KK's January Check-In 2008

Good Evening!:)

Okay, so today was Bootcamp -- but it was the Bootcamp from the 4DS -- goodness but that's a good workout. And then tonight was cardio only -- no blasts from IMAX2.

As long as I keep that workout in the evening, my weight seems to be more manageable -- we'll see how the Black Walnut does -- this is only my second day on it -- it might be just the right thing for you -- I just wanted something to rev up my metabolism, as well.

Jeanette, I so love that original Boot Camp -- the Intensity series remains still to this day my favorite series. The new premix stuff does look to be a little pricey doesn't it? $200.00 -- as Rhea says, it is 37 workouts.

Can't afford it right now, but I can save up for it.

Hi Rhea! Hi Janie!

The spin session sounds great, Jeanette. I'll have to start looking for a vet here in Florida -- Georgie is still too young I think -- he's still a kitten -- only weighs 5 lbs.

Anyway, have a great day tomorrow, everyone and also have a really super weekend.:7
Good morning,
Today was the standing work from Butts & Guts and then did most all of the floor work from GS Legs. Great workout and boy, were my legs burning. I tried to focus on going lower in my squats and lunges. Have some errands to do after work today.

Karen, I've only done 4DS Bootcamp once, will have to get that one out again. Know you are enjoying those workouts. Keep me posted on the black walnut. How does it rev the metabolism? Georgie is a little thing, isn't he? Hope you have a wonderful day today, Karen :+

Hi to Rhea and Janie!

Good Evening!:)

Well, since this is Sunday, I thought I'd better look at the upcoming week. Friday and Saturday were 4 day split days and then today was simply a 9 minute warm up and stretch and that's all -- my day off.

Anyway, here's the plan:

Mon: IMAX2

Tues: ME -- probably the premix cause time is a consideration -- only 3 months to deadline.

Wed: Straight cardio -- not sure what yet -- also a stretch to go with it

Thurs: Bootcamp -- Intensity series

Fri: Boot camp -- cardio only 4DS

Sat: Cardio & Weights

Sun: Off

At night I'll be doing any sort of 30 minute or so cardio before bed -- just to keep the weight down.

Jeanette, here's what it says about the Black Walnut -- just alittle of it -- apparently the Black Walnut Hull is very high in Potassium and Iodine, and the body situations like metabolism, weight gain, hypothyroid, parasites, moles, warts, athlete's foot, etc, can't survive in the presence of Potassium. If you are interested, I can try to email you more personally. It's going pretty well so far.

Anyway, have a super day tomorrow, everyone. Hi Rhea & Janie! Hope you are both doing well.

It's been a good weekend for me -- lots done. More to do -- especially with the deadline.

Great workouts, everyone!:7
Good morning,
Today was LIC circuit. Great workout for me. Home from work today as it's a holiday. Have house cleaning in store for me today. Got the computer desk cleaned up today.

Karen, have you been writing a lot lately? I am interested in more information on the Black Walnut. Feel free to email me. Thanks for any help.

Hi to Janie and Rhea,

Good Evening!:)

Great day today! It was IMAX2 today -- only 8 intervals, as time was short -- but did alot of writing -- yes, I'm writing quite a bit lately now as I have only 3 months now to deadline -- have another book coming out in March and so have promo work to do, as well. Plus 30 hours a week on course. Busy schedule, but then what else is new with me?

Sounds like a great day today, Jeanette -- I love LIC, just hardly ever have the time for a workout over 60 minutes.

Hi Janie & Rhea -- how are you both doing?

Well, back to work tomorrow, huh? Have a super day!:7
Good morning,
Today was 55 minutes of hi-lo aerobics, Christy Taylor and Amy Bento. Both are great instructors that keep my mind going and heart pumping (but not too hard).

Karen, good job on Imax2, even 8 intervals is great! I'll have to pull that one out sometime soon. I have Imax3 that I need to learn too. You have a super busy schedule. Is the writing flowing better now? I know you had a little bit of a time because it was a new tribe for you. Also, if you have any more info on the Black Walnut, I would love to hear more. Are you noticing any effects?

Hi Rhea, hope you are back to your old self, hi to Janie too.

