Getting Our Licks In!

Last night was a good workout w/that premix of All Strength to RWH Legs. I used my squat rack & did squats w/60# BB & the plies too. The rest of the workout was the same as on the dvd. I like to mix things up.

Tonight wish me luck w/Sagi's Tempo (Back/Biceps). Its not going to look pretty by the time I get to biceps.

Janie Sis: I just don't have it in me anymore to do all out intense workouts like I used to. This is why the RWH workouts are slaying me. Needed to switch things up this week. Before RWH I was only jumping 1x a week but w/these new workouts I'm finding that I'm jumping all the time. Not good for my right hip & left knee. I see myself just doing pilates & yoga in my 70's. Don't you? Sometimes we just have to accept that we're not young anymore. Sigh! I put cinnamon in my morning oatmeal 5x a week. Does this help? I never heard of cinnamon oil. What does it do when its mixed in w/honey?

Waves to Cindy & Michelle!
Sorry I've been missing, things have been good (except for my sugar indulgence yesterday!) and I've been on track 90% of the time :) Thursday we went sledding and I did RWH Circuit Upper Body, Friday was Plyo Hiit 2 and we had my friend and her husband over - so much fun to catch up especially since I hadn't seen her since 1997 :) Saturday I took off and Dave took the big kids skiing. Sunday the big kids were off to start their ski lessons and I did Low Impace Hiit 2. I'm starting the 2 month rotation of RWH so yesterday I did Plyo Hiit 1 with bonus abs (it was rough) and tonight I'll do RWH Back, Biceps, Shoulders. Some days those workouts kill me, Cathe is crazy!

Kathy - So glad the family is feeling better. You are killing those 60# plies :)

Michelle - We don't think you're crazy, you need the right dog! I think it's important to be happy with the breeder and following your gut is necessary!

Janie - Wowza! Hottie then and a hottie now :)

Total Body Sculpting today. Oh! I wanted to say thank you so much for the Christmas cards. I will do it next year for sure.

Cindy, I know what you mean about sugar indulgence...sigh... You have been better than me, you and your 90% on track. Great job on Thurs. sledding and RWH Circuit Upper Body and Friday's Plyo HiiT 2. Nice to have friends over and catch up. Long time friends just start talking where they left off like nothing. So nice isn't it? Good job resting and for yesterday doing Plyo Hiit 1 with bonus abs and for doing tonight's RWH Back, biceps and shoulders. Yep, Cathe is crazy or I'm just too old anymore. Really, just a little much for me. I'm going to do what is safe for my old body. LOL!

Kathy Sis, Great job on prmix of All Strength to RWH legs. Love the squat rack, bet you enjoyed it. Your weight is amazing, good for you! Mixing things up is a very good thing. Good luck with Sagi's tonight. I'm with you Kathy, these new workouts are for younger people for sure. I do see myself doing more yoga as I age more into my 70's. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who see's these new workouts are for the young in mind. Sigh... Cinnamon and honey together prevent/fights colds and flue and a bug. With cinnamon in your oatmeal also put in some honey. Very good for ya. Cinnamon oil is very hot, so you only need a drop (maybe 2, maybe).

Take care,

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Last night was Tempo Back & Biceps. This is unbelievably intense it isn't funny. Sagi is very creative with moves for when it comes to doing pullups if you don't have a bar. He also uses the band for ab work. He's truly a cut above Cathe when it comes to building muscle.

Tonight will be either RWH Shoulders or BB Build Shoulders. Not sure yet. Will tack on LI HIIT 1.

Cindy: Your not alone on the sweet tooth. My co-worker has a candy dish & I'm always hitting it but at least just once a day. Not good though. You did great at staying healthy 90% of the time. I do too. Your workouts were great. Its nice to get together with friends that you haven't seen in a long time. Two of my former co-workers from 30 years ago I met recently. I had quite a bit of catching up to do w/these 2 ladies.

