Cardio & Weights

SNM Videos


Cardio & Weights

Cedie, Brenda,Cathe, Jai, Rhonda

This advanced circuit workout is sure to enhance your fitness level. It consists of energy packed fitness cycles which tap into cardiovascular activity, compound upper and lower body weight activity, and moderate to heavy weight training for the upper body. This workout also has an intense abdominal routine which is sure to inspire a shapely midsection.
My God!!!! This is the best picture I've seen!!! How on earth are they all so slim for this filming? What has Rhonda been doing?? The arm muscles on all of them look awesome. It's so interesting looking at the way their bodies are different video to video over the years. Does anyone know how they got into shape for this video?

Filming Done????!!!!??? Yeehhaaa!

...does this mean that the filming is done!!!????

Yeeeehhaaaa! Now we are rooooollling!!! :) we come!

BTW, Rhonda is Back!!!

and...Cedie is just about as cut as CAN BE DONE!

Take a break, smell the coffee and enjoy your life...Runathon[/img]
Whoa! I think this picture speaks volumes!!! The muscle definition on these ladies is truly remarkable! I hope that I can get even CLOSE to the results as they have. Woohoo!!
WOW, Everyone looks awesome!!! I do hope indeed that the ab routine will inspire a shapely midsection, mine needs all the inspiration it can get. And if anyone can do it, Cathe can. I can't wait to get these new workouts.

I hope we can hear from all the gang when things calm down on how they got in such incredible shape. I am just blown away by how cut everyone looks. They all looked super before, but wow, who would have thought they could have made such incredible changes when they were perfection already.
All right, already, enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just pre-ordered! I can't stand it anymore. I tried to resist, reasoning to myself that only 3 of the 6 appealed to me but seeing these photos have made the entire intensity series irresistable!

I could kill myself for not pre-ordering at the $69 price, but then I wouldn't be alive to get the new videos.

You just know these videos are gonna make you as beautiful as the cast...I'd settle for 1/2 as beautiful :D
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-12-02 AT 05:59PM (Est)[/font][p]What the heck did Cedie do to herself to look so awesome? Normally she does not wear midriff tops in the videos, but look at those abs and arms!

Oh, and Rhonda is back on the 8-inch step in this picture (compare IMax2)!
I am in a permanent state of drool for The Intensity Series, and these pictures aren't helping!

Thank you, thank you, thank you Cathe & Crew!

My only question is: how the heck can you all do this under those hot studio lights? I'd be in flames within 5 minutes!

Annette Q. Aquajock
It looks to me like Brenda's slimmed down through the core region, too, compared to how she looks in the SH series.

I told my husband last night how these teaser pictures were whipping us into a frenzy. He just laughed.

I agree that this is the best picture yet. I'm just blown away by Cedie's arms!!! She looks incredible. I also hope to get some idea of what these ladies did to get in this shape. I'm hoping a lot of it had to do with these workouts. I am so looking forward to them.
I think how they look has alot more to do with a very strict diet prior to filming than it does specifically with these workouts. Think about it. If you knew you'd be starring in or participating in a workout video, you'd be highly motivated to stick to a diet and get in as great shape as possible. The tans help also. I'm sure all the positive feedback they know they will receive is also a great motivator.
I agree with the poster who wants to know what everyone did to prepare for this, especially Cedie since I have a similar body type and she looks great in the midriff top. You all look great this picture shows off how cut all of you are more than other of the other photos posted. Cathe, you don't look like you ever had any babies! You are all awesome. Keep those great videos coming!

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