Good mornin,

I see everyone is doing just fine without me. Popping in to say hi, and to see how everyone is doing. Gosh I've been busy with the rotation, book (KK, will it ever end?), cleaning my house, making bread, and testing out soap. It's a great life.

I preordered the STS series the early hours of the sale. I know I won't regret it. Can't wait for this to happen. No more worries or guessing if you did things correctly. Sounds like with this program a person will see results very quickly. That is if eating clean is in their routine.

Today is cardio, and will be doing the Wedding video. I love this one. Not to long and a no brainer for me.

Hope you all have great workouts today.


The idea is to die young as late as possible

Good afternoon.

Looks like everyone is still up and kicking! Haha!!! So glad to see everyone in great spirits with such busy schedules. I'm still here battling the last of the cold. The stuffy head, way back in the head part just doesn't want to let go. Probably a combination of closed off offices and house with wood burning smoke, allergies, etc. driving them nuts. I tried working out on Sat with Core Cardio Express. It was okay, but I'm not quite ready for cardio yet. I think I'm going to try to get back there with some yoga and some weights, we'll have to see. Back to work today with lots to do, don't have much time to think about my workouts. I need to get back into a routine, its starting to irritate me a bit. Oh well.

I probably will get the STS system. Just not sure yet, they are rather pricey.

Have a great day everyone!
Good Evening!:)

It was ME for me today -- haven't done that one in a while and it really kicked my butt good. :)

Jeanette -- I meant to personally email you about Black Walnut last night, but it was late and I went to bed as was exhausted. Sorry -- I'll do that as soon as I post here. Right now it's causing me to detox a bit -- so I've cut back on how much I'm taking. But detox is good. Yes, the book is giving me a bit of trouble, but I can no longer afford to wallow in that... So gotta just get on with it.

Great on the aerobics and those wonderful instuctors -- I really have to break out and get some other workouts.

Janie, yeah, it never seems to end with the books. Luckily, I have deadlines and so have to turn them in, otherwise, I'd probably edit it forever. There comes a time, however, when you just sort of go "that's it" and decide it's finished and get onto another project. Well done on getting the new STS workouts. The price is off-setting for me right now. I have to save up for it, I'm afraid -- but I do intend to get in on the presale.

Rhea, sure hope you'll get back in the "saddle" with ease. Yeah, sounds like a plan to do what you can and work up to it. Colostrum should help to get your energy back -- or if you really want to get it back you might go to www.phisciences.com and get the Crystal Energy. His products are what got me over the brown recluse bite as quickly as I did.

Anyway, tomorrow is a cardio and stretch for me. Have a super day tomorrow.:7
Today was Supersets, love that one with the music and stability ball. Have a bike spin session tonite. My dentist appointment yesterday went well.

Rhea, I had a cold like that a couple years ago. Just wouldn't leave. I kept wondering where all the mucous was coming from. Hung on and hung on for a couple months I swear.

Janie, you have been a busy girl. Can't wait to see what your rotation (pseudo STS).

Karen, thanks again for the info on the Black Walnut. Keep me posted on how you are doing with it. Why do you say it is having a detox effect? What is a detox effect? Good for you for digging in and getting your tasks all done. Sometimes we just have to keep pushing on.


Couldn't do the Mock STS rotation. It is too much of an undertaking. Takes a lot of time to figure everything out. Just don't have the time to do it. Will have to wait for Cathe's DVD's to come out. I'm disappointed in myself, but shoot...oh well. It's like filling your plate up with food, your eyes were bigger than your stomach.

You are a remarkable woman.

I'm sorry for you with that darn cold. I've never gone through anything like that. My sister has and she suffered as much as you. Hope you feel better soon.


The idea is to die young as late as possible

Good Evening!:)

Wow, Jeanette, you reminded me of Supersets. I love that workout! I'm going to have to add it into my rotation. Today was cardio only from 4DS HIS -- am trying to get that footwork down -- it's really hard for me. Then a stretch. Didn't work out tonight -- got home later than usual and still had work to do, so no time...

Janie, thank you for the compliment -- you are really something, I think. You impress me with your care for others and attention to detail. One can just tell from your posts how caring you are.

