Jogglers August 2010 (aka New Runners)

Hi ladies! Friday I did Disk 10, Saturday was spin class, Sunday Disk 11. Today I'm doing disk 12 then start my recovery week for Meso 1 (YAY!). I can tell my muscles are firming up already. Even the kids commented that my biceps looked bigger. I'm looking forward to Meso 2 - I've heard so many people say they like it a lot.

Eating lots of colors. :) Orange, yellow and red tomatoes, purple eggplant, green spinach, red and green peppers. Yellow squash. - made veggie lasagna yesterday - YUMMY! Oh and cherries and grapes too. More colors!

I get another CSA box today - so it will be great to see what shows up!

Tricia - that bass sounds really good! I know carbs are so important to me for my workouts.

Lisa - Check in whenever you can - I agree with Tricia, walks count!

Alisha - pool workouts - good idea.

Jane - when do you think you will get the AC fixed? that stinks.
Monday monday monday

Blech. Another night of IBS issues and I'm wide awake:eek: I will be doing Step Blast this morning, no blasts, just the step portion. I've never done the premix before. I'm spending the day running errands, getting rid of clutter, and maybe going to the dump.

Have a great day, I will catch the personals later.

Alisha - hope you feel better.

Got my CSA box - I'm going to have to roast some tomtoes - I just have too many to eat in a week's time. We have all colors from green to dark red and every shade in between. So pretty! I also have a bunch of jalepeno's - tomorrow is mexican night so I think I will stuff some and roast them along with some plain ones to store for later. I have to make a coleslaw too with some cabbage and kohlrabi I got a couple weeks ago.

And BASIL is coming out my ears! Need to make pasto too.

Someone come over and help me! :)

Oh - Alisha, about decluttering, I'm all about it - I have been taking one room a month and using a technique called 5S. You can google on it - it's been really helpful especially in the bathrooms and kids' rooms.
Hi ladies,
Here's my workout run-down:

Saturday: I ran two miles with the pups in the rain and did AOS Empire State.

Sunday: I did Ellen Barrett's Slim Sculpt, Namaste yoga and a 3 mile walk with a crazy boxer with staples in his head.

Today: I am going to walk my pups and then maybe go home and workout. I'll let you know if it happens.

Alisha - Hope you are feeling better!

Jane - You still get full points for completing your workouts even if you don't think them all up.

Tricia - I think it was the carbs. It's definitely not the sea bass's fault and I can't live without carbs. I know some people can but not me. They do have to be complex but I have to have them.

Cindi - Woo hoo! Have fun. I'd help if I was just a little bit closer. I love pesto.
Hi Ladies!

Rain, rain, rain! We need it though!

Cindi - Congratulations on making it through Meso 1! Woo-Hoo, rest week! I think I'm a little too far to get to you to help with those veggies and fruits, too! I'd love it though!

Alisha - I hope SB goes well tomorrow! Sorry you're having such a bad time with your IBS! Hope it clears up and stays away!

Lisa - You had a nice mix this weekend! Saw a woman on my run yesterday who was running with three dogs and I thought of you! I couldn't believe they were so well behaved! Yep. I'm thinking it was leaving out carbs at night. Thought I was going to able to move to protein and veggies for dinner every night without the carbs and move those all to earlier in the day. Guess not.

I'm up for another rain tomorrow morning. It's supposed to rain through Wednesday. I'm going anyway. We got soaked yesterday!

Hi Jane!

Everyone have a great night! It's actually chilly here!
Hi Everyone,

This was my workout tonight. I was really dragging today and didn't really want to workout but I did it anyway.

Max number of rounds in 20 minutes of the following. I did 9 rounds
10 Ball Slams
12 Squats
10 Swings
14 Sit ups

I got my a/c fixed this morning so I'm back home tonight. I slept the last 2 nights at my mom's house. It was too hot to sleep here.

Cindi ~ Congrats on getting through Meso 1 and on your new muscles! Yay!!

Alisha ~ Hope you feel better!

Tricia ~ Have fun running in the rain tomorrow.

Hi Lisa!

Hope everyone has a great evening!
Hi ladies,
Yesterday I walked 3 miles with a friend and did High and Tight when I got home. Tonight will be a dog walk and maybe some variation of PUB when I get home. I'm trying to bring the dogs to work and not take them to the dogsitter at all (Nellie and her thunderphobia and Pip Squeak has lost weight and he always manages to pack it back on her!). So that means lots of dogwalks but that's good for me. I start a new round of puppy classes tonight - I'll have puppy classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights for the next 6 weeks. Hope everyone is having a great day!!
Hi everyone! Legs - Disk 12 is done. Spin today and tomorrow, then some rest days - family coming to town.

I roasted a bunch of tomatoes and put them in a jar with some olive oil. I will put them to good use! Still have to make some pesto and freeze it.
Step Blast was fun but I needed a set of risers, I'm more fit than the last time I did it. Also, I only got a 400 cal. burn out of it. Bummer. I prefer to get at least 500. I skipped the blasts but I think next time I will add the risers and do the blasts too. I slept last night, yeah sleep! I'm working on editing and tech journals today. I'm planning some yoga this morning and MMA Boxing tonight. Tomorrow will be a step workout, I don't know which one.

