Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for November 2017

I haven't worked out for 3 days! I have become very run down from stress, lack of sleep and family issues. I did get some major headway with my son, so that is a plus. My boys had their last football game Friday night and it was awesome. My son was so emotional after the game, that being his last high school game. It was on tv so it was fun to re watch it yesterday. We didn't get home till 1:30am Saturday morning so I was extremely tired yesterday. Then, my hot water heater started leaking and started to flood my laundry room but I caught it before it did extreme damage. I feel like I cant get a break lately. We have no hot water but a plumber is coming some time today to give us a bid.

Have a wonderful Sunday. I hope to get some good workouts in this coming week.
Got my Kelly DVD's and just previewed them. Can't wait to try them this week!! Love that they are only 30 minutes each! Cool exercises too!!

I'll let you all know how I like them as I do them. I think I'm going to love them!!!

Jolie - Damn, if you didn't have bad luck, you'd have no luck at all! Sorry you are going through this rough patch. Hope all gets better soon!!
Today was another rest day. Yesterday was the first wrestling tournament for my grandson and then having the grandchildren staying here , we played games and stuff last night. I felt I could use a couple of days break. The soreness is settling down today, so I should be ready to hit some more Kelly workouts tomorrow.

Jolie, I can understand your son being emotional since it was his last high school football game. This was my grandson's last first of the season Wrestling tournament. I doubt he will be wrestling in college. He was over today talking about what tie to wear to match his date's dress for prom. My grandchildren are growing up :( I guess that means I am getting old.
Maybe since football season is over you can get a bit more rest? It sounds like you could use a nap to keep going during the day. There is no amount of supplements that can make up for lack of real sleep. I am sorry about the hot water heater. I hear you on the craziness of so many things coming up at once.

Debbie, that is great that you got the Kelly workouts finally :) I enjoy both of those. Kelly adds some different ways of doing moves that is nice. I like the 30 minute format. A few are a bit more than 30 minutes.
Just in case you haven't seen Kelly Coffey's Boxed set previews :) They look like fun. I think the upper supersets and lower tabatas are going to be great.
So today I tried one of Kelly's workouts - Cardio Pump, I did the weight workout. Loved it, very fun. However, she needs to rest and stretch more throughout the workout. I paused it and stretched in between each muscle group. Really felt this, my body is burning. Loved the leg segments!!!

Set #1
Alternate Shoulder Press
- 20's (way too heavy for the entire minute, this was tough)
Upright Rows - 15's
Alternate Lateral Raise - 10's

Set #2
Alternate Supination Curls
- 20's
Hammer Curls - 15's
Alternate Front Curls - 10's

Set #3
- 20's
Squats Out - 15's
Reverse Lunges - 10's

Set #4
Lawnmower Rows
- 20's
Reverse Fly - 15's (not sure I liked these, sort of hurt my upper back a bit)
Run Rows - 10's

Set #5
Overhead Extensions
- 20#
Single Kickbacks - 10#
Triceps Push-Ups

Set #6
20's (love the way she does these)
Static Lunges - 15's
Plie Pulses - 10's

Set #7
Wide Bench Press
Chest Flyes - 15's
Alternate Press - 10's

Then did 1 mile on my treadmill.

Workout was 60 minutes, burned 262 calories, Avg. HR 96, Max 138. Went 3429 steps.

I really liked this format other than the no breaks, but was easy to fix by pausing. Can't wait to try the other one I got Wednesday and Friday. I can tell I will be sore tomorrow, especially my legs.

Diane Sue - Thanks for posting that, I'll look at it when I have time. I think that is going to be a great set.

Have great workouts everyone!!!
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Debbie, I usually pause after each group too and quickly write down the weights used. I really do like these workouts and have been feeling them too :)
Today no workout because I am having my new hot water heater moved to the garage so there is no water or power for 5 hours. I am just going to take the last 5 days as a rest week because there is nothing I can do about it anyway.

Debbie, that sure looks like a nice workout. If I did legs after not doing them all summer long, I wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow! I am going to get my dvds out and preview them so I can decide what I want to try. I am still doing Cathe Live workouts because I absolutely love them! Now that it is cooling off I might get back on the elliptical to get a real good run in.

Diane Sue, Thanks for posting the new Kelly workouts! I might have to get those since I didn't get Cathe's new workouts this time around. I might get them if you girls like them so be sure to post your opinion.