Jeanette, I emailed you on this last night. Did you get it? If not, I'll go back and do it again. The detox is about cysts that I have that I'm trying to get rid of and the detox is mostly being tired. But my energy is back up so I'll take it back up tomorrow, only at more of a gradient approach.

Rhea, hope you are doing well. Don't feel like you HAVE to workout to post. Just hearing from you whenever you have a moment is great!

Well, it's off to do all the things I have to do before bed and then get to bed as soon as possible. Have a super rest of the evening and a terrific day tomorrow!:7 And great workouts, everyone!:7
Good morning,
Today was the first 3 combos of Lowmax, then HIS workout. Good workout and feel like I burned some calories. I also used the 8" riser for both. Last night's spin session went well too. Short and intense so I was home before 6 p.m.

Karen, yes, I got your email. Thanks for the information. Hoping you are getting your energy back now. You are so in tune with your body and always looking for non-traditional ways to treat. I like that.

Janie, don't feel bad about not making up the mock rotation. I'm sure it has taken Cathe a very long time herself to figure out what will work. When it comes out, you will be so excited. It'll really "shock" your body then!

Hi Rhea, hoping this day finds you getting stronger and healthier.

Good Evening!:)

It's been an interesting day, in that I haven't really left my room -- I had a car school to do -- by mail -- and so did that tonight instead of my own course -- and what with writing and all, I've been here all day. Reminds me of being under heavy deadline. In actual fact, I'm getting to the heavy deadline stage.:eek:

It was Bootcamp for me today from the Intensity series. Great workout. Then tonight it was CTX Power Circuit -- just the cardio of it...about 30 minutes.

Jeanette, yes, I'm always looking for alternate ways to keep the body doing better. Keeps me on my toes. Thanks so much for the info you sent my way. Scary...

Great on your workouts, by the way. I really like the new workouts, as well. I think they really shock my system, anyway.

Janie, yes, Jeanette is right -- don't worry about the rotations -- even the professionals like Cathe probably have a hard time with it. How's your writing coming along?

Rhea, hope you are doing well and recovering well. We miss you on the forums.

Well, have a super day tomorrow and terrific workouts!:7
Today was Body Max 2 cardio & weights circuit. It's a good one, but didn't have legwork in it. Works the shoulders pretty heavy though. Will have a bike spin session tomorrow.

Karen, great job on Bootcamp!!! There is always a feeling of accomplishment when I get to the end. I like leaving all the ab work for the end. Think there are a couple premixes that do that.

Hope everyone has a good weekend, will check back on Monday.

Good morning!

Haven't been able to post much, just too many things going on at work. Trying to keep ahead. I think I will be pretty much back on track by this weekend. My energy level is getting up there, so I have all kinds of grand ideas of what I want to get done (besides things like catch up on laundry, start the taxes, quilt, etc.) I'm planning on starting up the workout schedule tomorrow. I think I'll be ready, head is better, rhomboid is not so tight. Then I think I'm going to drag DH up in the mornings starting Monday to do yoga. He needs to get moving and stretching or I'm going to bean him with a skillet because he complains so much. (Just kidding LOL)

Looks like everyone is doing awesome with the workouts. I can't wait to get back up to the level that I like. Its been really snowing here a lot lately, I just want to get out and play in the snow! Work, what's that?

Have a great day!
All of you seem to be doing very well on the workouts. Good For Yous!

My book is coming along. Slowly again now but surely.

Making sour dough bread the last 3 days (I never buy bread, too many chemicals). It takes that long to get the culture the way I want it. But it is cooking day. They are all on the counter getting warmed up and then I'll cook them. YUM!

Thanks for your support on me and my non-Mock STS. That's awesome.

I couldn't stay on Cathe's rotation this Month. life as you know can get in the way of that. These days I never quite know what I'll be doing. P90X seems to be up my alley lately. Yesterday was core and today is cardio (35 min.). One if the really good instructors. A little conceded but, has the right to be. He works hard for his body.

The good news is that I'm back to where I am when I left for our Fall trip. I'm strong, can jog great and for an hour. (must say though, I'm very tired after that) and my weight is back to where I want it to be. YEAH!

You sound so much like yourself. I'm so happy for you being better. Have fun doing yoga with hubby. That's got to be fun.

Take care everyone, I don't know what I'd do without you. It's nice to vent, express and read wonderful things about others isn't it? So lets here from yas.

