fitness shoes


I've got a question for the experts. How long are a pair of aerobic shoes good? I workout 3-6 times a week, and don't use my shoes for anything else.
Thanks, Donna
Hi Donna.
I teach at least 6 classes a week and have done so for about 9 years now. Seems like I always need a new pair of sneaks!!! I go thru 3 to 4 pairs a year. I have been Nike loyal for about 6 years now. They seem to hold up the best. You'll know you need a new pair when you start to feel pain in your lower back and/or shin areas. Hope I was of some help.
Hi Donna!

I agree with Seasun~I usually go through about 3-4 pairs a year. (if not more and that's just because I'm addicted to workout shoes! :7)I also agree that your body will start telling you when your shoes are broken down. I've had excellent results with Ryka's, Avia's & Reebok's, both in comfort and durability. Happy Dancing!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Depends on the shoes and your surface

I've had Reeboks that lost their spring within just a couple of months, and 1 pair of Rykas that lasted a whole year ( Of course they were discontinued by the time I needed another pair darn it! :) ). The replacement Rykas only made it 6 months. It also depends on the surface you're on. I switched from the suspended wood floor with carpet upstairs to carpet over concrete in the basement ( I was rattling the heating ducts loose with all of the high impact :) ), which shortened the life of my shoes. I know it's time to change when I start feeling my step workouts in my knees. I also start feeling it in the ball of my foot during lunges.

It's important to be alert to the signs that your shoes are wearing out because they protect from injury with all of the impact in our workouts.

Have a great day!

RE: Depends on the shoes and your surface

Thanks to everyone who replied. I definitely need a new pair of shoes. My Knees are starting to hurt. I guess just because your shoes look good, doesn't mean they are in good shape.
Discontinued sneaks

Are you talking about the Ryka Alchemys by any chance. They were my favorite and I cannot find them anymore. I thought I heard that they were discontinued. Have you found a step shoe like it yet?

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