Early check in week ending 4/14



Not a bad week considering how tired I was with a busy week at the church. I also discovered that I MAY have an underactive thyroid. The Doc discovered this when I went to have my others problem checked out. You start to fall apart when you get to a certain age, but I'm NOT letting it get my down and I will NOT make excuses. You gots to roll with the punches, and just move on. It's just a glitch.

Sat: Circuit Max on a 6" step and with a 35 lb. barbell....lighter weights with the legs this time. Also PS BBA

Sun. Nuttin'

Monday: One of the new QVC Taebo advanced tapes....the one with the blue cover. This one was FUN!!!

Tues. Walk at the Y 45 minutes

Wed. Leaner Legs (35 lb. barbell) and work with my Spri tubing for inner and outer thighs and leg extentions.

Thurs. Nuttin'

Friday: Step Fit and PS CST (still heavy weights with upper body)

Today I'm going to combine either lawn mowing with walking or with Power Circuit. If I do the walking, I'm going to do the leg work from MIS and PS BBA.

"Make a plan, then work your plan."

I think I'm ready (sort of) for shorts. I have to check out the resale shop (Encore, Deb H) for some Easter duds.

"In your Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it." Anybody remember that? I know, just us old chicks.

Hi all! I decided to go ahead & post also because we have a very busy day today & tomorrow! Yes, HB, I remember that song. Isn't it called "The Easter Parade"? Where is the Encore store? I need to get some sun on these ole legs of mine or there won't be any shorts for me!!:-cool Great week for you. Isn't that new Billy tape great? I loved it too!

My week:

Monday~The first 25 minutes of MIS (lower body only) 16 Step-ups and 16 Step downs on my 14" stool on each leg, 10 Minutes treadmill, 10 Minutes stairstepper and 10 Minute spin, taught a Hi/Lo class in the afternoon

Tuesday~"I Want Those Buns" and the first segment of "I Want Those ABS" (15 minutes) Tamilee tapes, Was supposed to teach a Hi/Lo that morning but after doing the warm-ups, one of my students walked in and we could tell she was upset about something. Make a long story short, she started to cry and so I stopped the music and we all sat (on the floor) and just talked with her for two hours!! Luckily, it was her birthday and we had planned a surprise party for her, so we left there and took her to lunch to celebrate. She was smiling when she left. We ALL have our down days!! Thank goodness for friends! My hubby & I did 30 minutes of spinning in the PM to make up for my missed class.

Wednesday~IMax, 2nd. 15 min. section of "I Want Those ABS"

Thursday~Taught 2 Hi/Lo classes with toning & ABS

Friday~PowerBarTraining (Great tape!!), Step'n'Intervals

Saturday~I think I am going to do CircuitMax and some ABS

Sunday!REST!!! ...and EATING! Looks like we are all meeting up with family at a Buffet! I'm going to get a good workout in today to make up for it!

The good news! I think my elbow is almost there!!!!!:-jumpy I probably shouldn't speak too fast, but yesterday I did PowerBarTraining (my 1st. upper body work strength work in a month). Now, don't laugh, I only used 2.75 lb. bodybar and a 9 lb. body bar for squats & lunges so I didn't stress my elbow getting it over my head!) and it felt sooooo good. Today it feels great. I am still going to baby it & ice it for two more weeks (thanks LYNNE!!!!)I will be an amazon again sometime soon with you all!! Thanks for all your kind words, advice and encouragement while I struggled thru it all. I appreciate you all sooo much. Have a wonderful holiday weekend and Happy Spring!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
yay, Debbie!

I'm not ready to post my check-in yet, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm so happy that your elbow is on the mend. What a good feeling :) You have been smart to rest it!

:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy

RE: Happy Easter!!

HB, you are talking to a lover of old movies!! I love it when Bing Crosby sang that song in Holiday Inn!! "I should write a sonnet about your easter bonnet....."
Debbie, glad to hear your elbow is doing better!
I kept up with my workouts even though this was one heck of a week for me! Besides the funeral, my mom and my twin are both moving!! So I have been helping as much as I can. My mom lives on the 3rd floor of an apartment building, so I was up and down step alot this week! Ok, onto my week!!

SUN: CTX Kickbox and PS BBA
MON: was the funeral there wasn't anyway I could do anything that day!
TUES: Stepfit
WED: Urban Rebounding for 30min and MIS
THURS: Intense Moves
SAT: Today I'm doing MIC step only and PS CST

OK, everybody, there's my week! Have a blessed holiday!

