I'm totally burned out and don't know what to do!


I've comleted ansanity workouts 3 times. The first time I did it was fine and whent off to do other workouts for about 3-4 monts before doing ansanity again. Once the second time of doing ansanity was done I only took about 3 weeks of doing other workouts before I started doing ansanity rotation again. Now I'm totally burned out!!! I'm not sure if it's a combination of my age (44) and not incorporating recovery periods in between workouts, and to top it off I have totally have been skipping stretching part of my workouts because of lack of time. I'm hurting and have absolutely no energy when doing the workouts that use to be fun like kick, punch and crunch. I know myself and I will not take any time off to get the appropriate amount of rest. What can I do to get my energy back and get my flexibility back wish I know has definately effected my proformance on the easiest everyday task. I was going to start Turbo Fire, but really I don't think I should...not yet. Thank you and hope to hear some of your ideas!!!

Fit_mommy said:
Rest...stretch...rest...yoga....and rest some more...:)

Yep! Rest, stretch, yoga, leisurely walks, swim for fun, etc. Take a week or ten days and give your body and adrenal glands a break. You'll feel so much better! I've done Insanity a couple times, and it is incredibly taxing on your adrenals and your body. You definitely need a break.
Give yourself a yoga week (or longer). It will do wonders--that is, if you like yoga. If not, do a flexibility/stretching routine each day and add something for your mind and spirit. Let your body heal. How about taking some long morning or evening walks listening to a good audio book? Above all, give yourself permission for a recovery period. I know it's hard, but it sure beats getting injured!:eek:
I've comleted ansanity workouts 3 times. The first time I did it was fine and whent off to do other workouts for about 3-4 monts before doing ansanity again. Once the second time of doing ansanity was done I only took about 3 weeks of doing other workouts before I started doing ansanity rotation again. Now I'm totally burned out!!! I'm not sure if it's a combination of my age (44) and not incorporating recovery periods in between workouts, and to top it off I have totally have been skipping stretching part of my workouts because of lack of time. I'm hurting and have absolutely no energy when doing the workouts that use to be fun like kick, punch and crunch. I know myself and I will not take any time off to get the appropriate amount of rest. What can I do to get my energy back and get my flexibility back wish I know has definately effected my proformance on the easiest everyday task. I was going to start Turbo Fire, but really I don't think I should...not yet. Thank you and hope to hear some of your ideas!!!



you already know what to do. You said it so yourself right here: " I know myself and I will not take any time off to get the appropriate amount of rest. " Why ask us to tell you to do what you already know you need to do? This is the only solution.

You yourself said: "I'm hurting and have absolutely no energy." What would your advice be to me if I had written that in a post?

Low impact activities, low intensity activities, walking, stretching, gentle swimming, cycling for fun not for fitness, yoga. Any activity that has no goal orientation whatsoever.


Let's not try and re-invent the wheel here. There are no other solutions.

I agree with everyone. If i am not listening to my body, I will have consequences eventually. Once, a knee injury that took me a couple of years to recover from. Sometimes, I'll start having back issues. It's better to take a voluntary week off (you could focus on diet, get a massage, pedicure, something that pampers your body) than to let your body choose to take time off with an injury or other problem. I have been there! If you won't stop when your body says stop, what is driving that choice? I think yoga and walking are great, but also doing nothing for a week is good too and isn't long enough for you to backslide in terms of conditioning. :)
lulu68 said:
I've comleted ansanity workouts 3 times. The first time I did it was fine and whent off to do other workouts for about 3-4 monts before doing ansanity again. Once the second time of doing ansanity was done I only took about 3 weeks of doing other workouts before I started doing ansanity rotation again. Now I'm totally burned out!!! I'm not sure if it's a combination of my age (44) and not incorporating recovery periods in between workouts, and to top it off I have totally have been skipping stretching part of my workouts because of lack of time. I'm hurting and have absolutely no energy when doing the workouts that use to be fun like kick, punch and crunch. I know myself and I will not take any time off to get the appropriate amount of rest. What can I do to get my energy back and get my flexibility back wish I know has definately effected my proformance on the easiest everyday task. I was going to start Turbo Fire, but really I don't think I should...not yet. Thank you and hope to hear some of your ideas!!!


Taking a week off can lead to returning with renewed vigor and really great workouts. Rest. Your body will thank you!
Thank you for all your help girls! I don't own any yoga vidoes, can someone recomend a yoga video that I can purchase from my local walmart, target, sports store? Thank again!!!

I felt like I was burn out ad well they are right to do things only for pleasure. I felt burnt out but it lasted to long. Make sure u give yourself one week. Like they said no more then that. I was birnt out after exercise for 15 yr but i didnt. Go back to it til 5 yrs later and 35 pounds bigger! Nope don't know why but I guess I just gave up more then exercise.I ate sloppy to.
I'm saying this to say yes take a week off but no more go back to it slowly. And while off eat roght don't big out! Lol.
You can do it.
lulu68 said:
Thank you for all your help girls! I don't own any yoga vidoes, can someone recomend a yoga video that I can purchase from my local walmart, target, sports store? Thank again!!!


