HELP!! Very Nervous Roadtripper


I've been so excited about the roadtrip until this week. Now I'm getting really nervous. I know lots of other Roadtrippers are in the same boat, but it's starting to get to me. I didn't quite reach my goals on upper body lifting and now I think I'm a dork at cardio, too. I did KickMax earlier in the week and it was a complete joke. No coordination on combos 3 and 4 at ALL.x( Now this morning I did Rhythmic Step and it felt like, "GAAAAA!!! who is this alien who replaced Cathe in this video?!?!"}(

I'll be travelling on business next week so I won't have access to my usual stuff. I can go to the hotel gym to lift weights. I have KickMax and CTX Kickbox, so I can practice that in the room. The hotel doesn't offer step classes, but I can fit a Firm Fanny Lifter (the purple and blue one) in my suitcase. So, what to y'all think I should do next week? Take the FL and modify, modify, modify, or skip step altogether?

Sorry if I sound whiney! I'm just really, really nervous all of a sudden.

Use the hotel gym and try running on the treadmill, or doing some elliptical work, or swim some laps. Just try to get in some cardio.

Also, try to relax...this trip is supposed to be fun!

(edited for some goofy typos)

Mona -- Why are you nervous? You're not going to be in the spot light performing (unless you want to be). You're not going to be graded or judged. Relax.

We're all just getting together to meet Cathe, meet each other, workout together with our beloved Cathe, have TONS of fun, and express our undying gratitude to the best personal trainer under the stars -- our dear and precious Cathe.

Please don't be nervous. This is about total fun. C'mon. Don't dwell on how "perfect" you think you need to be. None of us are perfect. But we're all 10 steps ahead (at least) thanks to Cathe). :)

C'mon, now. Write me back. :D :D :D
Count me in as being nervous too! I use Cathe mostly for her weight workouts even though I do own almost all of her step tapes. I'll be in the way back or maybe if they have glass doors right outside them. Just remember you're not alone.

Debbie D'Angelo
Thanks, Marla! You make a really good point about not being graded or judged. I do it to myself, so I guess I project the same tendency on others. Thanks for the reality check.

I think I'm nervous about the Roadtrip because of how nervous I am about the meeting I'm in the week prior. I guess I should focus my energies on the presentations I have in the business meetings the week prior and getting really well organized for the entire trip. That ought to distract me!

Thanks for the advice, Tammy! And if I use the gym equipment I'll save room in my suitcase for all the stuff I'm sure I'll buy at the studio!

>Thanks for the advice, Tammy! And if I use the gym equipment
>I'll save room in my suitcase for all the stuff I'm sure I'll
>buy at the studio!

Now your talking!
}( }( }( }( }(

I'm right there with you Mona. VERY excited, but quite nervous. Mine is more about food though. Why did I go to that 4th of July party and eat like a normal person who doesn't struggle with weight? Can I eat nothing until the road trip? If I fast or do only protein drinks ... all things that I know to be ridiculous, but all of a sudden it's here. I think we'll all be fine though. Everyone else is right - we all support one another and we're all gonna' have an awesome time. I think I would take stretch max with you (if you have it) on your trip and try to sneak in some timely relaxations. Can't wait to meet up with you --- NEXT WEEK!:)

Mona -- Thanks for writing back. It makes sense that you're a little nervous about your presentations. :)

I think the Cathe Road Trip is absolutely perfect timing for you! What a great way to celebrate after finishing your presentations.

Can't wait to meet you there. I am SO DARN excited!!!

See you soon! :7 :7 :7
Mona, we're goig there to have fun. I know I am going to mess up a few times, I ALWAYS do, but that hasn't stopped me from doing Cathe one bit.

Did you find a roommate?

Ohhhhhhhh Lorrie! Stretch Max = GREAT IDEA!!! I always forget that one when I travel, but it will be perfect for unwinding at the end of the day.


This to shall pass. At least it did for me. I decided to relax and look forward to the fun. No one will care if someone misses a few steps or can't do a dozen push ups with perfect form. In fact, I expect to enjoy a few moments laughing at myself.

