Cabs & abs....Hurtin' (in a good way) Thursday


Morning, girls :)

Angie :: I'm sorry :7, but the Gymboss is a must-have. Seriously. And it's only $20, so you can't go wrong...Hey, did you catch my post from the other night? I'm not sure if you answered it elsewhere before, but I was wondering if this is another 4-day weekend for you? If it is, I'm guessing you'll be on the road before I get back here, so have an excellent time!

Wendy :: Haaaa---the word "lovely" in description of a field trip with middle schoolers made me *lol*. :7 We did have a gorgeous day for it, and everything went smoothly. They had fun...Enjoy today's stretch, yoga, or whatever you wind up doing.

The week is zoomin' by. We have another trip today to a local camp where the kids can swim, mini-golf, paddle-boat, etc. I will probably work a little later today and get started on closing up my room. We'll see. In terms of TT, today is supposed to be a "light" day -- yoga, pilates, a walk, something like that. Work will be pretty active, so I may just do some abs when I get home. Like Wendy, I'll be playing by ear. I am definitely feeling glute, ham, and now shoulder DOMS.

Happy Thursday! :)

ETA: I posted this to the cheetahs and thought I would share it here, too: Here are <<some [font size=+1]fitness motivators[/font size] I saw in the latest issue of WW magazine:

1) "Pay yourself $1 every time you make a healthy decision, like eating fruit instead of chips. Keep an envelope in your purse dedicated to this fund; after two months, cash it in for something fun, like a spa day."

2) "Put $20 in a jar every time you skip a workout. The idea? If you set the fee high enough, you'll think twice before bagging your plans. After one month, donate your stash to a local charity."

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]

"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Mornin' Glories!:D

Well I'm not in pain like I thought I'd be so AB weight work will likely be a go this afternoon unless something changes between now and then. That being the case, tmrw will be a rest day. Saturday is my 5 mile race and Sunday I will do my final AB stage 1 week 4 work out. Starting Monday I think I will take an AB break for a week before starting stage 2. :)

Cathy: LOL I guess LOVELY is a bit of a strange choice of words considering the circumstances. :p Sounds like you will DEFINATELY be active today so yeah, ITA that it would absolutely fine to do nothing more then abs later. :)

Ang: I am not sure when you are leavin' either but HAVE FUN! I'm going to a party in a catering hall for my BFF's niece and nephew. It's a celebration of something religious. They are from Pakistan so I am not sure what the occassion is but I *think* it's kind of similar to the Catholics' First Holy Communion. Anyway, it'll be a night of CABing. I'm looking forward to it!}(

I weighed , did BF and measured my waist. The last time I did this was right before I went to A/C. My weight and BF are up *slightly* from then but down overall. I had not measured my waist since the start of AB and it is down! Overall I am happy but was hoping for more drastic results. Unfortunately I did a goodly amount of cheating on the diet though so I guess I shouldn't complain!:p I also had a hard time keeping my cals down to the reccommended deficit range which didn't help. Oh well. I will try again in stage 2. ;)

Oh, and BTW, I went to last night and ordered the book that the Potty Whisperer's techniques are based on!

Have a great day!
Morning Ladies .....

well ... the rain dance semi worked ... on the way home I got in one H### of a storm ... I had to almost stop at one point ... it was a torrential rain!!! Which I was happy thinking my house and lawn was getting it too .. NOT ONLY did I NOT get any rain .. BUT b/c I was in a storm I was late getting home and only got to kiss DH as he was walking out the door!x( x( x( GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR ... so I take the dogs for a golf cart ride .. well as we got to the back fields it started a heavy drizzle.. yeah .. NOPE back to the house and NOTHING .. what does my house have a NO RAIN curse on it??? LOL .. really .. My aunt lives about 1/2 a mile from me and she got rain .. we got nada!!!:(

Cathy .. I dont think I could do the motivators ... I would go BROKE!! LOL another outting w/the kiddies .. "lovely" .. LOL .. that cracks me up!!! have fun golf and paddle boating sounds fun!!!

Wendy .. good luck w/the race this weekend .. I am sure you will break your records!! and congrats on the waist inches lost .. man .. that is the only place I need to loose .. I think w/all the core stuff I do I have made my waist thicker .. do you feel that way?? But I do hav some fat in the midsection that needs to be shed!!! But I have been uber bad on the slacking and NON clean eating.. gotta get myself back on track. Good luck on the "Potty Whispering" .. I bet that book will help .. will give you a solid plan to stick to!!

