Commit to get FIT & LEAN for December!

Good afternoon ladies,

Went to the podiatrist this morning, he wants me to stay completely of my feet for the next 2 weeks:confused:.Not sure how I am going to do that? I have a bone spur and a bad case plantar fasciitis going on. No high impact, haven't done any in a long time. He told me to wear insoles for all weight bearing activity, with good spportive shoes and not to go barefoot, even around the house. I couldn't do that anyway, my foot was killing me every time I tried:confused:. Ice 2 times a day, rolling a frozen plastic water bottle under my affected heel for 10 min. And he gave me 2 stetches, yeap... 2:eek: he wants me to do those 4 times a day. He gave me some pain meds twice a day, for 2 weeks. That's it! I ask him about waking and yoga? No walking, no yoga:eek:. Absolutley nothing!! I can use the ellipctical machine or a bike only for short periods of time. He wants my foot to relax for the next 2 weeks. If I don't see any improvement after 2 weeks, he wants to give me cortisone shots.

My son isn't doing any better. His toe is broken, but know a bone broke off. My son saw the same doc, he wants DS to stay off his feet too. He may need a cast for his foot soon..

I stilll will finish STS, even if it kills me:eek: That's all I am going to do. Work my abs and do STS!

Debbie - Thanks! I don't think xtrain will arrive before x-mas. Which is fine with me!

Amelia - how did your workout go? How is your foot doing?

Kirstin - I saw the news about xtrain. I still have to finish up STS, I will be done the frist week in Jan.

Cookie - what did you bake? Wished I could go take a KA backing class. Sounds like fun.

Lori - I was wondering too. Did you move yet? Hope all is well.

Off taking a nap:p I will be back later.
Evening everyone. I had LM on schedule for today, but felt I would get bored doing the whole thing through, so I mixed it up a bit. I did LM premix 1-4 and then I added on TTM, Step Tabata only premix. It was a good, fast-paced sweatfest, lol.

I am taking tomorrow off so I can meet with my son's teacher for parent/teacher conference. My principal refuses to let anyone leave early, even if we get coverage for our class, so I decided to take the day. I think it is important to go and I don't feel like I should have to make a choice, but being that that is the circumstances, I choose my son, of course. No brainer. Being that I am taking the day, I plan on going power shopping after the meeting. I am hoping I will be avoiding the crowds and still get good deals.

Belinda- I am so sorry to hear this about your foot. I would listen to the doctor. You want to get better, not worse. That stinks. Your son, that's crazy. The bone completely broke off?

Deb- the week off will be great, and maybe I will start Xtrain early if they come before Christmas. Otherwise, January for me. I'm wondering if I should do my one rep max tests again. I mean, I think they have changed over the last two years.

Waving hi to Cookie, Amelia and Lori!


We went for our tree tonight & it really smells good usually it's not this strong should have found out the exact kind we bought to know for next year. We also went for a quick bite with DS's. I squeezed in LM blasts.

Belinda - I agree with Kristin to listen to the Dr. maybe put STS on hold because this time of year it's going to be difficult for you to stay off your feet even if you wanted to. DH is going to have to wait on you & DS;) DS's injury sounds painful.

Kristin - The stores seemed really busy today but I would think most people take off either Monday or Friday so hopefully it will be quiet tomorrow. It's funny I see the Furby is back it was big when my kids were little. I liked your workout.

Waves hi to Lori, Amelia & Lori

Belinda, hope you're listening to that dr, even tho staying off your feet for two weeks must be extremely hard. How did your ds injure his foot?
Kristin, I was thinking just yesterday I need to get out the annotated version of the Christmas Carol. Love that story. Is today your shopping day? Good luck and have fun.
Amelia, you're getting in a lot of walking and workouts lately. Good for you. Have things - the drama - calmed down at work?
Lori, are you busy moving?
Deb, the smell of the trees gets me more in the holiday spirit. We bought ours but dh is still putting lights on it. He started and got distracted... Think you have a great idea of doing shorter wo this month.
We made three types of cookies at the baking class: an Italian Christmas biscuit, a sweet and salty minicake, and fruit-drop one. I just really like learning new things. Now I'm thinking of a weeklong bread class. My left foot has a bone spur and my right a morton's neuroma. The right one is really painful and repetitive high-impact, including running and brisk walking, aggravate it. So I'm feeling like a lump and pretty bummed out w/exercise and my health. Oh, well it will pass.

Just finished LIS:Cardio super sets premix #2. I probably could have done another set but eh:rolleyes:

Today is work then some much needed laundrymax.

Belinda- Hope your foot heals quickly. My podiatrist told me the same thing. I looked at him like he had elephants flying out of his ears? I 'wish' I could stay off my feet for two weeks :eek: The ice helps a lot and I've found that yoga helps me. I've got the beginning of a heel spur developing and PF on my right foot.

