Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

Wednesday check in

Hi Ladies,

Today's workout was disc 36 shoulders, Biceps and Triceps.

  • Standing front press: 21kg/ 46.2 Hoping to get all 3 heads of deltoid visibly defined ;-)
  • Barbell curl:19,5kg/ 43 pound
  • Tri Extension: 8kg/ 17.6 pound I did this one on a decline. First time ever. Very challenging.
  • Seated Lateral raise: 6.4kg + Gloves/15 pound
  • Incline Curls on Ball: 9kg+gloved/20 pound did two sets standing inclined on ball and wall. That was a pretty crazy idea. My stabilizer were screaming.
  • Seated overhead press: 8kg + gloves/ 18 pound

That is all I have to share for today.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind Regards:):),
Just popping in to say I am still on plan and about to finish Meso 3. I have definitely gotten stronger! I was reading over my notes from my first time through STS and I did the same thing I did this time--stayed with 90% of my 1RM for most of the exercises in the final week--so every time I go through STS I get stronger. Pretty incredible program!

I have been so busy this week--I am buried at work, plus the weather is bad here so my husband has been working from home, which means no doubles for me this week. And the weather is predicted to be bad next week so probably no doubles again! I keep going back and forth about what I want to do for recovery week next week--take it a little easy, or do a lot of MWT and high intensity stuff--have a fat-burning recovery week. Can't decide.

Here is this week's workouts:
Monday: Disk 34 Chest & Back
Tuesday: Breathless Body 3: HIIT it Big!
Wednesday: Disk 35 Plyo Legs + Extended Stretch
Thursday: Disk 36 Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps
Friday: X10/X77
Saturday: Disk 40 Plyo Legs + Tabata with Toys 12, 13 & 14

Ok--I'll stop by tomorrow or this weekend and write more. But just wanted to say I am reading everyone's posts and cheering everyone on!
So, after doing X77 this morning, I decided to take it easy next week for my recovery week! X77 is killer! But I do love it--one of the hardest MWT workouts ever. Tomorrow is Squat Rack Legs and some Tabata w/ Toys and Meso 3 is done!

Sounds like you're hitting hard, too Nathalie! I used my bench in the decline position for tricep extensions during my first round of STS, but I didn't this time since I was going heavier. But I think I may do it in Meso 2 on the pyramid down.

You're in Meso 2, right Mary? Those triset leg workouts are really hard! I am considering using my weighted vest for the pyramid down leg workouts, but I will be making it substantially lighter! 20 pounds, or less. I'll probably use it at 20 pounds for Meso 2 and 10 pounds at Meso 1. We'll see. Let me know how loading up a backpack works. The only thing that would worry me is that the extra weight isn't distributed evenly like it is in a vest. I have 20 pounds on my front and 20 pounds on my back.

And for me, hand/wrist strength has been a problem with STS because I am lifting so heavy. My first round of STS it just hurt my hands during the exercises. I haven't noticed nearly as much hand pain this time as my grip seems to have become much stronger, but what I do notice is wrist and residual hand pain, if that makes sense. I get through the workout fine, but then as the day progresses my hand and wrist starts to hurt. I don't know if this plays into it, but I am small framed, I have very small wrists. (on a side note, this is also why I feel I need to weigh less than other people who are 5 feet 6 inches--because my frame is small--tho trust me, looking at me, I look medium framed! Unless you look at my wrists and ankles.)

I am STILL buying more workout DVDs. I think I need an intervention. It is getting out of hand. I have A LOT of KCM workouts now--plus other trainers! I have so many new workouts and trainers to try. So I have enough doubles, recovery week, cardio day and weekend strength/MWT workouts to keep me busy for a while! But I am not buying anymore! That is, until March, when Jillian Michael's new workout is released.

And yes! Nathalie! I am jealous of your spin bike! I want one really bad. The spin workouts just aren't the same on my recumbent bike. Maybe next year I can finally get mine.

Ok, I have some time to post today because I had a doctor's appointment this morning. But now I need to go to work. So keep up the great work ladies!
To Mary: How are you finding STS long rotation?

Nathalie, I love it! I'm really glad I chose to do this the first time around, and without having done the 1RM tests, this is the better way. It has given me the opportunity to "up" some of my weights in the repeating weeks and it has given me more time to figure out what equipment I may need to acquire to continue (this I have been procrastinating :eek:)

I think I'm going to match up my last week of Meso 3 to your last week of Meso 1, which looks like doing only 5 weeks of Meso 3. Will you ladies be finishing April 18/19-ish? Are you following the Body Building Rotation as is or making changes?