Well, back to my bread.


The idea is to die young as late as possible

Good Evening!:)

Busy, busy weekend -- it's on weekends when I put in the most time on course -- full days on both days. And not I'm down to page counts again on my deadline -- it's 7 a day to make deadline. Pant, pant. And have a new book coming out in March but I won't be touring for it this year -- first year I won't be touring. I'll get back into it next year, I'm sure.

Jeanette, BM2 is a tough workout -- well done on getting that in -- hope you weekend was great. What do you think of the new STS workouts -- they sound a little bit beyond me. Do you think they will be all weight work or will there be cardio in them? I have so many questions -- when I have a moment, I need to go onto the board that discusses this and catch up. Also, the Black Walnut is doing good stuff for me. I'm detoxing according to the nutritionalist I saw on Friday-- I thought that I was -- but apparently, I'm detoxing parasites. He asked me how I'd known to get the Black Walnut for it -- if it just seemed right or what. I just told him that I'm always looking for something to help me with my metabolism so I can eat more fat. : )

Rhea, am so glad to hear from you! I've been a little worried about you, actually, and so when I read you post, and again you made me laugh, I thought it sounded like you're on top of things. Keep up the good work with the head and DH and Yoga with DH sounds heavenly.

Janie, I only buy the Ezikiel bread -- can't spell it -- but when I'm home, I, too, make my own bread for the same reason as you. :) Well done on getting back to where you were before you left in the fall. It does take some doing, so that is great!

Well, I just always post my rotations on Sunday. So here's the plan for next week:

Mon: IMAX2

Tues: Supersets

Wed: Cardio & stretch

Thurs: SJP -- probably a premix as I probably won't have time to do the whold thing.

Fri: Step Blast

Sat; KPC -- again probably a premix as I won't have time to do the entire thing

Sun: Off

Have a great day everyone!

Good morning,
Today was Turbo Jam Cardio Party #1 for me. Fun workout. I forget that I have this one and the time goes by pretty quickly. More snow this morning. DH has been able to keep up with plowing the driveway using one of our 4-wheelers and an attached plow.

Karen, know you will make your deadline, you always seem to. I have held off on STS. I'm burned out on P90X so STS doesn't thrill me, especially if there are pushups involved. I always feel those in my shoulder joints, instead of chest. It's costly too. I think I will concentrate on my eating to get better results for now. Really want to get the metabolism working again. I don't want to just keep working harder and harder. Then, it's not fun for me. I could change my mind on STS later, but for now I haven't bitten. Good to hear the Black Walnut is helping. Can you tell if it's helping with the metabolism yet?

Rhea, did you and DH do your yoga this morning? Bet that will help his golf swing. Hope you are recovered from your cold. How is the sewing going?

Janie, are you enjoying P90X? I got some good results my first Round last year. How did the bread turn out? Is there a low-cal high fibre bread that I could make? I'm eating more breads with Weight Watchers, but they are low point values. Way to go on being back to where you left off. Not many of us could say that at all! You should be proud!!!

Got to run, will be busy at work today for sure.


Still sleepy but getting there with my cup of Joe. Slept way to long today, but it felt so darn good. Must have needed it.

Your book writing sounds wonder. I bet you are so excited about it. You are doing another one in March? WOW! How do you do it? My book is more of a reference, lots of time on researching more than writing. Am I to understand that Black Walnut will help your metabolism in some way? Please do share, I must have been out when you were talking about this. Any information on that subject and my ears are perked up. How do you know so much about herbs and such?

I do like P90X, I never finish it as it is (like to blame life interference), but rather do it for variety. I want to try and complete the STS series. Cathe has a way about her that just draws me in. Perhaps I can get a different game face on and challenge myself to finish one. That sounded good, but we'll see. My bread was very yummy. I use half 100% wheat and half unbleached white bread flour. The only fat I use is around the bowl and on top of the proofing bread only. So it doesn't stick to the bowl.

How's it going? Was Yoga fun or what? How are you feeling today?

I'll be doing Muscle Max today, cause it will involve the whole body, and maybe a short cardio on the treadmill.

Do take care of yourselves and stay well.


The idea is to die young as late as possible


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