Cookie- ((hugs)) I felt pretty bummed yesterday, my eating hasn't been the best the past two days. But today will be better. Hope you feel better today.

Kristin-Have a great day. Hope you find some good deals.

Deb-Good job with LM blast.

Hello to Lori.

Have a great day girls:)
Good morning,

Cookie - staying off my feet for 2 weeks will be extremley hard, I am a busy body. I had no idea, you ha a bone spur? Doesn't look like you staying off your feet!LOL! Have you seen a podiatrist? Don't mess up your foot like I did. Wished I could take backing classes.

Debbie - It's hard to put STS on hold because off my foot. I can just sit on my butt for the next 2 weeks. We have a frest tree this year, smells so good.

Kirstin - my son fell down the steps the other day, I think that's how he made it worst. I will try to listen to the doc. That's a nice mix of workouts you did. Need to copy that one in the futur.

Amelia - good job on LIS this morning. I have a heel spur/PF in my right foot for over 10 weeks now. Didn"t listen to my doc:( Now I am paying for it. They reason why the podiatrist want me to lay off yoga, I am putting to much stress/pressure on my foot. Like I said I been ignoring the doc advice for the last 10 weeks, Which didn't made it any better. It made it worst! I am in tears when I walk. I ran the other day, not a good idea, hah? LOL!

Today the rotations calls for D37 legs....not sure if I will put so much pressure on my foot. I think I will do D27 instead.

I will be back later. Happy Hump Day, everyone.
So my conference with DS teacher went well. . . Better than that, it was fantastic! I the went shopping from 10 a.m. To 4 p.m. I dd not work out because I was exhausted!

Be back tomorrow!


I didn't get a workout in today. I left for work late because I decided to make some photo gifts and I still have a lot to do:confused: I'm just taking one day at a time.

I also wanted to watch the 121212 concert I've been catching bits & pieces but not staying up until midnight. It is really good, also wanted to watch Barbara Walter's top 10 people but ran out of space on my DVR don't have time for that either:eek::eek::D

Belinda - It must be frustrating to keep off your feet for 2 weeks but the time will fly. How come he won't give you a cortisone shot now?

Kristin - Wow you must have accomplished a lot. I was thinking of you because some stores are starting to take big markdowns. I bought a couple of shirts for DS at American Eagle & they were 40% off & a $10 coupone.

Amelia - I'm sure your real busy at the store too . . . the weekends are crazy when I go after work it's not too bad but usually too tired to do a big shopping.

Cookie - OK I noticed in last nights thread I waved hi to Lori 2x's and forgot you. Can you imagine all the other mistakes I'm making this month;) My family should be worried when I cook:eek:

I feel bad for all of you with your foot problems:(

Belinda, glad you are listening to the doc! Hope your dh is doing well to help you and your ds. We get a fresh tree also. I've suggested an artificial for a few years, but my dh refuses.
Amelia, what are some of the holiday specials your bakery has now? I wonder if there are still many regional differences.
Kristin, great on the conference and shopping. Bet you were exhausted after six hours shopping. Are you almost done?
Lori, hope all is well.
Deb, I make so many mistakes, folks can't count that high. The issues w/my feet have been building for a while, okay actually a few years. I would deal w/it superficially but lately the right one is just too much. Think I have to only do low-impact once I can again. Right now it is bugging me. Photo gifts are great.

It's quiet here today:) I did some ab & leg exercises tonight.

I took a break today to get a coffee & when I was walking back I saw a new store that looked interesting turns out it's Lululemon:) Now I know why Lori loves that store but it is expensive. The quality is really good. I'm wondering if they ever have sales or clearance the store is too new to have that yet.

Cookie - I tried to do high impact the other day & I didn't have it in me. It hurts my lower back not my feet:confused: The good thing is Cathe has so many low impact workouts.

Waves hi to everyone!


This morning I did LIS Slide & Glide premix 2, it was about 32 minutes...

Deb-Nice workout, I've never heard of Lululemon. It must not be in the US southern region? But then sure we have store you guys have never heard of:rolleyes:

Cookie-How are things going? yeah, my right foot is my biggest issue too. The PF comes and goes...i noticed after step or high impact (which I quit doing) its worse. The only thing that helps mine is ice and stretching. Our bakery has angel food & French bread BOGO. Our cream cakes are 2$ off and fudge is like 1$ off per lb.

Belinda-Sending you hugs and healing vibes for you foot. I know its hard to stay off it but im also glad your listening to your doctor.

