(((Chinups and Pullups are Da Bomb)))

I wish they made a 30# too. The jump from 25# to 35# is too much. I have used a DB for TGU's and I think it could work for windmills as long as you're not doing something like a snatch to a windmill.


Judi -I have found one company that makes around a 30#er. It will look different than my others but it just may be worth it.

This morning was Providence again, but this time with heavier KBs. So let's just say that the workout was a lot more challenging this morning.

I will break down the workout and weights if anyone is interested.

Catherine - Okay KB Queen. Two questions. 1) What do you do about the callouses from KB? I already have callous from regular lifting but the KB really tear them up. They are so sore afterward. 2) What do you do with the bruised forearms? Ouch!
Linda, I file my callouses. They do hurt and the heavier bell esp swings with a 35# really does aggravate them!! As far as the bruises go I wear good ole fashion sweat bands on my arms to protect them. They say if you have correct form you shouldn't need them. But I bruise if you look at me wrong lol!!

Judi, what are you doing today

I am planning Lauren's w/o this evening if all is ok at home! And I have my podiatry appt rescheduled for tomorrow!!
This morning was Providence again, but this time with heavier KBs. So let's just say that the workout was a lot more challenging this morning.

Two questions. 1) What do you do about the callouses from KB? I already have callous from regular lifting but the KB really tear them up. They are so sore afterward. 2) What do you do with the bruised forearms? Ouch!

Linda That is what I love about kettlebells! When a workout starts to feel easy, just pick up a heavier bell and WHOA!! Its a whole new workout!

When I was taking private sessions, the instructor recommended cutting the top off an ankle sock and slipping your hand through it to protect the area where you get callouses. Snatches are the hardest on my hands.

I bruise my forearms too and have considered getting those tennis wrist bands to wear. I'm hoping once my form improves, I won't be banging myself up as much:confused:.

They say if you have correct form you shouldn't need them. But I bruise if you look at me wrong lol!!

Darn it!! That is what I thought! I need to work on my form cuz I bang my forearms more than I should:eek:

I'm going to hit the elliptical this morning then I have a dentist appt. My STS is supposed to come today and I still haven't decided if I'm going to start tomorrow or wait until next Monday. If I wait, I can get in one more week of kettlebells;)

When I was taking private sessions, the instructor recommended cutting the top off an ankle sock and slipping your hand through it to protect the area where you get callouses. Snatches are the hardest on my hands.

I bruise my forearms too and have considered getting those tennis wrist bands to wear. I'm hoping once my form improves, I won't be banging myself up as much:confused:.


Judi - That's an interesting idea. DS has lots of old socks, so just may try that. As far as the bruising goes, the 20# was okay, but this morning trying to control the 35# was another story. It was just SLAM!
Linda, I file my callouses. They do hurt and the heavier bell esp swings with a 35# really does aggravate them!! As far as the bruises go I wear good ole fashion sweat bands on my arms to protect them. They say if you have correct form you shouldn't need them. But I bruise if you look at me wrong lol!!

I am planning Lauren's w/o this evening if all is ok at home! And I have my podiatry appt rescheduled for tomorrow!!

Catherine - I will have to try the sweat band thing. I think I just rid of a pair too! Darn! Think I will sit and watch Providence and see if I pick up some form pointers. My Go Fit KBs also came with a DVD, so I'll watch that too.
Yea! On the podiatry appointment!:D:D
Linda, there is something called "taming the arc" in KBs. It's hard for me to explain and I am certain I so a video clip discussing it somewhere. I just can not find it right now. It has to do with kb cleans and snatches. Let me see if I can find something to explain it. I am afraid to try :confused:
Catherine - Thanks for the phrase. I googled it and did find some good form pointers. Now I just have to go try it.:p
I just got my STS dvd's and I must concur with Catherine that the packaging is a PITA. In fact, the first plastic case in Meso 1 came cracked already:(

Off to read the manual and preview.

