Feb. 08 rotation check in


Turbo Jam has an ab routine like that Rockin Abs. It's 10 minutes standing, and you do some major twisting movements and bending movements, it's amazing how much that works your abs! And then 10 minutes on the floor!


Hi ladies!

I am still a little sore from that abs workout. Today's workout was Gym Style legs and coremax #3..Those workouts will no doubt have me sore tomorrow!!

Joanne: Your welcome. Hope it got right in those abs for ya..I will have to check that one out..

Chris: Your abs workout sounds good too. I think I have seen some of that infomercial on tv..Or maybe it was hip hop abs. Not sure??

Anyway, last day on the rotation is tomorrow!! Can't wait to see what torture Cathe will give us next month..HAHA

Good Morning
Getting ready to do S&H legs and Chest and complete core from CM. For those who are almost done with this rotation, see good results?
I liked it for the fact it was different then i've done in the past and got more great muscle def.
Kathy everytime I do GS legs i'm sore for the next 3 days it's a good thing i guess:) And CoreMax i've always got good def from that workout:)!
Chris great job on MIC and Rockin abs! I just can't do her older ones the music makes me unmotivated, I know that's pretty sad. But MIC is tough she needs to make another one:)
Have a great day ladies need to drink more caffine b/4 I workout}(

Oh I forgot
Are we the only ones doing this rotation, there are not alot of people on this check-in, people are missing out:D

Good Afternoon! (it's 2 minutes past noon!)

Checking in today with the short but tough Gym Style Chest & Triceps. I wasn't too motivated to do it, but as I looked down at my arms during the rest periods, I'm like, "Hey, there's definitly more muscle tone there!". And that made me VERY motivated! yes, Randi, I definitely see more definition and more muscle. Not sure about my legs so much, but upper body big time! The scale, though, is not in such a hurry, with my stuck-on-forever 7 lbs. Ugh! But the definition sure is nice. Wish it was sleeveless weather out here ! LOL!

Yeah, seems like only 4 of us checking in on this rotation. There HAS to be others out there, HAS to be! This is one of my favorite rotations so far too!! The most results I've seen of all that I've done (which is about a handful).

I'm hoping Cathe keeps with the weight/strength focus next month! Or I guess I'll do some variation of 4DS...

Would love to keep checking in with you guys though. .. If you're still doing it...



I still am amazed how Cathe lifts 25 lbs on the behind the head tricep extensions! And 10 lbs on the kickbacks! She's a powerhouse!!


I guess we are the only ones doing this rotation!! My weight hasn't really budged, but I've been eating horribly. So, if I ate right, I'm sure my weight would have gone down. And, the pants I'm wearing today I couldn't wear a couple weeks ago because I looked like a stuffed sausage in them. :p Today they're actually a bit loose! My arms are a bit more defined too, I think.

Randi, I'm with you - I'm not too crazy about some of the older workouts. So, I'll substitute something newer or different.

I actually had that Turbo Jam ab workout and for some silly reason sold it on ebay. My abs and sides are sore today from that Taebo ab workout.

Is complete core all the core work from CM??

Today I did GS Legs. I must say it wasn't quite as torturous as I remembered!! Tomorrow is the last day - BS back, biceps and shoulders. That seems to be the easiest of the GS. Easy by Cathe standards, that is!

Oh, I finally caved on STS!!! I think what pushed me over was reading that Cathe had DOMS from the leg workout. :eek:

Just finished S&H legs chest and complete core abs. That was real tough I went a little heavier then cathe on some workouts or stayed at the same weight as her even when she had to go lighter}( I'm wiped out and fried!
Have a good day ladies

Hi ladies!!

Checking in today with GS: Back, shoulders & biceps and the abs hits #7..My hamstrings are sore from legs yesterday..I did notice definition with this rotation and strength gains. If I could only eat better, I might have seen more weight loss. But, I am working on that one. I agree some of the older ones are not my favs. Partly because they are tough. Like Body Max!! I think there are alot of fellow Feb. rotation followers. But, not everyone has time or wants to checkin. I know I love it. I have so enjoyed sharing my month with you ladies. Is everyone doing March? I am hoping it is a good one. Are we up for another checkin?