Cindi- You can roast tomatos with swiss cheese under the broiler, cut in half.

Lisa- I do dog walks its just that they aren't my dogs, every where I go there is always at least one black lab who wants to come with and I always feel sorry that they aren't getting walked enough. All of us in this neighborhood have large yards but I think they still need play time even if the yard is 10 acres. What do you think?

Jane- I'm glad your AC is fixed, thats just no fun at all without it.

Tricia- So you got the rain? We got the hots, its going to be 105 today. That reminds me, I have got to water the garden.
Oh, Happy Day, Everyone!

It's been raining since Sunday and we've hung in the 60s for 2 days! Yippee!

Jane - Good for you for pushing through even though you were tired! Kudos! It's really hard sometimes!

Lisa - I'm glad you have puppy classes! Puppy walks can be more effective than other workouts some days! I would certainly be worried about leaving Nellie with her phobia!

Cindi - If you need to get rid of some of those roasted tomatoes and pesto, let me know! I'll send you my address! Yum! And to think, I used to hate tomatoes!

Alisha - I know how you feel! I'm more efficient and weigh less now and can't burn the cals I used to! Being more fit is a great thing! You do have to up the ante now! Wow! I can't believe you were 105! We have cooled down so much and it's wonderful!

Okay, pups were up all night last night. Milo had a seizure and spent the night hyperventilating and smacking his chops and Peanut was just restless. I think it had a lot to do with the high winds we were having! It was unbelievable! So, I didn't get any sleep and at 4 a.m., I started thinking about whether I wanted to do a Cathe DVD or still try to run. I got up at 5 and came downstairs and sat down on the couch. Not even 2 minutes later, I heard Peanut upstairs barking and DH let her downstairs. I put her out and got dressed. Got her back in and asked her to be a good girl. I went out and it was warmer than I thought it was going to be. It was misty rain, but really windy. I did 3.41 miles and had a pace, supposedly, of 10:25 per mile. I don't think that was right because I've never been that slow! When I got home and opened the front door, Peanut was standing at the end of the couch wagging her tail - she had waited for me! I'm totally zapped tonight and hope to get a good night's sleep! Come to find out, the weatherman said we were having a Nor'easter! That's a pretty bad storm up here, but unusual for this time of year.

Anyway, it's Circuit Max for me tomorrow! Hump Day! Yippee!

Have a beautiful day tomorrow! We have rain again.

Almost forgot! I'm so excited! The recipe of the week is mine! Woo-Hoo!
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Hi Everyone!

I swam 80 laps this evening. It was a beautiful night - warm but breezy. The water felt really good.

Tricia ~ I'm glad you got your run in even though you were tired. I can't remember what the 60's feel like. It's still in the high 90's.

Your recipe sounds so good!!! I'm going to try it soon!!

Alisha ~ Good job with Step Blast. Sometimes it's nice to realize that you have to make things harder to get a good workout. Kudos for being fit!!

Cindi ~ Pesto, tomatoes...Yum!! Now I'm getting hungry.

Lisa ~ Have fun with puppy classes.

Hope everyone has a great night!
Its hot hot hot

I'm taking today off. Its supposed to be the hot day this week. 105 is more appropriate for August than 86 which is what we had on Sunday. I foolishly took that day off. I should have gone for a run or a step workout. Shesh. teach me right? Last nights MMA Boxing workout made me so toasty it was very hard to sleep and my IBS was just no fun for no reason. I don't always know what the problem is. I had a little bit of frozen yogurt (organic/low fat.) but I guess I can't eat that stuff.

See you gals later,

Tricia - how cool your recipe is featured! Do you get $100 gift card now?!

Alisha - yogurt can sometimes really upset my gut. Greek yogurt is the worst, but sometimes I feel nauseous even from frozen yogurt. I hope you feel better soon.

We are having a couple of nice days, but then it's getting warm again this weekend - 87 on Sunday I think, which is pretty warm for the end of August. We are all sick of the mosquitoes here - the humidity and rain has really been good for them, bad for us. You really can't go outside once it's twilight without heavy bug spray - which I won't use.

Does it take a frost to kill them off? I can't remember what ultimately gets rid of them for the season.

Anyway - Hi Lisa and Jane.

Spin last night and again today.
Good morning ladies,
Yesterday the pups and I walked for two miles and then I taught puppy class. I have 7 puppies which is a great size for a class. This morning I did PUB Up and added on some abs (two rounds) and band pull-downs for lats (one round) from CC PUMP. I'm realizing that I really like PUMP for adding a little bit extra to another workout to target specific areas a little more.

Tricia - I'm sorry to hear about Milo's seizure. Does he have them regularly? Peanut sounds so cute. I left my dogs home today which I virtually never do here (this may be the second or third time in three years) and they just gave me the most disbelieving little expressions. Congrats on your recipe!

Cindi - A frost helps kill mosquitoes but low enough day temps without a frost will help slow them down a lot I think.

Jane - Your swim sounds lovely.

Alisha - Hope you feel better soon. It sounds way too hot!!