I hope you all have a wonderful day! I cant wait to take a hot shower!!!
Today I did Kelly Coffey Boot camp workout #1, 30 minutes, heart rate average 127, max 162, 199 calories, 1,836 steps. Last week I just did the cardio only from this workout. I then did Kelly's Power Sculpting from the Lift dvd, 39 minutes (I had so many stop times that I wondered if I was going to be able to finish), heart rate 109 average, 147 max, 181 calories, 732 steps. This one is more metabolic and seems quite active with no rests. I remembered it as all weights, but that was all I remembered about it. I started with 12 # dumbbells, soon lowered to 10's for the heavy's and at one point I dropped from 8's (in lieu of Kelly's 7.5) to 5's with the front push moves that were fast paced. I did not do the warm up for this one. It should have been around 29 minutes actual time. Total time was 69 minutes and calories burned 380.

Jolie, I wish we had somewhere else to put our hot water heater. It is in our coat closet. Why they did that, I have no idea. If it leaks it will be all over our wood flooring. My husband keeps talking about getting one of the tankless water heaters. I would really have to check out reviews on that though. Our garage is small so there is not room to put a hot water heater in there with all of our stuff. We have two closets in the house that are in odd spots too. One has the upstairs furnace and the other has the downstairs one and looks like it should be a pantry. I am sure you will find it a welcome thing to have hot water again. That is when you know we are spoiled with what we have. :) I try to remind myself that what we have are little discomforts to what some live with and that we are truly blessed.
Today was a mixed hiit and ab work tomorrow will be upper body

I did order the new Kelly dvds as well as new cathe Happy Birthday (nov 30) and Merry Christmas to me!!
Diane Sue - We have a tank less hot water tank and love it. It's called Hot Water on Demand. It's a little box hooked to our water and gas line and the water heats up almost instantly. My gas bill went down about $10 a month. I love not having that huge tank in my laundry room anymore.
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Debbie, thanks for that information. I wonder if it would be a problem getting gas to it. Everything here is electric except the furnaces. I prefer gas , but I guess you get whatever comes with the house.

Roselyn, that will be a fun birthday present :)
Today I did one of the workouts on that Treadmill app I have. I did the Beginner workout again. Loved it, it is fun to do something different other than Cardio Coach. Even though I love those workouts, it's cool to have something new. I had to workout out for only a half hour because I have to get to work a bit early today.

Workout was 31 minutes, ran 2.07 miles, burned 199 calories (TM said 263, App said 608) and went 4291 steps. Avg HR was 110 and Max was 152.

Jolie - Did you see the post I did last week about your hot flashes? You can take Black Cohosh for that, it works for me most of the time. Been going through the same thing.

Diane Sue - How do you heat your water if you don't have gas? Is your hot water tank all electric? I'm thinking they make the hot water on demand units in electric as well.

Roselyn - LOL!!! Good for you!!! :)
Debbie, I enjoy having something new to do:) i bet the treadmill workouts make it something to look forward too. Our hotvwater heater has wires and no place for a pilot. It gives yhe electrical usage on it. I checked it out one day because our gas utility is up 5 dollars and we were not using the furnace. They must havevraised our gas utility.
This morning I did Kelly Coffey Kickboxing both combined, 55 minutes, 352 calories, average heart rate 140, max 176, 4,749 steps. I then did the bonus abs from this workout, I kept stopping and starting because it kept stopping and jumping while playing, I finally put it in my lap top and it played fine since wiping it did not help. This was 18 minutes with all of the starting over, 53 calories, 456 steps. I finished off with Tracey Long Stronger and Longer warm up hip mobility, thoracic mobility, and stretch, 16 minutes, 35 calories. Total time was 89 minutes, 440 calories.
Today I put together a workout for Chest only. A Giant Set repeated 3 times with no rest between sets. I did 12 reps per set. I love this kind of workout, it is short and very effective. Workout 36 minutes and I had a nice warm up before using an STS disc. I burned 210 calories and I used Dumbbells for the entire workout. I will do this for each body part this week. I finished with some leg extensions.

Chest Press-20# x 12, x 12, x 12

Chest Flies- 15# x 12, x 12, x 12

Incline Chest Press- 20# x 12, x 12, x 12

Incline Chest Flies- 15# x 12, x 12, x 12

Leg Ext- 40# x 20, x 16, x 14, x 12

My hot water heater is working great and my hot shower yesterday was fabulous!