Janie Sis: Great job on your workout. We all have to do what's best for our bodies. I wish I hadn't purchased this Tempo dvd from Body Beast b/c its just too hard for me. To do a weight lifting workout & almost cry at the end isn't fun. Not sure when I'll do his Tempo workout again. Tomorrow morning I'll remember to put honey in my oatmeal. Thx so much for letting me know what cinnamon prevents.

Waves to Michelle!
Yesterday was a rest day and I did Cathe's Stretch Max. Today was RWH Plyo 1 and ab bonus 2. Only hit the pause button once on the Plyo workout; half-way through when Cathe starts using the mat. Went to the first day of the dog shows today. My breeder was there with two of her girls. I'm partial; I think her goldens are always the best but the judges tend not to agree with me. The judge today was putting up the professional handlers. It's a little discouraging when that happens but that's the sport and the amateurs do this because they love their breeds and that has to be enough most of the time. Truth is all the dogs are really beautiful.

Kathy: going to be cold here too but not like in other parts of the country. Some school systems are closed tomorrow; others are opening 2 hours late. I have alot of flexibility at work most of the time. Today I came home after the show and worked for 5 hours. I'll do the same tomorrow and Friday. I have some much work that needs to get done this month that I have to put in the hours one way or the other. But this is why I end up having so much leave because even when I take time off, I end up making up the time during the payperiod.

Janie: you are still beautiful, older, but still beautiful. But you've got inside and outside beauty and that is a rare thing. I looked at the picture of you in our 20s and thought: no wonder Janie is so beautiful now.

Hi to Cindy. Hope you all are staying warm in Montana.
Tonight was cardio and did the Wedding Video.

Michelle, good for having a rest day and for yesterday's Cathe's Stretch Max. For today's RWH Plyo 1 and ab bonus 2. Hey only hitting the pause button once is really good for this intense workout. Sounds like you are having fun at the dog show. Awwe, thank you for the nice compliment.

Kathy Sis, Great job on Tempo Back & Biceps. Hmmm, will have to check Sagi again with a closer eye. LOL!

Take care,

PS You're right, there is no way I'm going to buy Sagi workouts! LOL!

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Hi Janie!! Remember me? I wanted to say I saw your picture and yes I still see u in that picture then and now! Your eyes are the same beautiful blue! The face is shaped the same honestly only difference is hair color and you are and few years wiser! You are beautiful then and now!! I do not think you have ever had an ugly day in your life!! How in the world do you do it? Oh I love your hair now to!! Just wanted to let you know I still Keep up with you and think of u often. You are still an inspiration to me!!
Last night I only did RWH Shoulders. My basement was frigid! This morning when I went downstairs my thermostat is only reading 59 degrees!!! :O Its only 8 degrees here. Need DH to check the thermostat to find out what's wrong. Tonight I'll do Susan Chung's Rapid Fire #4 b/c I really miss doing kickboxing. Its my favorite form of cardio.

Michelle: So good to hear from you. Glad you enjoying the dog shows. Thx for explaining your time off. I do know you work quite long hours when you need to. Great job on Plyo HIIT 1 + the bonus abs. The Plyos & the Circuit LB take my breath away. I try not to pause the workout. I tend to clap after every drill though. I think I'm giving myself a hand for completing each drill. LOL Its so funny.

Janie Sis: Good workouts. The Tempo workouts are just plain brutal!!! The most weight I could muster was only 15#s. The guys in these workouts are amazing to watch w/their weights. But if you really want to build muscle Sagi is the man for sure. Its well researched & it definitely works.

I hope its not too cold where Cindy is.

Tuesday night I did RWH Back, Biceps, Shoulders and last night was LIHI Legs - my body is sore all over and it's great! I did well with food yesterday and hopefully have reigned my sugar issues in, it helped reading that even Cathe gained 4 pounds over the holidays :) I think I'm going to give the 21 day fix a try to help me with sugar, fat and portion control, I'm not buying the containers but I did some research online and found all the info I need to follow it. I've been logging my food on My Fitness Pal and it's eye opening to see calories will be good but sugar and fat (darned nuts!) are way over, clearly I need to work on some things :) Tonight is Low Impact 2 + bonus Abs 1, I think my abs are the only thing not sore right now.

