Getting it done for June 2014!


Belinda: Have a great workout! :)

Hi Sherry and Karen!

Today I am starting the XT 90 undulating rotation.

Disc 1 Chest back and shoulders

Make it a good one!

Been super busy this past week with work, meetings and driving my Mom to appointments. I hope to get back to regular check-ins this week.

Off to it!
Hey girls,

Quick check in: 4 mile walk is done. I will do the Barre wo tonight when I get home from DC. If not tomorrow.

Heidi - amazing job with D1 today.

Hi Sherry!

Have a great Sunday, everyone.
Good morning,

Today I will do S&H legs, P90X3 Decelerator and SBF TB.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. BBL!

Belinda: Nice job yesterday too! ;) Have a great workout with S&H and X3 Decelerator with SBF! Wow what a mix! :)

Sherry: How are you doing? You are so super busy I am sure. Congrats to your son making through his High School years. Unbelievable how time flies from the first day of school huh? It is an emotional thing for sure and hugs to you! I know how I felt when my kids were on their way to the college years.

My workout for Day 2: XT 90 undulating rotation is done. XT cardio leg blast. WOW! breathless from the start! Liked this very much! Cardio and leg weight work.

Off to work now so will ck back later.
Make it a good one!
Good afternoon,

All my workouts are done.

Heidi - fantastic job on Xtrain legs today. Are you done doing Z workouts? Did you pre order Cathe's new series? I am tempted:confused: But know, I have enough dvd's to last me a life time:roll eyes:

Sherry - how are you doing? Still doing STS?

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day, ladies.
Good morning girls,

P90X MMX is done. Still need to do SBF Barre workout.

Heidi and Sherry - what are your plans today?

I will be back later.
Morning Belinda and Sherry!

Sherry: Thinking of you!

Hi Karen! What have you been up to lately? What rotation are you doing now?

Belinda: Nice job yesterday on your workouts!

I am interested too but....... LOL!

I am still throwing Z workouts into my mix. :) This is the last week of the Ab summer abs series.

I just completed my workouts for today:

XT Hard Strikes. Wow nice sweat fest! :)

Off to shower and work as normal.

Everyone have a great one!

Good morning,

Today I will do 4DS Chest & Back , P90X3 Eccentirc LB and SBF stretch.

Heidi - I hear you on the new dvd's:eek: Yes, I want them……but:eek:Did you seek all your workout dvd's on amazon? I still haven't put them up for sale:eek: Good job on XT Hard Strikes yesterday.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. Happy Hump Day, everyone.
Hey girls,

P90X3 Eccentric Upper Body and 4 mile walk is done! I was going to take the dogs only for a short walk, ended up walking 4 miles I will finish my coffee than I will do 4DS Back/Chest and a nice stretch.

I shall be back.
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to stop in and say hello! Got back from vacation last weekend and almost threw in the towel on sts, but Saturday I continued on. Today I finished week three of M2. Glad I stuck with it. Trying to clean up the diet too and hoping to get more support from dh in that department.

Heidi- so sorry for your loss. :( I hope you and your family are doing well. Thoughts are with you. Your workouts rock by the way, thought of adding some Z workouts in as well. Do you like them?

Belinda- I pre ordered cathes workouts the other day. I figured I would get them one way or another, might as well get them at pre sale price! I am sticking with the DVDs though.

Sherry- it's June! Are you back to it??? Love our occasional texts to keep each other accountable. :)

Keep up the good work everyone!


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Today's workout is completed:
XT disc 2 bi and tri

Belinda: WOW! you really did take a walk. ;) Nice job on your workout!

Still on the fence here....will wait to see what is in store first.

Waving hello to Karen and Sherry!

Off to work.
Hey Karen! Welcome back from your vacation! I hope you had a great one. ;)
Nice job sticking with STS! Awesome that your DH is following you with better eating too.
It really helps!

Thank you so much on your thoughts for my Sis. It is hard and will be. Up and down for sure.

My workouts help out a lot and keep me motivated to keep going. I am following the 90 Day XT undulating rotation now. Trying to add in extra walks/runs too OUTDOORS when the weather is behaving. Raining again today.. :/

Your doing Great Karen! Good to have you checking in with us too. :)

Well off to work!
Good morning,

P90X3 YogaX and 4DS Legs + core is done!

Heidi - I really need to use what I have before I buy more DVD's:eek: I been doing Cathe's Bodybuilding rotation for 6 month now, still have 2 more month left. I need to switch things up? I also signed up for Suzanne Bowen's Fitness streaming, love it. Good job with your workouts, looking good.

Sherry - where are you?

Karen - glad you had fun on vacation. Good for you keeping up with STS, it's an awesome program. I am still on the fence about Cathe's new dvd's? I didn't order her last series and I have no regrets:eek:

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. Have a wonderful day and workout everyone.
Good morning,

Workout for today is: P90X3 Triometrics and SBF Relaxation Affirmation, 25 min. If I have time I will do 4DS Shoulde/ Calves, Core We shall see

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. BBL!
Hi all!

I've survived! made it through DS's graduation, DD's soccer banquet, and finally getting a chance to breathe. only dog walks for the past few weeks, and ready to get moving again!

I will be ordering Cathe's new wo's this time - considering how long I waited last time.

As for what I'm going to do . . . DS mentioned he'd like like to start P90X but won't stick with it if he's doing it on his own, so asked if I'd be doing it when I start back . . . I was going to pick up on STS, but might switch to this if he's serious about it. Got the weekend to think about it.

Belinda - you keep rockin' it! Faboulous! Did your dogs appreciate that "short" walk?

Heidi - Looks like you are getting back in the swing of things. I hear you about the rain - and when it comes, it really downpours. But the garden is loving it.

Karen - Yay! You are motivated to get back on track! Way to go! Is DH working with you on the clean eating? I'd say we're getting back on track with eating better, but the next few weekends are full of grad parties which definitely won't help.

That's it for now. Catch ya tomorrow, when I'm ready to start doing something.
Good morning,

Plan for today is: 4DS Shoulder + Calves plus P90X3 Eccentric LB.

l will be back later and catch up on personals.

Belinda: Nice job on your workout yesterday! :)

My workout was mowing this lawn here for over 2 hours! Grass is super thick from all the rain we have been getting. Now my palms are blistered and bruised. Yowza!
Anyway....It helped work off a bad migraine I had since Friday night.

Went out to dinner with my aunts and we had a good time. Was feeling so much better by the end of the evening. :)

Hey Sherry! YEAH so glad that you are getting back into things too and school issues are getting better. So nice too that your son wants and needs your support to workout. :) Love that!
So what did you decide on?

Oh Wow! your getting the new series too! :) I am waiting for more info to see what she has in store for us all. I really like both the XT and Low Impact series.

Today's plan: ALL OUT LOW IMPACT HIIT! This was on yesterday's calendar but the lawn really needed help. My cat was starting to get lost out there. LOL! ;)

Another plan for today is pool cleaning. We opened it up on Memeorial Day and found we needed a new skimmer, hoses and the vacuum head thingy. So had to wait to receive it by mail. Luckily we got it all by Friday.

Well I better get moving! OH Yeah got some great DOMS from XT legs the other day. Padded seat time! ;)

Have a great workout and Sunday!

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