Don't You Just Love It When


Active Member
As Cathe would say, "you're on!" You know those days when you feel you can load a barbell to 75 lbs and twirl it on your pinky? When you thought you picked up 5s by mistake and they're actually 15s? When you can get through MIC? Okay, somebody pinched me. I'm up from the dream....but seriously, I just had a great couple days where I've felt stronger than ever and able to push myself harder and harder. Don't you just love those days? :)

Love these days just wish i had more of them And wish i oculd figure out the formula of them I think good sleep and who knows what else maybe the moon and stars!
Testify, sistah, testify!

I know exactly what you mean, DeQ! Had a workout last night (Gauntlet cardio only, then 10 minutes of squats and lunges with a 75-lb weight load, then Kickbox + Cardio Weights ab mish-mosh); it was a struggle at the beginning because I'm getting over a rolling cold, but I was on fire at the end, and feel awesome today!

Keep it up!

Too cute Deq! Loved the twirling barbell on your pinkie! Ha! I know exactly what you mean too. It just feeels sooo good when you have an absolutely strong day. Keep up the good work.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Deq, I know exactly what you mean. I had a day last week that I felt invinceable. It started with PUB, I did 3 sets of the 12 reps and 2 sets of the 8 reps with the weights that Cathe uses, took a break for lunch then did the cardio from All Step and 10-10-10 + 2 ab workouts,then on to 40 min of Yoga and a 5 mile walk.
Today, I'm still sitting at the computer and it is 8:21 am all ready. The morning is about all gone! Hahaha

Gotta love those 'I can do anything' days. :p
I love that feeling to.I often wonder why I feel so much more energetic today then I did it what I ate? When I ate it? How well I slept?
I run almost everyday and I have to run up a couple of big hills.Sometimes I have to stop half way up b/c I think I am going to throw up and then there are other days when I can carry on a conversation with my running partner while I am running up the hill.
It is very strange why this happens.But I wish that everday would be a "i'm stronger then yesterday day"
Hey DeQ:

try tracking this and see if it is linked to your mesntrual cycle. I know that I experience this phenomenon regularly and I think it is the few days or week before my period when I actually feel too tired and lacking in energy for all-out cardio: I usually switch the focus to weights on those days and find I can really bust-a-rut and lift heavier and feel super strong on those days.

If you find it is linked, you might be able to plan around it and make it work for you.

have fun

I've been having a lot of those days lately, but alas, today was NOT one of them! It was Imax2 Day, and although I slept horribly last night and didn't feel like doing it, I did it anyway, thinking I'd stop half-way if necessary. My flying jacks were more like mountain pose w/a little lift and there was not much bend to my sumo squats.(Hey, she told me it was my choice to make them as easy or hard as I wanted!) But I did the whole thing and my heart rate was up there!
Hi DeQuendre!! It's your pal from the LHCF ("Lindy"),

and YES!!! I love those days when you just feel sooo strong and like you could do cardio for hours!! Isn't it funny how some days are like that, and others you have to struggle to get through your workout?? I like to work out extra hard on the good days to make up for the bad, and just so-so days!!!:)

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