Kathy - We're warm in the 20's-30's for highs and our lows have been around 10. I think the cold bypassed us this go around! It's hard to start working out when it's cold but then appreciated once the body starts sweating :) I love kickboxing too and get the same way with having to just get one in!

Janie - You're not too old, Cathe is hardcore! There are times I wonder if she'll ever slow down with age and so far no!

Michelle - That's sad to hear there's a bias with the breeders but as long as you do it for the enjoyment then winning is just a perk! Are you wanting a male or female puppy? We've been warmer this week so my fingers are crossed for snow :)

Today was Total Body Sculpting. I like that one.

Cindy, Great job on RWH Back, biceps and shoulders and for tonights LIHI Legs. Congrats on the DOM's. Also for reigning in the sugar issues, very proud of you. Nice plan for giving the 21 day fix a try. I think you will do very well. Trust me, we all need to work on something.

Kathy Sis, Great job on RWH shoulders. Brrrrrrrr 59 degrees is way to cold to work out in. Man o Man that is disgusting! Maybe as I gain muscle I'll turn to Sagi for 1 or 2 workouts.

Renee, I missed you! It's so cool you dropping in like that. I keep watching you on FB and trying to keep up with what you are doing. Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment. You are such a sweetheart. As you are an inspiration to me as well. Hope you chime in more if you can, you are always so welcome here. How have you been and what are you up to?

Take care everyone,

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Its snowing today! Temps will get up to 32 & not much accumulation of snow.

Last night it felt good to do Susan Chung's Rapid Fire #4 Sweat the kickboxing premix. Abs are the end of this too. I love her ab work. Since doing RWH cardios I noticed that my kickboxing has definitely improved. Today's a rest day. Starting Saturday I'll do a KCM rotation which uses her new workout Slim Sculpting which is kettlebell. I'll probably also include ZUZKA's kettlebell workouts in there too.

Janie Sis: My house last night registered 69 degrees & that's pretty good. At least I was able to do my workout unlike the other night. I couldn't wait for my shoulder work to end. Tonight its supposed to go down again to 8 degrees. Good job on Total Body Sculpting. Did you enjoy the RWH Low Impact workouts? Sagi's workouts are great especially the Build phase ones. He does accomplish quite a bit in under an hour. Maybe check out his workouts on youtube?

Cindy: At least your weather has improved. How are the kids? Well I hope. You did great w/your workouts. Their not easy. Great job on reigning in that sugar. You don't need all those containers that come w/21DF. You can just use all the measuring cups you already have. I too love nuts but unfortunately we can only have a handful. Unlike my DH who eats a whole bowl full! :O I love that combination of LIH 2 + Abs 1. Great combo.

Take care,
Last night was LIH 2 + abs 1, I felt my butt the entire time and it was so sore last night it kept waking me up! DOMS! Today is an off day and much needed. I'm getting together with friends tonight for some b-day celebrations, we'll do dinner then dessert at a friends house. My last night of indulgence before the 21 day fix but I'll still keep it in check :) Saturday is chores, working more on the basement, and Lily's cheer rehearsal (she'll be in full uniform with makeup). Sunday Dave will take the big kids skiing and I'll wrap up chores and paint what I can.

We had freezing rain all yesterday afternoon and it was a good 15 min workout trying to scrape the ice off the windows! How it's not coming down as snow at 14 degrees is beyond me!

Janie - I have to remind myself we all have things to work on :) I love when I get to do a work I really enjoy, thankfully I enjoy most of the workouts and have few with a big dread factor.

Kathy - That's great you're seeing improvement with your kickboxing from the RWH cardios. My goal is to keep up with Cathe on some of the moves, there are a few I wind up being 1 count behind at the end. Keep up your awesome workouts!

