, we had to add another room to fit all our equipment in. One room is for the Smith Machine, treadmill, and to store the boxing/kick bag and small things. Our family/theater room, has our steps and it's many risers, the tower, and all our free weights. That's also where we built our aerobic flooring. There is also a TV in there to do all of Cathe's and other instructors. Do you think we went overboard? LOL

I think the way you have yours set up is just fine. Especially if there is no breaks and glad you have at least a box step. That does the job.

I should mention also that Anthony and his Parents (Cyndi and Uri) were here as well. They left the day after New Years. Tina and Chase just now left for the airport, Sid is awaiting their arrival. I'm going to miss our bunch. Monique and Cody decided to stay home as well as Miros David and Adrian. That's our whole gang.

Need batteries for my camera, and don't know if Dan has the software to be able to store pictures or not. I'll see what he has tonight. Will show pictures if I can. When we get home, for sure I will.

Didn't go to "M Buffet" after all. Probably for the best (serendipity), there was a line with at least 50 people in it and not moving. Got sicker as soon as I got back to Dan's anyway. No more eating out of control for me.

Sorry to hear that you are going back to work so soon. Hope you had a wonderful time. You can almost take all of the Shock Cardio's with you. Isn't that great?

I've checked out SP and found out that I joined I think Last year sometime. But, I don't know how to maneuver in it yet. something to work on. I found you, but not Laura yet. It's a little intimidating.

Laura, You are getting me so excited about trying a Shock Cardio. I need to pick one out for tomorrow or the next day, any suggestions? I have most of them here.:) I am so ready to clean up my diet and start moving a little more. Jeesh:eek:

Shoegal, It takes awhile to get test your 1RM. Just do it like your exerciing for the day. Soon, you'll be done in no time.

I see you are enjoying the Shock Cardio's as well. Can't wait! I'm getting all wired up to do them very soon.;)

I agree about the shoes, you do have to buy what you like. Enjoy! Wish I could see your shoe closet. Do you have one?:D

Rex is such a sweetheart for surprising you with cleaning up so much stuff. That is so :cool:.

Will continue with this posting.

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Deborah, I didn't hear anything about a shooting. That's scary! I'll have to look that up. Glad to hear no one got hurt.

Have a wonderful trip and will see you back on Friday. Do remember your breaks in-between workouts, even though we have great DVD's in our pocession. I can see it happening though, to many things to try and not enough time to do them. :eek:LOL That's funny.

Shoegal, Great job on Hitt 30/30. I can't wait for you to upload your pictures of (it's got to be) the most beautifully decorated (inside and out) house.;) I'm glad you are leaving the decorations up a little longer for enjoyment. You worked so hard.

Michelle, Good job on your workouts. Don't you just love the Tower? I have to modify with the Tower, but will get there sometime. Enjoy Travel Fit and NOLA. ;)

OK then, I'm heading for the hot tub with a glass of water,

I missed yesterday as well, first day back into the routine and all! I did two pilates classes and my Total Tone Class. Had a bunch of newbies, predictable for the New Year Resolutions and all, but few tend to stick it through March;)!

I was super sore with DOMS today from my classes. Especially in the chest and legs/glutes. I had my morning class, Pilates, and then stayed at the Gym and got through the first 2 1/2 pages of the 1RM.:p I wonder how accurate my chest weights will be considering how worked over they are today already? It took me and hour and a half to get through that much. I went through the 1st two discs, which I had printed up, and only found 2 or 3 exercises which weren't covered in the print out sheet so I added those. I wonder if the further you go in the series the more you find left out? I think the ones not added were close enough to the ones on the print out, that it would be easy enough to estimate? I guess I am trying to convince myself that I don't need to go through all 30+ discs to do my STS!!LOL!:rolleyes: I also took a quick snowshoe up the road with Maggie, I was tired and didn't really want to go but she looked at me with those big brown eyes of hers and well who could deny her?

Shoegal: Nice to hear from you, I am happy to hear that other adults enjoy Harry Potter as well! I really loved the books too! So much Fun! Isn't that nice that your DH was admiring all your hard work decorating, it must have been lovely in the snow! And I wish my DH would clean up his office! It is a mess! He has a few spaces that are 'his' and they are all messes! UGH:mad::mad: Oh well, I just avoid them entirely..:eek: Good Athletic Step about Killed Me! I got to work on that cardio after that 3 month stint of P90X. I really did find 40/20 easier, maybe because there was at least some Plyo in P90X which was similar...oh and I haven't done 30/30 yet. Hopefully tomorrow..