I'll join y'all!

HB - It's not quite warm enough around here for shorts...your weather must be nicer than mine :). BTW, you think there'll be any Peeps left on the half-price candy shelves on Monday? ;-) Here's hoping!!
Debbie - so glad to hear your elbow is feeling better and glad you enjoyed the PowerBar Training tape...it's a great workout! And hey, there's nothing wimpy about your weights...you're rehab-ing a joint...give yourself a break, girl ;-).
Aimee - Good for you for being so committed to your workouts...as I said before, it does help get you through the tough times.

My week:

Monday - TKO BoxingBody (hadn't done this one for a long time, forgot how much fun it was.)
Tuesday - Mindy's Extreme Intervals; CTX Upper Body Split; planks, abs, and stretch from CTX Kickbox
Wednesday - 45 minutes elliptical machine
Thursday - Cardio Kicks
Friday - Firm Super Sculpting
Saturday - MIC

That's it. Have a wonderful Easter everyone!

Lisa :)
knee re-hab check in

Hi guys. Just finished some leg work and it made me realise that I will still be resting tomorrow, so I'm checking in now...
Since I am laying off the cardio and ALL LEG WORK INVOLVING SQUATS AND LUNGES, EVEN WITH NO WEIGHT INVOLVED (!!!!), I will be starting a new rotation tomorrow. I will post it elsewhere and please let me know what you think :)

30 minute light walk + stretches

TUESDAY: planned rest for knee

WEDNESDAY: planned rest for knee

THURSDAY: PS and CTX BIS, SHOULDERS, and TRIS (felt this!)

FRIDAY: rest :)-( getting tired of rest!)

SATURDAY: Living Arts beginners tape with new balance ball
TWV weight section (didn't skip the lunges, and now I'm regretting it.)
Kathy Smith Secrets--lower body (no squats or lunges!)
All Step ABS, KB planks

SUNDAY: I will rest

Hope you all have healthy, fun weeks!
Happy Easter

Hi Everyone.

Finally figured out the check in begins on Saturday! Hope you all have a joyous Easter.

Really enjoy being a part of this group. Thank you!

Started working part time this week. I am working on reorganizing my schedule. Finding a balance between my family (husband & 3 teenage sons), work, and everything else that involves day to day living will take a little time.

MURPH... May I still take you up on the offer to e-mail you.

HONEYBUNCH...May I drop you a note. Yes, Boring, Oregon is like Lake Wobegon. My husband & I listen to A Prairie Home Companion with Gerrison Keillor. My favorite show is the one were they tell jokes the whole time.

Body Max arrived this week. Sure would like to know how Cathe talks throughout this workout. She's amazing.

Yesterday I ordered a six pack. NO! not one of those! Cathe's. CTX should be here by next Friday. The anticipation is immense.

After reading the postings on yoga. Finally decided to order one from Brian Kest. I rented from the public library Baron Baptistes. Really enjoyed hearing and feeling my spine crack!!! It felt good. Will let you know about Brians.

SUN: Studied for work
MON: Off. Started work
TUES: Off. Second day of working
WENS: Circuit Max, ran 3 miles
THURS: Body Max...Ouch!
FRI: Cardio Kicks, Yoga
SAT: Strong legs & Abs, ran 4 miles

Have a Blessed Easter!
Pop Peep Quiz

Hey HB -

I thought of you this morning as I was listening to a favorite radio show "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" on NPR. In recognition of the holiday, the following questions were asked of the radio news panelists:

1. In a national survey, which of the 3 following celebrities was voted as the most "Peep-like":

a. Rosie O'Donnell
b. Richard Simmons
c. Al Roecker (sp?) NBC morning weatherman

2. If the "average" person wanted to jump off the Empire State Building and survive by having his/her fall cushioned by a Peep, how thick would the Peep have to be?

Answers: 1. Rosie O'Donnell was voted most "Peep-Like"
Unfortunately, "peepness" was not defined so I
can't really explain why Rosie was chosen -
although I am sure a die-hard Peep lover could.

2. 189.9 feet. Any less and the average person would
have enough velocity to go through the Peep and
hit the cement hard enough to cause fatal injury.
Any thicker and the average person would not be
going fast enough to make it all the way through
the Peep and would suffocate.

This information is sure to impress your friends and family throughout tomorrow's festivities. No thanks necessary - just eat as many Peeps as you can to keep them out of my reach.

Happy Easter.

