Cathe: some opinions on future yoga tape


Dear Cathe,
Knowing your professionalism and the fact that you really
listen to your fans I thought you might be interested in
reading what some of us, videofitness forum people think
of the idea of making a yoga tape:
The responses are very contradictory ... but I know you
will take everything in the right sense.

People doing yoga seriously (including me though I am a
beginner) were wondering what kind of
yoga tape it is going to be and whether it makes sense to
just call it Athletic Stretch (yoga inspired) instead of
Yoga Max.

Thanks for listening to us, and best of luck with the new
tapes! We are definitely excited about them :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-02 AT 07:33AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Olga! As you have suggested I have read this thread and honestly cannot understand the debate that has occurred over a product that has not even been produced and at best only been considered as a future video. What surprises me most is that the loudest outrage seems to be over the title Yoga Max and the request to have the title changed when nobody is even aware of what the contents of this product is. I found the latter end of the thread rather disappointing and opinionated based purely on assumption.

I have no comment about the video contents because as I said this video is only in the consideration stages. As for the title Yoga Max, this is a title that was considered three years ago should I have ever decided to do a yoga video. It was simply a title that we thought would be a compliment to our other "MAX" titles. As for my credentials, I have never pretended to be and will never pretend to be somebody that I am not. I would have hoped that after 20 years in the industry, along with the products that we have produced to date, that this would have been understood by now. When I did Cardio Kicks, I clearly stated that I was not an expert in that field and when I do Yoga Max, I will state the same regarding my expertise in Yoga. And to be very honest, I was already planning on having a subtitle included along with the Yoga Max title stating something with regards to this being a workout that was influenced by yoga rather than a true yoga workout.

I feel that we have always been very honest with our customers and never tried to pull the wool over anyone's eyes. After reading the VF thread I almost felt as if I promised and/or presold a specific Yoga product that was not delivered.

Unfortunately some will be disappointed to hear that if I should do this video, I will still call it Yoga Max. This is my choice, just the same as it is your choice to buy or not buy this video.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my opinion on this topic.

Hi Cathe! I just wanted to take a moment to express my utmost respect and admiration at your candidness and professionalism. I truly think you are the best in the business and a definite role model not only to anyone in the fitness industry, but to anyone out there who appreciates hard work, dedication, and standing up for what one believes in. And as far as future tapes, I dont care what you call them!! I do know that regardless of the name, I'm going to get a well thought out, effective workout, taught by someone with a true love and rare talent for what she does and who cares about her audience. So, in a nutshell.....Cathe, you rock!!!

Keep up the good work!!

I adore the idea of you putting out a yoga video! I think that those of us who regularly use your videos know that you always deliver honest, safe, effective workouts, and it is obvious that you care about your fans. I am confident that you will create an excellent yoga video, no matter what you decide to call it! I think Yoga Max fits perfectly, and I don't understand why people are so upset about the title. Anyway, I know I am just one of the many dedicated home exercisers that look forward to whatever videos you decide to put out, and I thank you for continually adding variety and excitement to my at-home workouts. My best to you in this new year, as I am anxiously awaiting the new videos!

Healthy Regards,
Sara Herzig

...knowing what I have received from you in ALL your other tapes in the past, I have a feeling this is the ONLY Yoga tape I will ever do again & again!!! Thanks for your commitment and giving your fans what they want!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Dear Cathe,
I am sorry that the thread made you upset - this is definitely
NOT what I had in mind when referring you to it :(
I really hoped that it will just make you realize that some of us your fans are touchy about using "yoga" in the name. Yoga is sacred for some of us and for some of us its spiritual aspects are important. I know lots of intructors produce stretch tapes calling them yoga tapes following the fashion. I just wouldn't want you to follow the same path because you have always been special - true to your fans and very professional.
I don't think any of us have any doubts about your professionalism and honesty and I am sure that your stretch video would be excellent. I really appreciated that you called your aerobic kickboxing workout Cardio Kicks - you gave us clear idea that it is hi-lo with elements of kickboxing (great workout by the way) and not a martial arts tape. The same thing would make sense with the yoga tape in my opinion - the name should state clearly that it is not a real yoga.

Again I am sorry if the responses upset you and I hope you take it all as a constructive criticism from people who wish you the best and looking forward to your new tapes,

Cathe, I agree with everything you said. Personally, I don't have any problems with the possible future title of your new workout. Some of us don't really like "traditional" yoga anyway and would prefer a more stretch type. What I especially have appreciated is your leap into DVD territory. I, for one, will purchase any DVD you put out in the future.

Bottom line Cathe, whatever you do I know it will be great! Congratulations and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy and your #1 little guy Eric!

Yoga is a wonderful thing. Who cares were it comes from or who brings it to you. As long as it gets people practicing, I think it's great! :)
I for one would love a Cathe yoga tape

I realize there is a lot of spirituality involved in the practice of yoga...but I'm frequently turned off by some tapes that become just that! I love yoga-type activities, the stretch and the well as the inner calm that it produces. I'm all for a Cathe yogamax DVD and all of the ideas Cathe is looking at sound WONDERFUL!!! Yoga has many different angles...what I did when I did an clinical time with the Ornish program nearby was technically yoga...geared towards elderly people with heart conditions-the concept was the same but definitely nothing like other yoga sessions I have attended. Having a different approach or style is a good thing in my opinion...and it's up to us to decide if we want it (which I do ;-)) and keep on using it (which isn't a problem with my other Cathe's). Constructive criticism is almost always good...just wanted to express my opinion and excitement for even talks of a YogaMax video with Cathe!!!
take care and hope you're doing well with baby-in-waiting!!!
:-jumpy julie :-jumpy
I avoid the VF site, and now I'm SURE I know why!!!!!! Get a life, folks!
Have some of us already forgotten about September 11th -- Could the name of a video not even made be that important???