Shadowpup: I am not familiar with the Dark is Rising Series actually. They have seen the old Hobbit movie and have heard us talk about the Lord of the Rings but I think they are still to young for that part of the adventure yet. I was mostly impressed with how they adapted the story to screen play, it is interesting to watch some of the special features when the discuss the hows and whys of their choices. But there were certainly some scenes they didn't do that I really enjoyed in the books. I don't know why but Tom Bombadil was always a favorite character of mine and I would have loved to see him come to life on the screen. We should read the Hobbit this year though..
Michelle: yep back to the grind:confused: It takes awhile to get back into the rhythm of things again. We had such a mellow, relaxing time here that it is hard to be rushing around again! Will adjust to it soon...sounds like the tower is a hit!

Janie: I haven't heard about a shoot either, so scary! I am so sorry that your GERD is acting up again. It is so hard during the holidays isn't it? I am glad you are with your family, it is so special to be together. I hope you feel better soon. Those Shock Cardio's must be screaming your name by now! Hmmmm I don't know what to suggest first. I did 40/20 first which Cathe listed as the most intense, but I thought Atheltic Step was harder. ..could have just been the day...So far the KB is the least intense that I have done. Have you done the Fit Travel yet?

As far as changing the name I am really impartial, it was just an idea, we do seem to have come together nicely, people have come and gone, EllieP, UK Laura, Ironlady, and a few others that I can't recall their names...we could do another call out for new ones to join us or start a new thread...I am open.
I get home last night - and DH hops on the computer and stays there - doing God only knows what - in fact, I know I asked twice what he was doing but it never sunk in - all I knew was that he was on the computer. I was going to use it to do my 1RM - so that did not happen. So I had to do something else as my workout - those Shock Cardios called my name again. I did Circuit Blast. I love circuit workouts - and this was certainly a blast - intense - lots of impact, different & exciting moves - I again, was just amazed that I did it all and I really enjoyed it. This workout had premixes & a nice bit of a cool down. I was drenched afterwards. One exercise - don't remember what she called it - but you put your hands on the floor jump your legs out into a push up postion - then back in - then out to one side - then back in - then back to the middle - then out to the other side. Didn't look that tough - but goodness I had the hardest time getting through it!!! I will be interested in hearing what everyone else thinks of the workout.

Laura - I did find Athletic step intense - but I got through that fine - I wasn't able to do all of 40/20 -although I'm not sure if I was truly giving it my all. You are right - to give a workout a fair chance you have to do it several times - it might be just the day - so it will be interesting to hear what our impressions are the next time we do these same workouts. I wanted to tell you that I'm also for changing our name - because this group has evolved - and I'm not sure if Lurker describes us anymore. But what shall we call ourselves? Any suggestions???

Michelle - I love the tower too - but right now - I mainly use it to hold my barbell. I liked it especially since I didn't have to bend down to put the bar back on the floor - I just stuck it on the tower - and retrieved it from there - just better all the way around on my back - and to change the plates. Right now I just can't imagine trying to do a pull up/ chin up on it and it sounds like that happens immediately with STS. Well - we all have to start somewhere. Good job on starting your first round with STS - are you doing 3 month or 6 month?

Janie - So sorry your GERD acted up - but I'm so glad you have good people around you and that you are enjoying yourself!!! Take good care - it is nice to indulge - but as I've recently rediscovered - it is also nice to get back in the swing of things and keep an eye on how we treat our bodies. Too many treats around - and I just end up feeling crappy about what I've eaten. But we never stray too far from a healthy lifestyle - it just ends up calling us all back. I think you should enjoy the outdoors while you are there - since Vegas seems like a great place for an adventure!!

Shadowpup - I need to check out SparkPeople - I'm not completely clear on exactly what it is to be honest but it sounds mighty interesting. I am intrigued. I think I'll go look after I'm finished here. On the book/movie debate - I think the only movie that I was completely happy with - that coincided with the book almost perfectly was Lord of the Flies. Anybody see that? So you are doing STS Meso 3 right now - or did you start over again? When do you travel - I have to tell you that I considered doing Travel Fit - but then sort of felt like it wasn't right to do it since I wasn't traveling :eek: How silly is that?

I'm off to get my day started. Hope you all have a good one.
Well, I never got back yesterday after my meeting--go figure, huh?