Nice weight loads on the heavy lifting, Nathalie! You're motivating me to push it! Last week I upped some bicep weights and this week with back. :D

You're in Meso 2, right Mary? Those triset leg workouts are really hard!

Yes, and Jen, I'm so glad you said this, I think they're really hard too! Worse yet X77!!! I don't think I've attempted anything past about the 45 min mark. You rock!

Loading the backpack could have worked except with the trisets there wasn't enough time to get it on and off! :eek::rolleyes: Maybe, I should have had looser straps and cool dry arms instead of sweaty. Wouldn't a vest be kind of time consuming to get on and off too? I only put a 12.5 plate in it and lowered my DBs by 5 lb. each. The last set of that particular triset I just grabbed the heavier DBs and gave up on the backpack. That was the only triset that had me holding heavy DBs twice in the set. I looked ahead to M2W3 for next week and none of the trisets have me holding the heavy DBs twice per triset, so I should be fine ... except ... :( ...

I had a startling discovery yesterday! For my squats I've been using 64 lbs, DBs + wrist weights. My 90 lb. 11-year-old was on my back piggy-back-style and I was able to do 20 really deep wide stance squats easily, I could've done more. So??? I need to do my workouts with my daughter on my back! :D:D:p What do I do? Do I need to buy a weighted vest, a squat rack, and pad thingy for the barbell? Do you think I should get all of these? I think psychologically I've been focusing on my shoulders and hands while doing the DB squats and deadlifts, both 32 lb per hand. I thought they felt hard. My chest press has been 63 lbs paralleling the same weight, if that matters. I would like to do M3 Squat Rack possibly next month or for sure at the very end of this long rotation. (BTW, I may have Body Beast on my radar for next winter. A future discussion with you Nathalie - I think you have this?)

Ok, now another thought. Would it make more sense to only do Plyo Legs for next month's M3? That way I could continue to strengthen my upper body and hands, and achieve a better body strength balance, if there even is such a possibility? Then do M3 Squat Rack at the very end? Oh, please I need your advice my brain is beginning to overheat! :eek::eek::D

Jen, your paragraph about small frame/wrists is me exactly! All of it, except it's just in my right hand and only bothers me in plank positions. I have small hands and feet - size 5.5 shoe.

Since last time:
Sat: Michelle Dozois Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn - New! Fun and hard!
Sun: Legs & Glutes - Standing Leg work only + IMax 2 - Intervals 1-5
Mon: STS M2W2 x2 Disc 16 Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps
Tues: Paul Katami Burn & Build - New, a little awkward, should've done the tutorial first
Wed: STS M2W2 x2 Disc 17 Legs
Thurs: Cathe's Boot Camp - Newer! First time. Awesome as always!
Fri: STS M2W2 x2 Disc 18 Back & Biceps
Sat: Paul Katami Ultimate Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners - 3 segments Technique Tutorial, Drills & Combos, and Core 79 min. I loved this!!! (Borrowed from the library.)
Sun: (Today) Rest Day

Confession: I've been looking at kettlebell workouts like crazy all week! I'm a total beginner so I have no idea who to go with...

Ladies, say it with me: "My name is {Mary} and I'm addicted to fitness." :D:D:D
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Hello Ladies! My recovery week is over and I am on my rest day. Tomorrow I start pyramiding down on STS.

Mary--that is exactly when I will be finishing this rotation of STS--April 18/19. I am continuing on with the bodybuilding rotation but I am making my own modifications to it. I have been having a lot of thoughts about it and I cannot make a decision. For one, I am not sure I want to build anymore muscle. But I do want to maintain what I have built. And I wouldn't mind cutting more, but I also know that is a fat loss issue, not a training issue (well, not entirely). Which makes me think I need to throw a fat loss rotation in there. Maybe Cathe's calendar rotation. But I'm not sure. I still have two months to think about it. And if I could just tighten up my diet... but this is my ongoing battle and has been for years. Cleaning up my weekend meals (or my weakend meals!). I eat so well M-F, but come the weekend and all my husband wants to do is eat out. And lately I seem so ready to give in. :(

Mary--Yes, the vest is time-consuming to get on and off. So far I have only used it for Squat Rack Legs and when I did need to take it off (before deadlifts then at the very end before the stretch) there was adequate time. But that workout also gives you the longest rest periods of any other STS workout. When I plan to use it for the other Leg workouts I will leave it on for the entire workout. I won't be taking it on and off. But they are straight lower body workouts. I wouldn't use the vest for a total body workout or anything that has cardio in it like Plyo Legs or Cardio Leg Blast.