Checkin' in

Not really a great week for me. Did some stuff I shouldn't have and now I'm paying for it.

Mon.......Intense Moves
Fri.......off.....I was feeling really good so I just threw caution to the wind and gave IMAX all I had yesterday and now my knees are feeling kind of burning and they are popping and crackling and just not fine. :-(
Sat.......CIA 5004 step & hi lo but had to stop half way through the hi lo because of the knees and went to Pure and Simple Stretch.
Sun.......off....should let the knees rest some more.....just a few days

Wendy.....I'll have to have a look at the rotation you have planned because of your knees and see if I can adapt it to me.

Debbie....happy for you about the elbow

Honeybunch....you just keep on rolling with the punches....you seem to have a lot of spunk

Laura.....I'm sure you will get the new routines of your life figured out in no time

Having the memory of a chicken, I can't remember much about anyone else....just that I read them and thought everyone worked out hard and were so clever in mixing and matching their workouts!

Have a great week everyone. :)

Hey everybody! I see ya'll are still working hard around here. This has definitely been an off week for me...in fact, an off month! :-( I only worked my body parts once this week and just did cardio that I THOUGHT would cheer me up. Nope, didn't happen. Tried a couple of videos that I haven't tried before...TOTALLY CONFUSED! Anyway, here it is...

MONDAY: CIA 9801 (Step)

TUESDAY: CTX-Chest, back, biceps, triceps

WEDNESDAY: CTX-Shoulders/abs/
Urban Training (25 minutes)
Tamilee's Total body stretch (standing)

THURSDAY: CIA 9801 (Step)

FRIDAY: ActionPacked--really confused

SATURDAY: CIA 9801 (Hi/Lo) Really, really confused
Hi/Lo Heaven (20 minutes)

Mindy's cuing is a little different than what I'm used to. Once I get the moves I think I will enjoy this tape except for those intervals where you do leaping squats (forget what she calls it). Those are hard. CIA 9801 Hi/Lo takes up too much space but hopefully one day I will have enough space and enjoy this one a little more.

Hope everyone else had a wonderful week!


DEB H: HOW compassionate of you to recognize a problem and deal with it then and there. At the barn, we are 30 to 1 women (vs. men) who own horses, and when somebody shows up with a problem "horse" or problem otherwise, we all stop to listen; counsel if wanted. So, I can relate to that.

Laura: you are welcome to call on me anytime...

Susan: WHAT were you thinking? That is a MAX workout schedule!!!
More than I would ever have attempted (in a row). Sorry to be so blunt, but that is way much!

Janet H: FUNNY!!

This week I did the CTX series in the order and way it was designed and I liked it alot. I know; "how could I have waited nearly a year to do this the way it was designed?!" (I'm a free spirit, I guess.) Actually, because next week will be pressured and I didn't feel like designing my own rotation tonight, I'm going to do this built-in rotation again. Tomorrow start with Circuit Max and go back to the beginning from there...Murph
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-01 AT 09:38PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi ladies!
I was sitting here watching a re-run of Lethal Weapon for the millionth time and thought I would go ahead and post. Of course 10 of you early birds beat me to it! :)
Great week for all ladies......I am proud of you all!
I posted a few shots in a new album on webshots you all may enjoy. Both are sort of exercise related!! lol! Click on
http://community.webshots.com/album/12612080HFUKAbDPrT if you like. Click on the pics to enlarge.
My week:
Mon. -- 35 min. on precor along with weight work chest and shoulders. ab work on ab roller
Tues. -- basketball with my son Matthew. He made it close but the old man pulled it out in the end! :)
Wed. -- IMAX
Thurs. -- rest day
Fri. -- 35 min precor weight work on legs, back. abs on the roller
Sat. -- Bodymax then off to another Oriole game. Fell behind 4-0 to Tampa then came back and won it late. Beautiful afternoon at Camden Yards in Baltimore. Picked up a hat for Brandon. He has 2 O's outfits and a Capitals outfit. I hope he brings both teams alot of luck! :)
Sun. -- probably will do nothing exercise - wise. Will enjoy spending day with the family. Also...a few choice foreign beers! What the heck!
Well, time to watch The Untouchables....
Happy Easter everyone! Be safe, happy, and healthy!
Trevor :) :-jumpy
Seems I'll join Susan in overtraining this week:

SUN: paddling on Cherry Creek Reservoir with hubby, 1.5 hrs. (this was my rest day!)