This morning the thermometer was at a balmy 30 degrees and there was no wind, so Ripken and I did our "normal" 2 mile walk this morning. We haven't done that since December 18th--the day before we got our huge dump of snow. Thankfully, the snow is just about gone except for the remnants of the huge piles left from shoveling and plowing. It felt really great to be out in the neighborhood at large again. Ripken was very happy because quite frankly he was getting tired of the sniffs in our Circle. Laura, obviously Ripken and Maggie feel the same about their walkabouts.

After our walk, I did STS disc 3 this morning. Man oh man oh man--what is it about Cathe and leg exercises, anyway? This first disc doesn't have alot of exercises with weights--ha! She still works you hard. The paper plate exercises are a real challenge, that is for sure. Since I exercise on carpet, a paper plate doesn't really slide. So, as a substitute I used the box from my Lean Cuisine lunch yesterday. It has a glossy slippery exterior and it worked great. Even better--I didn't have to spend any additional money.

Janie: sorry to hear that your GERD flared up. At least you know that once you go back to cleaner eating, it will settle down. Hope it doesn't take too long to do so. I did hear about the shooting in Las Vegas and thought of you, but I figured that you probably weren't hanging out by the courthouse.

Shoegal: Cardio Circuits sounds like fun, but I'm wondering how that will go with the STS rotation? I have to look at Cathe's STS/shock cardio rotation to see how she fits it in. When you and Laura start STS, you are going to find that the workouts go by very quickly. Sister and I are doing the 3 month rotation, by the way.

I've been thinking about what we could call our check-in group. So far, I haven't a great inspiration.
Quick Question

How do I count the reps of the STS exercise #690 standing Barbell Front Press 21's so I can enter it into the 1RM? Is it one set for 7 up, 7 half way up and 7 full? Of 1 rep for each range? Or total of each time the barbell moves?

Well enthusiasm overtook me last night and I did a Christi Taylor workout - I'm not even sure what it was called - but it is the step workout from "Terrific Trio." There is a hi/lo and a strength workout on the same dvd. About 45 minutes of good step - then a cooldown, abs and a stretch. I'm a step junkie - and I was just dying to learn it. It was complicated but it could have been more intricate - it actually had me longing for an Amy Bento step workout, if you can believe it. I really like when it is hard - I know it is frustrating sometimes but inside I'm excited by the thrill of learning complicated moves. I'm really not sure -in the entire exercise video world where I would fall in terms of level - am I advanced, intermediate/ advanced - or just intermediate? I am always wondering.

Rex and I ran to the store to do a "tire" errand. Don't ask. All I have to say is when he gets something in his head - despite my objections - or even some pretty reasonable arguments he goes ahead regardless. I was just annoyed that I had to be involved - I even told him that this "errand" was interfering with my workout!!!

Shadowpup - signed myself up for Sparkpeople - just to look and see - couldn't use "shoegal", unfortunately. You are right - the site is big and I have not even scratched the surface yet but I'm excited by it and liked the look of it. I have been slowly talking myself down from the holiday mentality -and reintroducing my healthier alternatives. But my diet and exercise regime really took a hit - and now it is really difficult for me not to want a cookie, so to speak.

Laura - sounds like you are in the middle of testing your 1RM - good job.

Michelle - I am impressed that you used your lean cuisine box as a slide. My space for exercise has a laminate floor -it is really smooth - and this - unfortunately is a hindrance - not a help. The Step will slide on the floor - I used to move the throw rug - now I exercise on it. I know that you are happy to get back to your normal walk - but didn't Ripken enjoy the snow a little bit. It has been snowing here all week. We get a little each day and nothing has melted - so it is piling up. It is deep on our deck - even though we didn't get too much at one time. More snow today about 3 to 5 inches - it should start later this evening - the bulk of the snow overnight.

Have a great day today - keep warm. :D
A Bit Much

I've read all your posts, and you all seem to be doing great!

Yesterday speed walked for 45 min. and when I got back to the house I did the Travel Workout. I enjoyed that so much and it was an intense workout for me. Thank God for Cathe, is all I have to say. Woo Hoo!

As you know, My mother has Alzheimer and has been under it's control for 15 years now. All of us has thought for the last 3 years that she would pass anytime now. A couple of days ago her body isn't allowing her to eat or drink anymore. My sister Teresa, is her caregiver, and called me last night. She wanted to know everyone's opinion whether or not Mom should have a feeding tube put in. They also found a document from 1994 that she signed not wanting extra measures taken to prolong her life. I told Teresa, that I think we should abide by her wishes. Someone in the family has a hard time with Mom's wishes, and wants her to have a feeding tube.