Alisha - You've been having a week with your IBS! I hope you have a better time of it soon! It's frustrating not to be able to pinpoint the main cause!

Cindi - Yes! I'm trying to wait patiently for my $100 gift certificate! Oooh! I'm so excited! I hate mosquitos! We don't get them quite as badly here! We've also had some nice weather other than the rain, but we needed it! We're getting back in the 80s starting tomorrow, but at least the sun will be back! Enjoy your spin class tonight!

Lisa - Glad you ended up with a good class! I have yet to pull out my PUMP workout! Milo does get the seizures now and then. Not too often, maybe once a month or less. Peanut is very expressive and Milo just looks like a Who from Whoville!

Did Circuit Max this morning. It was the first time I had done that one! It was awesome! No time to get bored or catch my breath! That one really moves! I'm doing CC Vol. 4 tomorrow for my run.

Hi Jane!
Good Morning!

I missed posting yesterday. It was a busy day. I dropped mom off at her chemo appointment then came into work and then left at 3 to pick her up. It was by far the smoothest chemo treatment she's had. Yay!! The chemo nurse only had 3 patients so it went quickly. So now we have 1 treatment down and 3 to go.

Last night I ran for 40 minutes in the damp and humidity. It was awful. It was an awful run but I did it.

Tonight I have to go to mom's after work to give her a shot. This is the after chemo shot that makes her feel like she is dying. We are taking turns staying at night for a couple days. She has the approval to take pain killers if needed. My sisters are coming too and we are going to workout at mom's house doing the "Prisoner's Kettlebell Workout" in the backyard. I want someone watching me while I shoot mom up. :eek:

Tricia ~ What are you getting with you $100 gift certificate? I printed out your recipe and gave it to mom as well. She LOVES grape tomatoes.

Alisha ~ I hope you feel better today.

Lisa ~ I'm glad your puppy class went well.

Cindi ~ We have lots of mosquitoes and gnats around here but they don't seem too bad this year. The gnats are worse. In the fall and spring we get "love bugs". They are 2 small black bugs that are stuck together (if you get my drift - hence the name). Although sometimes you will find singles. They don't bite but are annoying. They love to hang around hot machinery like cars and lawn mowers and I have seen them turn a car's windshield white on the highway. The intensity varies from season to season.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Hi!!!I slept last night <does a little happy dance> :D I'm going to do a step workout, probably RS. I went to my book club mtg. last night. I had roast chicken (it was sooo good!) mashed potatoes (rare) and squash. It was so tasty, the only regret is I should have had all squash and no tators cause darn it I just ate them, I haven't had mashed potatoes in 3 years. The thing with my IBS is that it can be a result of my hormones being out of wack which is really just a normal condition for me. I will be spending the morning on the computer studying FCP (Final Cut Pro 7) looking for an easy way to turn marks into chapters (it has got to be easy, I just have to find it.) I'm planning a lower calorie day. I've spent the month at my bmr working the 400 calories meals 4x/day and mostly thats working, but I need to buckle down after those book club meals, the cool part is it usually results in a loss.

Jane- I can't believe you did that run, I took yesterday off cause it was just hot, it wasn't even humid. It was 90 degrees at 10 pm. I hope it goes well for your Mom.

Tricia- I don't have Circuit Max, do you think I should add that disc to my collection? I'm sorry about Milo's seizures. I hope he feels better soon.

Lisa- I love reading about your pups, they crack me up.

Cindi- The bugs here are mostly later in the fall. There haven't been as many this year. I wonder where they are, maybe the cool summer was too cool for them.
How did your mom's shot go, Jane? It sounds just miserable - she is so fortunate to have such a wonderful family to care for her. Those love bugs sound gross!

The mosquitoes are like record-breaking bad here because we've had cycles of intense rain/flooding followed by hot/humid weather. It is like heaven for mosquitoes. Everyone is complaining about them. Well - it won't be long now.

Tricia - I'm so happy you get the $100 - you can spend it totally guilt free! Can you use it for the presale?

Hi Alisha - hope you are feeling better.

Hi Lisa! Puppy class sounds so fun. I just love dogs.

So last night Honor had tennis at the health club from 5-7. I was planning on taking spin from 6-7 and just hanging around, stretching before then. But my friend convinced me to try the strength class she goes to so I did that from 5-6 then spin from 6-7. Not much of a start to my recovery week! I'm sore again today - but I have not time to workout for the next 3 days so I'll be ok.

The class was alright - we would work one body part at a time going from using a lighter body bar (9 pounds for me) to dumbbells (10 pounds). We'd do a lot of reps first with the body bar, then one long set of 15-20 reps with the dumbbells. The instructor kept saying the body bar would build endurance and then the dumbbells would build strength - which I didn't understand because by the time you finished working a body part - you have done like 60-80 reps total. Regardless - it was a good endurance workout.

Pete's cousin is coming to town tonight and staying with us through Sunday. We have a bunch of stuff to take care of relating to his Mother's passing so it will be helpful to have her around.
Alisha - we were posting at the same time, so now I can say GLAD you are feeling better. :)

That meal sounds so yummy!

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