I am partial to Bryan Kest and Shiva Rea, but they are sometimes hard to find. Rodney Yee is very good, and I see his yoga videos in stores all the time. Barnes and Noble sometimes has a better selection of yoga videos than the sporting goods store.
Ok I'm looking at the yoga DVD's and I notice they have different ones. I know I won't stick to meditation yoga dvd's, I see yoga for beginners, yoga conditioning for weight, power yoga (flexibility) cardio burn yoga, yoga for strengh, etc... I wan't to make sure when chooshing a Yoga DVD it's allowing my body to recover but at the same time I wan't to make sure I'm burning calories and work on my strengh and not feel like I'm not doing anything. I know a week it's not a long time...I've been working out non stop for over 20 years and I've never made no excuses even through my 5 pregnancies (6) kids and imidiately doing some form of a workout imideately after having my children. Walking is not an option for me I wish it was, in order for me to even get a workout in I have to get up at 2-2:30 am, the rest of my evening is booked with the children's activities. Thank you all for your recomendations!

I think you know what to do. Take a week off and do nothing but rest and most of all No Guilt! You are not going to lose strength and endurance from a week's rest. Your body needs time to heal and repair itself and I think it is telling you that pretty loudly. Like others have said you will come back all the better. Relax.
You are a youngun!

It's not your age. At 44, I was insanely energetic. I can't believe I am turning 50! Taking breaks, even as long as a full week, can be beneficial because you store some unused energy and it can mean coming back and really feeling energized and ready to rock and roll. I used to do it intermittently for just that reason. I agree that yoga is a great alternative to more vigorous cardio. I love yoga.
Bobbi said:
It's not your age. At 44, I was insanely energetic. I can't believe I am turning 50! Taking breaks, even as long as a full week, can be beneficial because you store some unused energy and it can mean coming back and really feeling energized and ready to rock and roll. I used to do it intermittently for just that reason. I agree that yoga is a great alternative to more vigorous cardio. I love yoga.

Hi Bobbie just wondering you say u are 50 now.. I'm 42. I have issues with fear (whole other story) about progressing In age. I left exercise and have been having hard time and just now after a year starting to feel energy again I thought it was my age as well. Now do u find u are still good with energy? And if so do u contribute it to exercise or do just just have good genes? Id love to post this question out there on a whole new thread but don't know how to word it. Lol tha ks.
I wan't to make sure when chooshing a Yoga DVD it's allowing my body to recover but at the same time I wan't to make sure I'm burning calories and work on my strengh and not feel like I'm not doing anything. I know a week it's not a long time...I've been working out non stop for over 20 years and I've never made no excuses even through my 5 pregnancies (6) kids and imidiately doing some form of a workout imideately after having my children.


No, this is not it. Choosing a yoga video for you has nothing to do with burning calories and building strength. That isn't the point. You don't need power yoga. You need something for flexibility, relaxation, stress relief because you are wound so tight you will not allow yourself time off. The fact that you think allowing your body to recover from pregnancy and childbirth is tantamount to "making excuses" makes that clear. So, the fact that I took time to recover from my pregnancies and childbirth makes me a loser in your eyes? That I was making excuses? Do you see the implications of your current mind set on fitness and exercise? You are judging yourself and everyone else.

I am going to suggest to you that your problem is not physical, it is psychological. You drive yourself too hard, it is on a par with physical, self-punishment. Why do you think you cannot take time off, that your ind and body don't need it and don't deserve it?

This is a type of exercise bulimia and it isn't making you healthy. Or happy either, I imagine.

Please consider doing some research on this issue and reading and perhaps consulting a therapist, to see how you fit this pattern, to try to find out why you are punishing yourself and how you can lead a happier, healthier life.

The first step is to get beyond the denial. Denial that you do indeed fit this pattern. Hopefully, the fact that you have come here to seek help in a public forum will help you overcome denial. You have asked for help because there is a problem here to resolve.

I wish you luck on your journey. Certainly, there are women here on these forums who will understand and empathize.

The whole point of resting is not working on your strength or stamina. It's to REST. You're not slacking. I think the others have a point that you're being much too hard on yourself and expecting too much. Not resting after childbirth?! That's not healthy, my friend! I didn't even think about it until my babies were about two months old! My body had just formed and birthed another human being. I took some time off! :)
You will run yourself into the ground if you don't listen to your body. You need to slow down. Being fit doesn't require 90 minute workouts 6-7 days a week. Most here in the forums do very well with 30 minutes to an hour 4-5 days a week. You are not less-than or lazy or slacking if you do less. Train smarter, not harder.
Tai Chi

I see that you are a Beachbody fan. You should try the new Tai Cheng (tai chi) system. looks like it is just what you need.
Thank you all for your input in my situation. Yesterday I left to barnes and noble withou reading the open discusion about my topic. I bought to yoga DVD's that are sports related and fat meltown. I came home and checked in and read all you gals advice...but wen't to bed %100 sure that I was just going to pop in the DVD's I had purchase and try to take it easy and just work through it. As i was going into my DVD draw I saw the Turbo Fire had a few stretch workouts and decided to pop that into the DVD player instead. Wow!!! I stretched for 50 minutes, and for the first time in many, many, many moths I didn't feel like I was broken when I walked, or when I got dressed, and my knees didn't lock on me when getting up from a sitting position!!! Thank you all so much for your advice I greatly appreciated!!! I will stretch for the rest of the week and never again will I not allow myself to recover or rest!!!

I'm not sure if you could find her stuff at retail but Ellen Barret is FABULOUS for active recovery. She's just a beautiful person and her workouts are like poetry in motion. I like to think of her stuff as active stretching, so you're still moving but at relaxed, stretchy pace. My favorites are Fat Burning Fusion, Barefoot Cardio, Grace and Gusto and Power Fusion. Good stuff! You can find her workouts at Collage Video and TotalFitness. :)

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