Today, I'll be calling to see what they all decided about the tube. If so, then she will survive a little longer, and I will stay here a little longer, and if they all decide to let her go naturally, then I will take a plane back to Seattle as soon as I can, connect to Winatche Airport and rent a car to get to Tonaskit, where my Mom is. All her children will be around her with love and respect and prayers, so she won't be alone when she passes. This is so sad!

I know this is overwhelming and it seems to me that "enough already" with my problems. I should probably not spill so much to you all. But, if it's alright with you, I'd like to continue to vent. It does help me. You can just ignore it. I really don't want you to quit posting here because of me and here goes Janie's problems yet again. Believe me I've never had so many downs in such a short period of time in my life. I know I won't be able to post everyday while this is happening, but I still need the support you all give to continue to exercise. That, right now is so important to me. Especially when all this is happening.

Reading about all your new exercises, doing them, rotations, routines...listening about your lives, that is where it's at right now. Outside of this world, I have my family, a couple of friends, and my animals to keep me in check. My body has a little inconvenience (GERD) and I normally don't let that interfere with exercising. Mentally with all that is happening, well, it's hard, but along with venting and continuing to exercise will be key for me.

I think we all have evolved to a different level too, and no longer are Lurkers. We should branch out and call ourselves something really unique. Nothing is coming to me yet, but I'll be thinking about it.

I'm going to speed walk before I call my family so, I better do it.

Talked with family and they will not be using the feeding tube. Will fly out tomorrow for this sad reunion.

See yas,

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Janie -

Wanted to tell you how sorry I am about your Mother - my thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. We will be here to listen and support you always. I know you will be very busy with everything - we'll be right here waiting until you get back. (((HUGS)))
Came on to post and read your message Janie, I am so sorry!:( My thoughts are with you and your family at this time. Please don't think anyone of us would leave this thread because of you! YOU made us NON-Lurkers and brought us together! Of course you can express yourself here! I am glad that it helps you! Sometimes when life keeps throwing us one thing after another it can be very hard to stay on a healthy track. I try to think of it like this, I can't control all these external events, but I can control wether I exercise today. It helps me feel like I can at least control one thing and I know that it will make me feel better, if even a little bit. There was a lovely post by a woman in the Ask Cathe thread about losing her mother, I think, and her working out...

So today I just did my Pilates class. I spent about 2 1/2 hours at the Rec Center in Boulder Yesterday doing those darn 1RM. I was unfamiliar with the center so it took me longer because I had to keep searching around for various equipment. Cathe sure isn't afraid of using lots of different things in her workouts, is she? I had planned on doing some kind of cardio today but my left hamstring/groin starting acting up later in the afternoon. So after debating with myself, "yes I should work out, no you should let your leg rest and recover," back and forth a million times I decided to not push it. It would suck to strain a hamstring/groin muscle during the ski season! So erring on the side of caution to hopefully keep on keeping on...

Bo is out of town for the weekend so I am here with the girls all alone. I have to confess that I sometimes get a little creeped out at my house all alone at night...:eek::eek::eek::confused:

Shoegal: I haven't had an inspiration for a new name either, I just felt like Lurkers didn't fit anymore...we do all love our 4 legged friends....we are all pretty fit ladies....we are all very constant in our workouts...You do love that step! I think you must be advanced. I like the step to, but I am not that proficient in all the moves. I did Step back in high-school, the late 80's when it was really big and then a few classes over the college years but not that consistently and then nothing until I got Cathe's 4DS last year (?) It took me forever to master LIS and HIS and honestly HIS still trips me up sometimes. But that was also when I was like 'Oh yeah step is fun!! And it does GREAT toning for those thighs"" I love that!:eek::eek::eek:

Michelle: I am sure Ripken is very happy to be back on his walking routine! I can just imagine that big beautiful golden running around his neighborhood checking everything out! So cute! I know Cathe kills me on the legs every single time! And you think it should get easier, but as you get stronger you can lower and deeper and heavier and it stays challenging! Most of her workouts leave me room to grow which is why I keep coming back to her again and again and again!

Any thoughts on my question??

Hi to Shadowpup! I think you are back tomorrow?
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Oh and welcome to SP Shoegal. I am on there to. You can find my spark page under ladubose, look me up and we can be friends there to!

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