KK's January 2007 check in

Hey.....where'd my post go?

I know that I posted. It just isn't here. Weird.

Well, Dr. visit was just fine. I was pretty loopy from the drugs that I had for my cracked tooth. (which got all ground down on Thurs) Saturday woke up with the tooth being very sensitive to any warmth. Couldn't even enjoy my coffee, felt like an ice pick being shoved up in my gum. So I had to start the antibiotics. A bit better today except that my head is clogged from all the bad eating (what eating I could do that it) all this weekend. So I'm sitting here trying to get work done. I'm hoping that I could take off a bit early today and go home and just plain sleep. I did not want to get up this morning at all.

This is really putting a crimp in my fitness routine! Hope y'all have great workouts today.
Good Afternoon!:)

Well, didn't feel like it, but did IMAX2 today -- 6 rotations -- was going to just do five, but in getting to the cool down and stretch, I ran across interval 10, which is one of my favorites. Total of about 45 minutes. Am feeling fine now -- not tired. But oh, getting up... I think I truly understand what you mean, Rhea, about just not wanting to get up.

Rhea -- yes, please do get some sleep. Good thing to get the tooth fixed -- teeth are nothing to fool around with, I found out the hard way several years ago... They can affect other areas of the body oddly enough. How's your calcium/magnesium intake? Like this is something you want to think about right now.

Jeanette -- that bike ride sounds wonderful, actually. And the power yoga -- wow! I know my muscles would skake, too. I can imagine it being hard to give up a 3 day weekend, but at least if you're getting more sleep, there's a little pay off.

Becky -- know you're hitting the books -- your dedication is inspiring. :)

Tomorrow is Supersets for me -- been a while since I've done that workout and it is one of my favorites -- love that ball.

Well, have a super day, and Rhea, don't worry about working out until you're got up on your sleep, okay?:7
Good afternoon ladies!

I am doing a CTX rotation this week. I have a major exam (all subjects, 186 questions, 1 essay, 4 hours) on Friday that I am prepping for and since Cathe's Jan rotation ended last week, I have a week before her Feb rotation. I have never only done CTX before. Usually just as add-on cardio and ignore the weights or do Upper Body Split.

Today was Step & Intervals. FUN! I loved it. I have actually never done that one before. Tomorrow I will do another CTX. Haven't decided which one yet though.

I had a great weekend w/ DH. Steaks and Shakes was delicious, as anticipated. However, that bad eating carried over into EVERY day over the weekend and on Sunday I just felt fat. Not that I am...just felt sluggish. I have determined to correct my eating starting today. I have been very good. Caffeine is my downfall...but I can't expect perfection, especially this week. Told DH that we have to fix our weekend eating. It is so much more fun to just eat junk and lay around then to cook something nutritious. Must do it though!

Must get back to studying. Reviewing renal system (my favorite...think I may be a urologist). Hope everyone has a great night.

Rhea...hope you continue to feel better. Did you walk under a ladder or something? It seems like you just can't get a break lately!

Karen, $100...not too bad. Let me loose on Amazon.com and I could spend double that in no time flat!

Jeanette, how much longer on P90x?

I just realized I wrote down the wrong workout for today. I did Power Circuit, not Step and Intervals. I think I need a nap!
Good morning ladies.

Today I did CTX 10*10*10. I had to get in an early workout since I will be on campus until who knows when today.

Must get ready to go.

I hope everyone has a great day!

Morning ladies,

Today was PlyoX. Good athletic workout. Only have 3 more times to do it in this rotation.

Becky, I am in week #9 of P90X. There are 13 weeks total. CTX is great and I enjoy 10-10-10 too. Short but effective cardio.

Rhea, hope the tooth feels better soon. Nothing worse than a toothache.

Karen, enjoy Supersets! I like the ball work too. Good that you are easing back into your workouts.

Got to run,

Good morning!

Still no workout. Tooth is better, but I can tell my body is fighting off infection. Easily got the chills yesterday. No fever though. Since I haven't been working out, i"ve been trying to get through the Burn the Fat Book so when I'm ready to start up again, I can start up with those thoughts in mind. Boy, do I have to clean up my eating. I think that is the main problem. Clean up the eating and adjust the workouts accordiningly. I might even start up with the P90s for a while just to get a routine going.

Well, talk to you later. Have great workouts today.
Good Afternoon!:)

Woke up dizzy and a little tired so worked this morning and exercised after the noon hour -- but did Push/Pull cause it's a little shorter and not quite as intense in my opinion as Supersets. Was good and am glad I forced myself to do it.x(

Gotta get back to work, however. The book coming out in June -- the galleys for it are due on Monday, so I must work fast. Besides, I really have to get into the swing of deadline and writing 10 pages a day.

Becky -- CTX are the ones I don't have and want to get -- not only as add ons, but for those weeks (like this one) where I really should not do long workouts. Have a similar problem I think with sweets and carbs. Once I get into them, it's hard to quit for me -- and so I usually just avoid the whole thing and make my own sweets -- which satisfy me without the cravings. Am sure you'll work it all out.

Jeanette -- wow! Almost done with this program. This is so cool, and I think you're an inspiration to us all.

Rhea -- the P90's huh? Jeanette sure is getting good results. I subscribe to Burn the Fat newsletter -- but haven't read the book, but I think (from his newsletter) that this guy has a good system -- one that works and one that promotes health, as well. Hope this tooth thing heals up fast.

It's back to work for me. It's also raining here, which I love when I'm working. It's a great change.

Have a terrific rest of the day and some super workouts!:7
Last day of January, my, my, it's flying by! Today was P90X Shoulders & Arms. My arms are pumped right now. Great workout. I upped some of my weights where I thought it would be safe. The jump from 15# to 20# is a tough one and I only did it on one exercise. Improved some from when I did this one last on Week #3 (now into Week #9). Tonite will be a bike spin session and will then work out DH on upper body and AbX for myself and him.

Rhea, hope the tooth feels better. I also had a sore spot on the gum over an upper back molar last night. It's gone (the pain, not the tooth) this morning. Hope it isn't a sign of something coming up. Let me know what you think about the book.

Karen, it's raining there? We have had pretty nice weather here. Beautiful yesterday. Think DH and I will take the Rhino out on Saturday. Looking forward to that and then the bike ride down in the valley on Sunday. Hope you get that strength back soon. Push/Pull sounds nice.

Good afternoon ladies.

Getting closer and closer to that test on Friday. This study marathon is getting old quickly.

Today I did CTX All Step.

Must get back to studying. Hope everyone has a great day.


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