Judi, if the band you are talking about is the one under the assisted pullups, I think you'll outgrow it quickly. I have several iron woody bands :eek: The one I use now is only 1/2 inch thick (I think) which would be equivolent to the small band on that site.
Just finished Lauren Brooks kb w/o. I am humbled after almost a week of no working out. But to give myself credit I used my 12 and 16 kg bells, going as heavy as I could. I did swings with the 16kg bell. I gave a go at one-handed and alternating swings with it and it went ok. I also did some cleans with the 16kg bell. The first few rounds I did chinups during the rest periods. I did 5,5,4,4,4,&3. Not as strong as last week, but I'll take it.

I am sure tomorrow will be a rest day if I get my foot injected.
Okay, today I do have DOMS from Providence. Mainly in my traps. Ouch! And some in my shoulders and bi's. Got up a little late this morning, than got side tracked when my coffee maker wouldn't work. I had to cut my workout short, so I did the first premix from Amy's In The Ring, workout was 57 minutes and I burned 470 calories.

BTW, Hands have been getting better each night since last massage! So I am hopeful.
I did Disc 1 this morning and it went pretty well. I found my shoulders were hitting failure and the target weight based on my 1 rep max was too heavy. I think that is due to all the pushups....they tend to make my shoulders fatigue faster.

Catherine- WTG with Lauren's W/O using a 12 & 16kg bells! I gotta look up "taming the arc" and see how to stop hitting my forearms before I can up my weight.

Linda- I find my traps & glutes get sore more than any other muscles after doing kettlebells. You'd think it would be the hammies but mine rarely get sore. Glad to hear your hands are doing better:)

I got chins on tap for Thursday (Disc 2)....wish me luck!

Oh, Oh, Oh! I forgot that I trained my new client this morning. And all I can say is ....I LOVE MY JOB! I will be so excited to see this client make progress! Her long term goal is to walk the Beast Cancer 3 day. Who could not be excited about being a part of making that happen. Hey, I just may do it with her!

Originally, when I set my prices I thought WoW! that's a lot. But after two clients, I find that with all that I put into a personalized program that meets their needs at their level with any special concern they may have, I earn every penny I charge. I put a lot of time and energy and research into my work.
Hey ladies. No w/o for me. Podiatrist injected steriod into foot. I remember the injection being painful but tolerable before (this is my third injection). This one was unbearably painful :confused::confused::confused: I couldn't contain myself and I let out a muffled cry :( Now it hurts like a sum bitch. I think it hurt more this time because the nerve is more inflammed than it has been before.

Linda, I am so excited and happy for you and your business!!!! What a wonderful thing you are doing. Your clients are lucky!!

JJ, so what did ya think of disc one? Are ya gonna do a strict STS rotation? Or will you be doing some kb stuff??
JJ, so what did ya think of disc one? Are ya gonna do a strict STS rotation? Or will you be doing some kb stuff??

Disc 1 was pretty similar to other muscle endurance workouts except that you only do 1 set of each exercise and cycle between muscles groups rather than doing all chest then all shoulders etc... Lots of pushups:confused:

OH, I don't know about a strict rotation. I'm in such a quandry over this. I may stick to STS for a few weeks then see if I can throw in a kb w/o in place of a cardio w/o but keep things light.

I'm so sorry about your foot:( That injection sounds so painful...brings tears to my eyes! I hope it brings you fast relief.


Sounds like you do a wonderful job for your clients. I agree with Catherine....they are lucky!

Well, I broke one of the STS cases trying to get the dvd out :confused: I can not believe how these are packaged. I also can not believe anyone else is not complaining about this. I will be buying something else to put my sts in. I spent way too much money on them to use the cheap set up they came in and risk damage :mad:
You're not alone. In the STS check in, there were a number of people who felt the packaging sucks, myself included. Most plan to buy a dvd case to replace the plastic crap:(. As you know, one case arrived cracked and I was holding my breath trying to get the dvd out this morning.


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