And I think we do deceive ourselves. I always find I can lift heavier than I thought I could. I have a similar example. My husband has recently started lifting weights (which was a shock to me--the man has avoided any form of exercise like the plague for years) and of course, right out the gate he can lift heavier than me on lots of exercises (tho what inspired him to start lifting again was that I could bench press and barbell row more than he could--he has decided to remedy that). I honestly thought the heaviest dumbbell I could curl was 22 pounds because when I did that, in the midst of a workout, I was really pushing out those last reps. But he was challenging me to try and curl what he was curling--25# dumbbells. I said, I can probably curl it once or twice, but not 10 reps like you. (He was doing 4 sets of 10 reps at the time). Then I did it. I curled 25# dumbbells 10 reps. Of course I was coming to it fresh, not after Cathe had just beat me up with a bunch of other exercises, but I did it! I honestly didn't think I could. And of course, this made my husband frown and realize he needed to take it up a notch! :p

But yes, that is what I have. A squat rack, a weighted vest and a barbell pad. The squat rack btw is also used as my bench press and I use it for the modified pull ups. I will still be doing modified pull ups for Meso 2; however I got a pull up assist ( Perfect Fitness Pullup Assist Exercise Equipment, Red: Sports & Outdoors) and I plan to work on doing full push ups from my pull up bar weekly (it's in our office and no where near the workout room so I can't use a "real" pull up bar during my workouts anyway). I did that during P90X and by the end I could do 2 full pull ups. I think this time I can probably do more by the end since I have an actual pull up assist. I didn't have one during P90X.

I love kettlebell workouts, too Mary! I went through a period where I was obsessed with them, then discovered Cathe and that fell to the wayside, but recently I have been pulling them out again. In fact, my next recovery period I am doing a kettlebell recovery week!

Honestly, the more amazing workouts I am accumulating (and I have been accumulating a lot) the harder it is becoming to create rotations. I find these amazing workouts that I really feel I need to incorporate more frequently. For example, Jillian Michael's Yoga Inferno and Brook Benten's Power Yoga (part of her Kettlebody series/program). I lift heavy weight, but these two yoga workouts are hard core body weight strength work that really challenge me and show me that even tho I am strong with dumbbells/barbells, I still have some significant weaknesses I need to focus on. And those workouts really hit my weaknesses. I struggle through all of them (there are 3 total, 2 workouts on Jillian's DVD and one on Brook's--so 3 power yoga workouts). During the next month I am incorporating one a week as one of my doubles workouts. There are others, too. I could list so many but off the top of my head, I just did Bob Harper's Totally Ripped Core during my recovery week and I felt that in places in my core that no other workout I've done hits--all the way around my body, back to front, ribs to hips. But it is so hard to cram everything in as frequently as I want to do them all!

Well, anyway, here are the workouts I did during my recovery week: Piloxing, Step Works, Step Jam, Totally Ripped Core, Jillian Michael's Shed & Shred and for doubles I did Brook Benten's Kettlebody workouts (two kettlebell workouts and power yoga).

Onward to Meso 2 again--except starting with Disks 22, 23 & 24!
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Well ladies, I'm gearing up for Squat Rack! This weekend I ordered the Valor Fitness BD-9 Power Squat Stand, a barbell pad, and two 9-pc sets of Pace Weights. I really could have used the Pace Weights last week and I'm thinking they'll come in handy for the Gym Styles month. I'm still thinking on the weighted vest.

Oh yes, this Power Squat Stand will come in handy for pull-ups/chin-ups too. I've tried those using the dark blue tubing, but they're not heavy enough so I just skip over that section now. Next time I do STS I'll be able to work on it properly. Jen, that's awesome that you can do 2 full pull-ups! We have a swing set in our yard with 2 rings and I can't even begin to pull myself up. :eek:

Jen, that's so funny about your husband's bicep curl challenge to you! I know what you mean about eating clean. It's so hard! especially with family members to influence you. I haven't been doing as well as I want either. I like to think that maybe in winter we "naturally" tend to eat more? ;) And that with warmer weather it will be easier. :rolleyes::D I know I'm building some muscle and I do want to see it this summer. Isn't the cutting phase after the Gym Styles month, around May/June? (I don't know, I still have a lot to learn.) Although I haven't been losing weight, I have gone down about half a size in my jeans since the beginning of January. I can now get in my smallest jeans, which I thought was never going to happen. Yeah, they are fairly tight and I have ways to go, but I'm getting there. I don't know why but with watching the Olympics we've been eating popcorn and ice cream! We don't normally do this. I hope it's just an Olympics thing.