Hmmm. I must be enjoying the dog shows because I have not checked in for a few days or else you guys are checking in overtime. Yesterday was RWH plyo 1 plus ab bonus workout 2. Today was my second break day for the week. That's the nice part of the getting started rotation, you get two break days each week. My friend who has labs showed another friend's lab yesterday in open bitches. She took first in open, winners bitch, and best of winners! What a fun time watching her and the dog move up and win. The same judge for labs judged goldens and I couldn't figure out what she was looking for in goldens--very inconsistent which was weird because the judge had been very consistent in labs. Today my friend showed in labs again and took reserve in the best of breed competition. So another good day for her. The golden retriever competition was tought today. My breeder was there today and showed two of her bitches but did not place. One of her girls is in the 6-9 month puppy bitch class and is really just learning the ropes; the other showed well but today just was not her day.

Cindy: you've been hitting it hard this week. Show me someone who doesn't have a hard time with sweets. We just have to remember: all good things in moderation. Unfortunately, as we get older, moderation means less and less. I can't always keep up with Cathe on the RWH workouts either. Right now my goal is to keep moving, even if my movement is a bit slower than Cathe and not to hit the pause button.

Kathy: snow in New York--what fun for you (I hope). Mixing up workouts is always a good thing. These RWH workouts are pretty challenging. Interesting that you've seen improvement with your kickboxing. Are the improvements in form, endurance, or both? Just wondering.

Janie: Total Body Scultping is a good workout. I like to do that one and kick up the amounts on the weights.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Stay warm.
Janie I am okay I guess. One day at a time you know. I try to be positive as I can and push everyday. I got a job I love last June it was strange cause the first day was on my ryan (sons) BD he would have been 24 and it helped to have that as the first day to focus on as it kept me busy. My Doctor I work for is really nice. I am happy to have it.
Trying to do RWH workouts. I also did MIC last night I never did that before! I really liked it! Fun and really the kind I used to do all the time! I guess the old school? How are you doing??
Today was a cardio day and did 30/30. LOL! Great fun.

Renee, Awwww, so glad you got a job that you like. Makes all the difference in the world. And on a day that is special as well. Great job on MIC. I'm doing well and keeping myself occupied with arts and crafts. Love that stuff! LOL!

Michelle, Grate job on RWH plyo 1 and ab bonus 2. And for a bread day today. How nice for your friend and took 1st in open, winners bitch and best of winners. Does sound like a lot of fun.

Cindy, Great job on LIH 2 + abs 1. Congrats on the DOM's. LOL! Who's birthday you are celebrating? I don't have my calendar with me and hope it wasn't yours. If so Happy Birthday my friend. Sigh...
while you work Sat. on chores in the basement and Lily's cheer rehearsal I'll be watch the SEAHAWKS tonight. Cold cold days around your area. Stay warm.

Kathy Sis, Stay warm in that weather of yours. Great job for yesterday's Susan Chung's Rapid Rire #4 Sweat the kickboxing prmix. Congrats for improving your cardio. Enjoy today's rest day, mine is tomorrow. Be careful in that 8 degree temp. I did check out Sagi's workouts and want them. Someday...

Take care everyone,

Today was RWH upper body circuit. What a workout. At the end, I was majorly anaerobic. Whew! Worked a couple hours on a paper this morning, then exercised, and after cleaning up, headed down to Fredericksburg for the dog show. Just watched golden retrievers who went at 2:30 pm. Spent some time talking with my breeder asking questions and then just watching her grooming routine. The judge today only put up dogs with professional handlers. The only exception were classes in which there were no dogs entered being handled by professionals. That is the way it goes sometimes. Still a good four days of learning for me. I took lots of notes in my dog show program. One of these days, I have to start compiling all my notes in one place.

Renee: congratulations on your new job. I'm glad that you are enjoying it. MIC is one of Cathe's hardest workouts. Congratulations on making it through it.

Janie: Great job on 30/30. Are you rooting for the Seattle Seahawks? Somehow, I think I might be the only avid football fan in our group.