Looking forward to meeting you, not judging you, or being judged by you!
Hi Mona,

I'm right there with you - a bit nervous myself. I just keep reminding myself of what everyone has said, including Cathe. We're there to have fun! Here's a quote that I love: "You wouldn't worry about what other people thought of you if you knew how seldom they did." When I get nervous I just remind myself that the group isn't going to be looking at me, they'll be concerned and concentrating on themselves.

I'll be getting in on Friday around 5pm. I look forward to meeting you and all the rest of the gang.

I worked out to Rythmic Step this morning as well.

One week away!!!!

Hey Marla!

I never did find a roommate, but it worked out in the end. DH was so nervous about me arriving in a strange city late at night he surprised me by buying a ticket to meet me. He asked me if I had a roommate, and when I said no he handed me his AmEx and asked me to see if I could get him on the same flight home. He's not into the whole gym-thing (I told him he's crazy to pass on a free weekend at this club!) so he'll be out sightseeing all day on Sat. And now I have company on the plane ride home!:)

OK - now I'm back to excited again!

Hey, Mona - We are ALL nervous and excited at the same time. I'm not in the shape I want to be yet and I'm the biggest dork on a step bench (I've even fallen on my rump!) and I'm a wimp with weights but I've gotten to the point where I REALLY DON'T CARE!!!! I'm much better than I was last year at this time and even though I'm not as fit as most people on this forum, I'm in better shape than 80% of the women out there my age. This trip is for ME to get to know my Cathe friends and be inspired by working out with Cathe in person. It's going to be a whirlwind, action-packed, HILARIOUS 3 days and I can't wait to meet everyone!!!

I'm not going on the Road Trip, but I wish I could.

I just want to say, that everyone has to get out of the mindset of worrying about not being in shape enough, or not being good enough...That is not the purpose of this gathering.

The purpose is to get a group of people together who love Cathe and who just want to meet each other and most of all meet and workout with Cathe.

Stop comparing yourselves to others...because that is bringing in an element to all of this that isn't necessary and it takes all the fun out of it.

No one should go above and beyond what they already are, otherwise they are not presenting who they truly are. Be who YOU are...this is not a beauty or best body contest nor was it ever intended to be.


H Marietta,

Sorry if I offended you. If I get a little self concious from time to time, I think that's just human.

I'm not trying to present anything other than who I really am. The real me is very atheletic and fit. The real me is not the person who emerged after 2 years of doctor ordered "no strenuous activity" and, I'll admit it, the big pity party, bad eating habits, etc that ensued.

I have fitness goals for ME. I want to go over and above where I am right this moment to get back all the fitness I lost. I think a lot of people here feel the same way.

Well said Marietta & Angie.

I'm looking at taking Cathe step classes as when I used to go to Lucille Roberts. I didn't know anyone there when I use to go for classes. All the ladies there were not always in step with the instructor and half constantly kept missing a step, but we just laughed and continued or marched in place and watched everyone else. Now in NO WAY am I comparing Cathe to Lucille Roberts gym, but you get what I mean right?

As for me I don't like when people look at me and expect me to be able to perform every exercise, match Cathe weight for weight, sometimes I can go heavier, sometimes I go lighter. I will modify anything in a minute and won't be ashamed of it esp. those darn biceps. x( x( x(

Now if I were to be nervous about something, it would be doing the American Idol thing. My hat is off to Marla, Nadine and everyone else who signed up for that. :D

I'm nervous about other things:

gasing in the meet & greet
gasing in the step class
gasing in the diner
belching in the meet & greet
belching in the step class
ESP. belching in the diner

Ok I guess I'll stop by Duane Reade on the way home & get a mini can of Glade :+ beano :+ and Altoids :+

Glad to see all the encouragement you have received. I think deep down a lot of us are a tad bit nervous (Me, a WHOLE lot nervous!) But really, Cathe has remarked that she wants everyone to relax and not worry about our weight, our clothes, our weight usage, our choreo-impaired selves and so on. She TRULY just wants us to come and have a great time and we ARE going to have a great time. Sooo relax/breathe and GOOD LUCK with your meeting and see you soon!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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