Hello to Lori and Kristin :)

ok. Have a great TGIF girls...
Sure is quiet around here. Guess everyone is busy with the holidays and/or resting our sore bodies.
Amelia, what is that bread? I'm unfamiliar with it. My dh loves fudge; not me.
Deb, you sure are good at keeping up with your workouts. I'm getting so sick of wearing boring shoes. I noticed I'm dressing more boring in my clothes. It is amazing how everything interconnects.
Hi everyone. I am sorry I have been MIA. Yesterday's news hit me hard. Not that I even know one person in Newtown, but I cannot stop thinking about, questioning it, and crying. I feel that I am so desensitized because all the other massacres that have happened over the last few years, including Aurora, while they bothered me. . . I didn't cry. The thought of those innocent children. I heard on the news that two of the killed kindergarteners were found hugging each other in the closet. . . The thought of those parents that learned their children were killed. . . Christmas next week. .. I don't know. I just cannot stop thinking about it. Then to find out that this maniac had a glock LEGALLY. WTH? Why? Why is a glock legal? I don't understand our freaking society. The same people who are against abortion and preach of how abortion is against God and it is murder (and I am not saying I agree or disagree with it) are often the same people who claim that owning guns, even semi-automatic weapons is our constitutional right. "Guns don't kill. . . people kill." Yes, they kill with GUNS. I am just disgusted by it. If this doesn't force politicians to grow a set and push through SENSIBLE legislation to protect our citizenship from these madmen, what will? What will it take?

I left work yesterday and must have done 85 miles an hour to get to my boys. I hugged them and tried to act normal the best I could. My older son is asking me questions though. I have no idea what to say to him.

Those poor families. . . with Christmas a week away. .. and for what? I don't understand.

My heart is broken and I don't know a single person in Newtown. i cannot even imagine their pain.
I'm with Kristin, this one hit me hard also. I can only hope this is finally the impetus for change.

I didn't get a workout in today because I was busy playing catch up but on the bright side only one more week to go!

I feel the same way as you guys about the shooting. I was in and out of my car yesterday between stores & heard breaking news about the story but they made it sound like it was possibly a domestic issue. A few hours later I hear about all the children & teachers that were killed I was stunned I started crying it was just heart breaking. The stories on the news are so sad it could bring even a rock to tears:(

Kristin & Cookie - I can't imagine how the both of you must feel working in a school environment:(

Amelia - Slide & glide is such a fun workout.

Where is Belinda & Lori?

Good morning girls,

Sorry for not checking in since Friday, I am very busy. DH and my kids are making sure I don't workout. LOL! I did D25 on Friday, not to much standing. Today I will do abs.

Debbie, Cookie and Kirstin - so sad about the shooting. So sad!

Cookie - are you taking it easy on your foot?
Debbie - I have to lower the impact on Cathe's workouts, I am always hurting, lol. I like Lululemon but they are very expensive. Nice suff!
Amelia - how is your foot doing? Good job on S&G.

Lori - where are you?

I will be back after my workout.
Hi everyone. Last night we went to a firehouse Santa parade with some friends. It was good. The boys had a good time. The Grinch was there and my little guy went up to him and asked, "Are you bad?" The Grinch shook his head yes. My son laughed. .. it was adorable. Today it was a rainy day here. We stayed in and baked cookies. We made M & M cookies and Christmas Vanilla cookies. Guess what I've been eating today, lol. I figure I am just going to get back on the food bandwagon after the holidays.

Anyway, I did MM today and I added on CF Low Impact Tabata premix. I love those short tabata premixes. They help ease the guilt of eating the cookies.

I lit a candle and said a little prayer for the victims today. I haven't watched the news all day, except when I woke up this morning. They were talking about this little girl that was in the class where most of the children were killed. She pretended to be dead and that is how she survived. She is SIX. How she had the wisdom to do that. . . what she will go through. . . how her life is forever changed. It is so surreal. I started crying again and decided to keep the news off for the rest of the day.

Belinda- D25, I am assuming that is not a leg workout, lol. No, I know leg workout is 26, right? I hope you are taking care of yourself! ;)

Deb- it is scary working in a school environment. I am going to go over lockdown procedures with my classes tomorrow. I am sure my principal will direct us to do so anyway, but if she doesn't, I plan to do it on my own. So scary as a mother and a teacher. . . I wish I could keep my boys with me at all times. I know that is crazy though.

Cookie- how is your foot? Are you also resting and not working out?

Amelia- you must be really busy this week!

Lori- how is everything going? Are you busy preparing for the move?


I ended up going to a store for work for a couple of hours. The line for Santa was so long. I guess I forget that part:) The mall I was in has a really cool Santa display with hugh snowglobes all around.

No workout not sure how many I can fit in this week:( but eating isn't bad because no time for that either:confused: I'm sure this is crunch week for all of us:)

Belinda - Too funny about the kids making sure you don't workout. Well I'll pray this week flys by so we can both start working out:D

Kristin - I'm sure my eating will get bad too when I get around to making cookies next week;) I didn't hear that story about the girl. I heard another story about a teacher who tried to go in one room but the lock didn't work so she found another room but that must have been so scary for her. Good luck tomorrow with your students I'm sure they will have lots of ?'s & will be sad too:(

Waves hi to everyone!


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