MON: walk/run (3:00/3:00, 5 cycles); CTX back & chest

TUES: 3.5 mile hike (mostly downhill, with fifth graders)

WED: blizzard here in Denver, cleared up by afternoon so I went over to 24-Hour Fitness to use my 10-day free membership; walk/run on treadmill (first time on a treadmill--funky!) and 800 yd/20 min. swim

THURS: 2 mile hike in knee-deep snow with fifth graders; 45 min. spin class at gym; shoulders at gym

FRI: walk/run -- legs were definitely turning into jelly

SAT: power nap workout

It's a beautiful sunny day here so I think hubby and I will get out the old tandem bike.

Anyway, it was definitely Wednesday and Thursday that did me in. Have realized that I do not need to start two sport workouts in my first week of triathlon training.

What a scary scene at 24-Hour Fitness! It's a big age 25-35 pick-up joint. Everyone looks like they just stepped out of Fitness/Men's Health magazine. However, it's close by, good equipment, hardly anybody uses the pool, lots of classes, and the four-day-a-week plan seems pretty reasonable, so I probably will join.

Happy Easter everybody!

:) Gretchen
Returning to the checkin....

I stopped checking in back around Christmas time due to some medication issues. I am now off that horrible prednisone and back to feeling normal. I am trying to get back into a consistent routine with my workouts so I will be checking in again.

Here's my week:

Sun - 1st section of Baron's Hot Yoga Level 1, YZ Conditioning and Stress Release - my hamstrings were sore for 2 days from the Baron tape
Mon - nada - parents here to pick up the toddler boy and take him to San Antonio
Tues - Power Circuit (all except the lat rows. I was just sick of lat rows)
Wed - the call in sick to work and spend all day doing income tax workout. YUCK!
Thurs - nada - the toddler boy returned; spent the evening watching the video of his trip to the zoo and Fiesta Texas
Friday - no workout - I ended up getting off work at noon and went to the boy's easter party. Lots of fun! Also braved the crowds at Target and Walmart to get Easter bunny goodies and stuff to color eggs. By the time we got home my feet were hurting and I was too tired to workout.
Saturday - Firm Vol 2

Today's workout will probably be easter egg hunting and playing outside with the toddler boy.

Happy Easter everyone!!!

for being so blunt and telling me off....I was just feeling so good and forgot that I wasn't a kid any more. As the saying goes....there's no fool like an old fool.....whatever that means!
I guess it was a decent week of workouts considering I've been a bit "off" since my father is still continually in and out of the hospital with heart problems....and he's in Florida and I'm in New Jersey! I do find though that the workouts are helping me deal with the stress.....

Deb: So glad to hear your elbow is healing!!!

Lisa: I just got TKO Boxing Body this week also. Only done it once and realize it's going to take some practice to get down the moves!

Onto my week...

Monday: Nada
Tuesday: Leaner Legs
Wednesday: CTX Shoulders/CTX Triceps/CTX Step & Intervals/Cooldown
Thursday: Method Precision Toning (Yowee! First time doing this and did I ever feel it in my abs the next day!!!)
Friday: Body Max & 30 minutes of Yoga Zone Stress Release & Conditioning
Saturday: Ab work from Body Max/Boxing Body TKO (only 1/2 hour as I really need to work on the moves a bit more)
Sunday: All Cardio Day - 101010 Cardio/All Step Cardio

Hope everyone has a good week!

RE: yay, Debbie!

Dancin Deb!

Atta girl! Knew that the elbow would respond to the tlc--smart move. Hope your Easter was grand! DebD
Hey Honey!
I sure admire your spunk! Just jumps off the screen. I know you will get that thyroid all straightened out. A few hormorns and whacky throid won't hold you back right? I think of you when I'm having a whimpy day. Thanks for your courage that inspires me so. DebD
Wow. Hi, Gretchen. I was Just Talking about you to my hubby today ( coming home from in-laws...a 3hr. trip-grrr.) and commenting on your interesting life. Just wanted to let you know that we are green with jealousy here in Ca. We would love to be able to do all the wonderful things you do to stay fit...so kewl. DebD
RE: Pop Peep Quiz

Okay, Janet! You just busted me up on the video forum and I come to find you here....I read your post, laughed so audibly that my 8yr. old came out of bed to see what all the noise was about. Surely, if you don't write for a living...maybe a column for us?? Ahhh, come on Janet. You know, a "deep thoughts from Janet" kind of column. Give it some thought, or just give me your thoughts period! They are a riot! DebD

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