Hi to Cindy and Kathy.
Today was RWH Low Impact 2 plus abs bonus 1. I'm doing better keeping up with Cathe and crew. I slow down a little on the side to side kick outs (like a mountain climber but kicking side to side) toward the end of the workout. Oh yeah, and I still can't keep up with Cathe on the front and back lunges with the weight in one hand. I have to slow down to get my form right which I figure is more important. I do love the abs bonus 1 workout. Kind of reminds me of Jillian Michaels ab work, particularly the standing ab work at the beginning. Been watching football playoffs today and working on reviewing/editing a paper that two of my analysts drafted for one of the studies that I direct. They did a really good job. I'm lucky to have such great analysts on my study.

Janie: I reread the threads and saw that you were going to watch the Seahawks. They played very well. Tough to beat at home.

Supposed to have rain here tomorrow, perhaps freezing rain in the morning. Should make for an interesting morning commute. Fortunately, I only have to drive to Quantico tomorrow for an all day meeting so if traffic is bad going to No. Va, I'll miss it. Hope ya'll have had a nice relaxing weekend and that everyone is getting their licks in.

I started the KCM rotation which Saturday called for Train Like a Contender #1. It was all boxing & it was just okay. However, it was a nice change from all the high impact from Cathe. Sunday was Slim Sculpting which is a new workout using a 15# kettlebell. This one really took my breath away. Kelly did a terrific job giving me a total body workout in just 38 min. :) Go Kelly! Today's supposed to be Kickboxing #1 but I may just decide to do RWH LIH #2 instead.

I had a nice relaxing weekend. Weather was freezing cold on Saturday & a little bit warmer yesterday. Today will be 40 degrees. I'll take it.

Michelle: Great job on your workouts. With the RWH workouts your supposed to go at your own pace. I try not to look up at the tv to see where Cathe & crew are at. Sometimes I can keep up & other times I can't. I just do the best that I can & I know you are too. I don't watch football unless its the Super Bowl. You asked me specifically what I saw different in my kickboxing & it was definitely in the jump kicks. After the RWH cardios my jump kicks are much higher & my crescent kicks are higher too. Go Cathe!

Have a good day everyone,
Had a fun night out with friends on Friday night, Saturday kept me running with getting us to Lily's cheer rehearsal then I cleaned the house and did LIHI Chest, Triceps, Shoulders (ouch!) before bed. Sunday the bigs were off skiing with Dave so Lucas and I did chores and then the cat (she's been very clingy lately) helped me tape Lily's room :) I wrapped up my night with P90X3 Pilates. Tonight is Plyo 2 + abs 1 and then I hope to have time to paint a coat on the walls - fingers crossed!

Kathy - A 15# kettlebell sounds like it would do some quick whipping into shape! Great job :)

Michelle - Sounds like a great weekend with beautiful dogs. I hope you don't have freezing rain to deal with, it sounds like the whole country is getting a does of cold! I am always behind on the front and back lunges with weights too and I agree proper form is more important.

Janie - It was not my b-day but 3 of my friends within the past two weeks :)

Today was Total Body Sculpting.

Cindy, Great job on LIHI Chest, Triceps and Shoulders. Congrats on your DOM's. Room ready for painting, Yea! Great job on P90X3 Pilates.

Kathy Sis, Great job even if it was just OK on KCM rotation for Train Like a Contender ! Also for Sun. Slim Sculpting. Love Kettlebells, and looking for a workout that has them. I'll check this workout out. Glad the weather is a little warmer for you.

, Great job on RWH Low Impact 2 + abs bonus 1. Yea, for being better keeping up with Cathe. Whew! I'm glad you have great analysts on your study as well. Makes it nice. Be safe commuting.

Michelle, I do watch football if the Seahawks are playing. I'm a 12. LOL! Great job on RWH Upper Body Circuit. Good job! Sounds like you had a good time at Fredericksburg dog show and talking with your breeder.

Take care everyone,


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