Angie .. have fun on your trip .. sending some sunshine vibes your way!!!! I am sure you will have a blast no matter what though! Sometimes it is fun to be OUT in the rain (if memory serves me right) .. LOL .. any word on the new pup???

Di .. what devious w/o did the BC class bring this time?? You and Wendy have been taking up all our slack on the w/o's lately .. ya'll are kicking some major booty!!!! :)

Today I am doing my version of Wendy's Mint Condition w/o followed by a yoga cooldown .. errands again at lunch .. dang it .. DH has a list for Wallyworld I have got to go find (that in itself is a w/o b/c the crap he wants me to find I am clueless about)!! OH the hair .. I LOVE IT .. she did it PERFECT this time ... color and cut is perfect!! :)

Did ya'll hear about the tornado that destroyed the boy scout camp .. OMG .. that is just HORRIBLE .. I can't imagine what all those kids felt .. bless their hearts!!!

OK .. better run .. have a great day .. and great sweaty workouts (I know I will) :7
Hi all

Just a super quick post to say we're on the road! Finally!! *lol* DH and the kids are waiting on me so I don't have time for personals but I'll catch up with ya'll when I get back Monday night. I did have a chance to do L&B and ARX this moring, so now I don't have any computer time.:(

I'm looking forward to my 4 day weekend of free eating and no exercise.:eek: I'll be thinkin' of you girls. Cheers!!!!
Good Afternoon.

I'm just chillin' my after lunch cup o' java before feeding DS and doing potty detail. ;-)

Laura: Sorry about the rain issue. Hope you get a downpour soon!:) I have a naturally thick waist so I can never expect any miracles in that dept no matter how much weight I lose or what kind of core work I do. I have heard, though, that you shouldn't work your waist in particular with heavy weight or you can chance thickening it. I don't know how true that is though. You know everyone's opinnion is different so who knows. I'm sure it depends on the person.

Ang: TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!:7

Well I am on the fence about my weight work out today again. This morning when I got up I really thought I'd be able to do it but the booty doms is back and I now have a pain like pulled muscle in arm pit. I may very well call it a rest day and perhaps just do stretch. I can do weights tmrw. If I am a little sore for the race on saturday it won't kill me. It's a flat race and after all...I'm the one who likes to run on sore legs!}( :7

Okay, off to make the lil' guy lunch.

OMG, Wendy, I am with you on major DOMS pain. I cannot believe how that workout clobbered me! Wow! I am really and truly hobbling when I first get up off a chair. So, more props to Craig. I contemplated doing cardio tonight (I think that's what Christine does on the "light" days), but I may just stick with a stretch routine and abs...How did the potty detail go? Any good tricks in the book?...I'm still crackin' up at "lovely." That just made my day! :7 It's too bad I have that beef & beer tomorrow night (I want to support my friend & her hubby, so I'm definitely going, but honestly, I don't feel like indulging in food or drink), or the Sheehan Classic could have served as my long run. (I'm only due for 6 this weekend.) Oh well. There'll be others.

Laura :: sorry the rains have been evasive. I'm glad you love your new cut & color.

Hey Di :: Hope you're having a great day.

And Ms. Ange's already on the road...

The trip today was good--the kids had fun, the weather was perfect. My assigned chaperoning duties didn't allow me to partake in the kayaking or any of that stuff, so all I really did was walk a bit. Still, I feel a nap coming on. :) Keeping excitable 8th graders semi-contained all day is quite a task! :7

Have a great night--

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]

"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
YYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAA .. DH just called me and we GOT RAIN!!!:) :) :) :) he held the phone out so I could hear it ... YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!:) :) It only lasted about 5 or so minutes .. but that is better than nothin .. we needed it SO BAD!!!

The radar is showing more on the top and bottom of us .. hoping it moves our way!!! Keep the rain dancing for Laura's house going!!!!

yesterday found my blackberry bushes .. they ones that did not die have such small berries .. I am hoping this little bit of rain will help the others come on out!! I lost a lot of them!! they are wild in the woods .. but I have been keeping my eye on them for some time now!!!

OK .. I am OUTTA HERE .. on to inflict some torture .. maybe will have a bigger class tonight .. :)

Have a great one ladies!!:7

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