I suggested on your suggestions page a few months ago that I would love to see you do a yoga video. I never considered that you wouldn't be qualified to instruct yoga. I think that with your years of experience in the health and fitness industry, you have more than earned your right to take your fans with you on your exploration of yoga. I was absolutely thrilled to read that you were considering a yoga video. Bring it on!

Noel Costello
I was glad to hear that Cathe was considering a stretch type workout. There are some days where I want to do some kind of activity but can't get up the energy for a full work out. I think stretching and strengthening would be great on those days. Her certification sounds interesting. I've really struggled to find "yoga-like" activities that don't include the spiritual part of yoga. I guess I only want the stretching and such because I want to stay away from the spiritual part. I tried pilates for this reason with a tape and the whole time I was thinking how I would be enjoying the workout so much more if it were Cathe teaching. It was weird having another instructor in my house - I was cheating on Cathe! I don't buy other tapes anymore and I stick to my Cathe library. I think her idea sounds great and right up my alley. Personally, I've always trusted her judgment.
I agree with Honeybunch. Some people just seem to have too much time on thier hands and not enough brain cells to put it to good use.
The one comment I did not see and think should be made is that Cathe may well open up a market for other yoga teachers. I never would have bought a kickboxing tape by ANYONE before trying Cardio Kicks, but now I am debating trying a few more because I was surprised at how much I liked Cathe's tape. I have never bought a yoga tape, but I will buy Cathe's, IF she chooses to do one, and who knows?--I might like it so much that I will try tapes by other yoga teachers. I think there is an important role for the fitness professional who quite simply creates great workouts and helps us create a library of workout possibilities that we return to again and again. This is what Cathe does--and so well.
Hey, don't get all upset about the thread. Video Fitness is a great place where people who are slightly or greatly obsessed with working out to videos can go and talk talk talk talk about it! So the thread is just a bunch of video workout enthusiasts -most (if not all) of whom have GREAT respect and love for Cathe-discussing something that "could" happen. You know how people do that all the time. It's just a discussion. People who are really into Yoga have definate opinions about it. Just like people who really love Cathe have definate opinions about it. I would have thought the discussion was interesting just for target marketing value!

VF is a great place for "vidiots" (they call themselves that) and no disrespect towards Cathe was meant at all. :)
Bless your heart Cathe!

I read the thread and actually participated just to acknowledge your credentialing in it - as I read back through it however, despite the few 'yoga purists', I was impressed at how positive the comments were about you as a whole. I don't think anyone would dispute that no other individual in this field has consistently put out higher quality workouts, and behaved in as professional manner as you over the years. Most said they would buy any video you put out sight unseen - and I would too. I have been doing a lot of yoga lately myself, but would not hesitate to try 'Cathe yoga', because no doubt you have something new and fresh to offer, as you always have in the past. Please do not be discouraged, and know that the vast majority of video exercisers will be excited about any new product you release. :D

I know that people have strong and varied feelings about yoga, so I'm not taking sides in this issue, but I do want to state that I love the idea of you doing a yoga-inspired video, Cathe, and I love the title Yoga Max. Please don't let some negative comments by a very few people put you off the idea of doing a yoga-inspired workout, because there are many more people who are excited about this potential project. There are those who think yoga videos should only be done by 20-year practitioners, and I respect their right to feel this way and to express their opinions, but many instructors branch out into new and different areas, and I think it keeps things exciting and fresh. I'm so glad you branched out from step into strength training, and then into hi/lo and kickboxing, so please go with Yoga Max.

I love the other ideas you put out, too.
I have only recently been delving into yoga, very tentatively because I am wary of the spirituality behind it. . . I posted several times to the VF thread trying to figure out what the objection was to YogaFit certification (which sounds to me like a good program and I'm probably going to get Beth Shaw's YogaFit video!). I like the idea of YogaMax (although I think the name is so funny!! --I guess because I think of yoga as being relaxing, not maxxing!) because I like the idea of a fitness-oriented yoga tape without the "ommm factor" that some have. Of course we all feel passionate about our exercise lives and whatever we are dedicated to most (be it yoga or Cathe step or the Firm or whatever), we will be spirited in its defense. But I've been hoping for Cathe to put out a stretch tape for a long time, so I am excited about the potential of YogaMax! I tend to be a Cathe preorder addict, I can't imagine NOT buying ANYTHING new she produces!
I agree with Ellen

Cathe is one of the most beloved and respected instructors on VF. I think that thread just took on a life of its own. I read it carefully today, and almost every single particpant talked about how much they like Cathe, and how Cathe has done great with kickboxing, strength training, etc.

I really enjoy your stretching segments Cathe - and even though I'm a yoga type straight out of the seventies, I look forward to your yoga tape. I have no doubt the same thought, intelligence and integrity you put into all your tapes will present.

Jane C.

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