Debbie, great treadmill workout today. Yes I did read your post and that is the supplement that I ordered as well as one called "Change of Life" by Natures Way. It is really starting to work for me and I am taking more of it since you mentioned how much you take each day. Thank you! The nightmares have gone away as well as the insomnia and I only have about 1 hot flash per night now!!!!!

Diane Sue, nice workout today! I will probably order the new Kelly workouts after you get them and tell us what you think of them! Did you order the new Cathe workouts? I cant remember. I would love your feed back on those as well. If they are similar to the Cathe Live workouts I probably wont order them or I could have my husband get them for me for Christmas. Can you believe it is almost the holidays!

Roselyn, good job on the workouts. I cant wait to hear what you think of the new ones you just ordered. Feedback please.

Have a wonderful day.
Jolie, nice workout. I am glad to hear that the supplements have kicked in. It does take a bit for the system tonget the benefits and to figure out what dosage to use. Yes, I ordered Cathes workouts too.
Today I did Kelly's workouts - Muscle Up/Lift to 2B Fit Workout 1, it was fun and I really enjoyed it. Still needed to rest between each muscle group but only for a few seconds. Had a great workout. did the weight workout.

Super Set #1
- 20's
Dumbbell Press - 25's
Total of 3 sets no rest

Super Set #2
- 25#
Dumbbell Flyes - 20's
Total of 3 sets no rest

Super Set #3
- 25#
Push ups - 8 reps
Total of 3 sets not rest

Super Set #4
Arnold Press
- 20's - 6 reps/15's - 8 reps
Crunches - 16 reps
Total of 2 sets not rest

Super Set #5
Lateral Raise
- 10's
Boxer Toe Touches - 16 reps
Total of 2 sets no rest

Super Set #6
Bent Over Lateral Raise
Crunches - 8 reps

Then did the Tabata workout on my treadmill and went .75 miles. I had to be at work early again today but wanted to get a little cardio in. This Tabata workout does the trick. 11 minutes and my HR was up for about that amount of time. Fun stuff.

Ok, I'm finally back, what a busy day. So today's workout was 45 minutes total, burned 183 calories and went 2301 steps. Avg. HR was 92, Max was 137 (even during Tabata).

Diane Sue - Nice workout today. Is that a good one? Do you recommend it? I want to get a few more from Kelly but I don't know which ones are good.
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Today I did Kelly Coffey Your Best Body. There is not a both workout option so I did workout 1 and then workout 2 with 1 warm up which is separate, 77 minutes(some brief stops) 382 calories, heart rate 103 average, 146 max, 1,571 steps. I then did the stretch from workout 2 and the separate yoga segment, 11 minutes, 27 calories. Total time was 88 minutes and calories burned 409.
workout 1
bent over row/reverse pec dec 8/8 res 5 sets 15# dbs
stiff legged dead lifts/russian squats 17.5# dbs 34 total reps
core squat twist

Reverse grip lateral raise/alternating front raise 8/8 reps 8# dbs 3 sets
single leg squats 17.5 dbs
core reach pull

1/2 curls / alternating hammer curl 15# dbs 8/8 reps 4 sets
pull throughs 20# db 14 and 16 reps
core plank and knee ins

triceps kickbacks /lift backs 10# dbs 8/8 reps 3 sets
side lunges 15# dbs 8/8 reps 16 and 22 reps

alternating chest cross/elbow squeeze pec dec 10# dbs 8/8 reps 4 sets
plie squats 20# db

Workout 2
v row/high pull 10# dbs 8/8 reps 4 sets
lunges 17.5# dbs

cheer press/ 90% lateral raise 8#dbs 8/8 reps 5 sets
single leg dead lifts 15# dbs
core twists 32 reps

alternating long curl/ side curls 12# dbs 8/8 reps 3 sets
squats 17.5 # dbs
core plank leg lift out

overhead triceps extensions/alternating kickbacks 10# dbs 8/8 reps 4 sets
curtsy lunge to lunge back then curtsy lunge alternating 12# dbs 8/8 reps
core arms extended twists

flys /bench press 12# dbs 8/8 reps 4
bridges 12# dumbbell single leg 8/8 reps 4 or 5 sets I lost count

Debbie, once you know what weights you need and are prepared Muscle Up moves pretty well without to many rests. Sometimes I do end up changing my mind on a weight though. Great job today :)

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