GETTING IT DONE January 2016 - January 2020


Not much happening these days. :/ I finally got in something late yesterday. I did a 4 mile walk with my family.

Today's plan: RWH Chest, shoulders and triceps.

So far it has been sitting doing paperwork. Argh!

Sherry: Awesome job on your workout! Are you following a JM plan now? How's the running going?

Belinda: What are your plans for today?

Off to it before it gets too late.

Have a great one!

Oh yes I am feeling my upper from yesterday. :)

Today: RWH CLB completed! PHEW! The cardio really got me winded. I could only do 1 round per set on those.

Belinda: Thank you! I am really trying to get back to a regular workout schedule. If I don't do it in the morning it just doesn't happen later.
Awesome job this morning on your workout and walk.

Sherry: How are you doing?

Off to shower and get a pedicure before my Doc visit this afternoon.

Take care and make it a good one!
Hey girls,

Chiseled Agility and walk is done.

Heidi - nicely done with your workout. I agree, I have to workout in the morning or it will not get down.

Good night, everyone.
Hi all!

Yesterday - Monday - was a class night, so rest day.
Today - Tuesday - after moved a lot of DD's stuff home from school tonight, so no wo. We realized that over time she accumulated more stuff than one carload, so moved a bunch of it tonight, and will get the rest and her in a couple days. DS staying there for the summer, so only one kid to move this time.

Starting ICE rotation next week. Yep, I decided that's about where I am. With the add-ons, the wo intensity will be just right for me.

Belinda - Are you doing the H&C rotation or just some of the wo's?

Heidi - Welcome back! No rotation, just working through some shorter dvd's to get back in the swing of things.

It's late. I'm tired of hauling stuff up and down stairs. See ya tomorrow.
Good morning,

Hammer Strength + Hammer abs is done. I will do a short walk later.

Sherry - I am doing the 8 week Hammer & Chisel rotation. I need a break from trying to squeeze in a ton of other dvd's.
Good job on all your workouts.

Heidi - what are your plans today?

Happy Hump Day, everyone.
Crazy with work the past 2 days. Plus moved DD home from school tonight. No wo's, but lots of lifting, carrying and putting back down. That counts, doesn't it?

Belinda - Enjoy doing an actual rotation! It's been awhile for you.

Tired, oh so tired. Good night.
Hey girls,

Had to work this afternoon. Just getting around to post. I did: Hammer Cardio and walked 5 miles.

Sherry - my husband is doing H&C with me, its better to stick with a rotation, lol. Yes, it counts! You did enough work.

Nice job, everyone.

Today I did ISO Strength Chisel plus walking. I am dragging today, we had lots of thunder last night. Been up with Brawler since 2 am :( I am surprised I am still awake, lol.

Been kinda busy lately figuring out lightning for the basement. Can't really find anything that doesn't cost over $100. I need 6 lights. I am looking at recessed lighting. We already have recessed lighting, just need to add 6 more. DH is afraid of the industrial lights hanging to low. I forgot to mention, we been using the basement/gym for our workouts. We need door handles and those 6 recessed lights. I will post pictures soon :)

Good night, everyone.
Hi all!

Quick trip out of town this weekend to get my parents old car for the kids to use. Lots of driving in pouring rain - took much more time and really wore us out. Last night was school, the last night for that. Tonight I had planned to work out, but "rested for a few minutes" and woke up 90 minutes later. However, I do have a plan - this week I'll do ICE L1 Wk 1. That will get me back in the swing of things, and there's only 5 wo's on the schedule.

Belinda - So fun to have DH work out with you. Can't help you with the lighting. Our basement is not as tall as we'd like, so have to watch it with any lighting - hangs lo. Ikea is always a place to check out.

That's it for today - turning in early. Be back tomorrow.
Hey girls,

Today's workouts: Chiseled Cardio + 15 in Glte Chisel. I also did Zcut KB#1 +4 (tomorrow will be a busy day). Oh, I also walked.

Sherry - we got the lights figured out :) Thanks for your recommendation. Have fun this weekend. Hope the rain stops.

Tomorrow my kids are coming and taking me out for my birthday. I think we having lunch in DC :) My kids will stay until Sunday.
Happy Birthday, Belinda! So great that you get to spend it with your kids.

No rain, so dog walk when I got home from work, then Rock'm Sock'm Kickbox followed by sprints on the tm.

That's it for today. Be back tomorrow.
Hey Belinda! Happy Birthday to you! Have a wonderful day. ♥

Another busy week so far.

I am doing a PS rotation. So yesterday was PS BBA
Man am I sore! I didnt go heavy either. Feeling those abs big time!

I will do a run today. The schedule calls for Power Max but I am not sure what this is. Most likely step? My knees are sore so I am forgoing that sort of movement for now.

Awesome job ladies on your workouts!
Sherry: Glad all the moving is done for now. :)
Belinda: I hope you slept better last night.

Have a great Thursday and workout.

Baby Care for the day.
Hey Belinda! Happy Birthday to you! Have a wonderful day. ♥

Another busy week so far.

I am doing a PS rotation. So yesterday was PS BBA
Man am I sore! I didnt go heavy either. Feeling those abs big time!

I will do a run today. The schedule calls for Power Max but I am not sure what this is. Most likely step? My knees are sore so I am forgoing that sort of movement for now.

Awesome job ladies on your workouts!
Sherry: Glad all the moving is done for now. :)
Belinda: I hope you slept better last night.

Have a great Thursday and workout.

Baby Care for the day.

OK so Power Max and Interval Max are out of the question. Too much High Impact right now. Need a substitute....
Quick check in: I did Hammer Build Up + 15 min Leg Hammer this morning. That's it! Loved Hammer Build Up :) I like the 30 sec format. Great workout. Even DH liked this one.

Thank you, Heidi :) Take the jumps out of Power Max and Interval Max. That's what I do.

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