Good Morning:)
Just finished S&H shoulders and back. I want to start a March rotation. I'm curious on what it will be. I was thinking about doing 4DS rotation since I havent done that weight work in like 3 months. I just see better results and get leaner everytime I lift heavy.
Talk to you later

Yea, just finished up the Feb. rotation with GS back, biceps and shoulders. I also added the "Guts" part of Butts and Guts. Our dog was not amused that I was on the floor and not playing with her so she actually sat on my head while I was crunching. :eek: My two boys who woke up early thought it was hilarious.

I've really enjoyed checking in here too. I can't believe I did two Cathe rotations in a row! I'm waiting to see what she does for March. I'm up for another check in depending on what the rotation looks like. I'm really liking the heavy weights too, so if it includes GS or 4DS I'll be in! Otherwise, I've been tinkering with my own that I might try.

Have a great weekend!!

Getting down there Check In!

I did GS Legs & #3 Coremax this afternoon! WOWsers! Those legs are freakin KILLER on the ball. I could NOT do the one legged pull-outs on the ball. I had to keep 2 legs down for those, and I BARELy got through. Damn! I was almost crying! LOL!

I'm not so sure I've ever done #3 Coremax segment before. I don't have an 8# ball, so I fudged it with a weight, where I could. Otherwise, I really enjoyed it. Lots of different moves on this one!

Joanne!: Hi-5's on pre-ordering STS!!!! I'm pretty excited about these workouts. But Cathe said she had DOM from the leg part? *gasp* That's a bit scary!! I mean , look at the weight work she does on GS and she doesn't even flinch!!! (slow static lunge series...OW!!)

So yep, The March rotation is out . Doesn't look like I can do it either. I really need to stay off the step next month. I actually felt my calf yesterday after the OFF the step stuff from MIC. Weird. Plus I really wanted to stick with the heavy weights too. Seems like it really is working for me ...

Randi.. what rotation are you doing? Do you have one set? I'd love to see it if it involves heavy weights and 4DS stuff!

I'd like to keep in touch with you guys either way!!


Chris, I can't do those one-legged things on the ball either. Did maybe three or so on each and had to use both legs. Even that was tough. How does Cathe and the whole crew just smile through everything??

I don't think I'm going to follow March either. I think I'm going to use one of the heavier weights series each week and do some kickboxing and other cardio on the other days and maybe one circuit workout. Next week I'll do PS weight work, then maybe Gym Styles, then 4DS and then maybe CTX.

I'd love to have some kind of check-in. What would we call it? It's really motivating to check in and see what everyone else has done. And to not want to check in and say you didn't do anything!


Hey everyone!

Let's still checkin and still call it March rotation checkin...We can follow whatever rotation and just chat and tell each other what we did and the challenges for that day..What do you think??

I will start a thread if you want??

I am going to start tomorrow..I ordered the pure strength DVD in preparation. That is the only DVD I didn't have. Now my collection is complete!! I already ordered STS.

Today I decided to keep it cardio and light. I did a FIRM workout..Cardio Overdrive...

I will see everyone on the March thread..Check in with whatever!! It will be fun..

Thanks Joanne for not being able to do the one legged things on the ball!! Like you said, Cathe and crew seem to be able to get through it without a wince, and I'm thinking I'm a big wimp! LOL!

Oh, i'd LOVE to check in with you guys. You're my rotation buddies!! Posting under March 08 Rotation is fine with me.

I was thinking about ordering PS series , too, Kathy. When I was looking around at different strength rotations , that seemed to come up alot. I dont know. I have to think on that ! lol! I just ended up ordering 2 used ones off of Ebay (Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks and Hardcore Extreme).

Anyhow, I surfed around and found this 4DS Premix rotation. This way I can do any cardio (mix & match non step workouts!):

Week 1
Day 1 Back & Biceps Premix
Day 2 Cardio
Day 3 Chest, Shoulders, Triceps Premix
Day 4 Cardio
Day 5 Lower Body Weights Premix
Day 6 Cardio
Day 7 Off

Week 2
Day 1 Biceps & Triceps (from BootCamp)
Day 2 Cardio
Day 3 Chest & Back (from HIS)
Day 4 Cardio
Day 5 Legs & Shoulders (from Kbx and LIS)
Day 6 Cardio
Day 7 Off

Weeks 3 & 4: Repeat Weeks 1 & 2


That looks great chris:)
I'm coming up with a rotation too:)
Starting tomorrow we should make it March Check In.. And post one for each day so it's not so long.

Sounds good!! Whoever is first on to checkin look for the thread or you can start one if there isn't one. Keep it titled March 08 checkin so we don't all start it...

Talk to you tomorrow...

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