You know when I placed an Amazon order this weekend I had to get my order to $35 so I clicked into my cart Sarah Lurie's Iron Core Kettlebell and Lauren Brooks' Kettlebell Lightning. :eek: Nathalie and Jen, what are your favorite and least favorite KB workouts? Have you tried Skogg, or RKS, or either of the Kettlebell Kickboxing sets? I have idyllic visions of myself this summer doing heavy kettlebell circuits outside on my deck early in the cool mornings under the trees, with the birds chirping. :D:D:D

Jen, you're tempting me with Yoga Inferno. I always thought that after this long rotation I'd do a month or so of a yoga emphasis. I think it's great that you're incorporating yoga into your program. STS is really nice in this way - building strength in muscles and bones AND having the freedom to choose what to do on the other days.

This was my week:
Mon: rest day, 2nd in a row, too tired to get up on time :(
Tues: STS M2W3 Disc 19 CST
Wed: STS M2W3 Disc 20 Legs
Thurs: Step Blast
Fri: STS M2W3 Disc 21 BB
Sat: X77 I can't believe I was able to do this! :p
Sun: KPC and Legs & Glutes Premix: Kick/Punch Drills with Leg Work (Ankle Wts)
Hello ladies! Nathalie--are you still with us? Are you pyramiding down?

I found Disks 22, 23 and 24 much harder than I expected them to be! I did increase my weight, but wow! It was super tough! I think tougher than when just did it before Meso 3! I have been so very sore all week.

Mary did you get your squat rack?

As for kettlebell workouts, I have Bob Harper's kettlebell workouts which I love, all of Brook Benten's which I love, too. And Paul Katami's Burn & Build--very challenging! I just bought Amy Dixon's kettlebell workout but I haven't done it yet. I have some other kettlebell workouts that I don't care for and so never do. I did buy Kettlebell Goddess last year and still haven't done it! Cathe got in the way. I need to do those, too. I haven't tried anything else yet.

How do you like your kettlebell workouts? Any you recommend?

It was my plan to incorporate yoga into my routine but KCM and my husband keep getting in the way! My husband because his work schedule has been messed up, so he has been home early which messes up my doubles schedule (and I had planned to do yoga for doubles). And KCM because I love her workouts so much--I do the two main ones then realize I MUST do at least one of her amazing premixes before I move on and try the next KCM workout (I bought like 12 of them). So now the plan is to incorporate it more when I finally try all of my new workout DVDs! Gotta try them first tho!

Here is this weeks rotation:
Monday: Disk 22 Chest, Shoulders & Tricps + Jillian Michaels Killer Buns & Thighs #1
Tuesday: KCM Step Boxing
Wednesday: Disk 23 Legs + Extended Stretch + KCM Shape Up #1
Thursday: Disk 24 Chest & Back + Tabata w/ Toys 4, 9 & 13 + KCM Shape Up #2
Friday: Rapid Fire 4: Sweat
Saturday: Toby Massenburg's Chiseled
Sunday: Rest
Advice Needed

Hi ladies!

I am really upset. I have been having problems with my right wrist that is getting progressively worse. It is now hurting sometimes when I am lifting weights. I plan to order wrist braces for when working out (apparently Crossfitters use them all the time), but now I am wondering if I should take a forced recovery week in which I lift no weights and do nothing in plank position. I am doing STS and trying all my new workouts and I am finding they all either use weights or have me doing planks, burpees, etc. Normally I don't mind any of this at all, but my wrist is not getting better. The weird thing is, I can tolerate any discomfort during a workout, it is afterward, when typing or using my iphone or picking up basic things like books that it really hurts.

Any advice would be appreciated. My husband is getting very upset with me for continuing to workout with heavy weights. But I have come so far! I don't want to quit now! Plus I have all these new workouts to sample!:(
Hello Ladies,

How are you doing?

To Mary: Happy squatting on your new valor rack;);) Gym style is more a high rep than a building cycle. It can be considered as part of a cutting phase as long as there is enough cardio.

My favourite kb so far is a 10 minutes. Here is the link:

I have just ordered skogg system and I am looking forward to trying it out.:cool: Like you I want to incorporate it into my routine. Now I want AOS by Anthony Diluglio. Would you mind reviewing your new KB workout?

"I have idyllic visions of myself this summer doing heavy kettlebell circuits outside on my deck early in the cool mornings under the trees, with the birds chirping"

This idyllic vision of yours sound great. birds chirping would be such a zen bliss:p You are making me think of exotic holiday.

I was in Brussels last long week end from Friday to Monday. I had a great time catching up with family and friends. My eating was not good at all. I have to admit I enjoyed a chiquita crepe (crepe= french pancake) topped with creme chantilly and little dark chocolate sauce. This was just too delicious to miss out :eek:.I am just happy to get back to my routine and clean the butter damage!

Here is my two weeks routine. This is basically cathe's Jan rotation/ cardio segments combined to a 80% one rep max reversed meso2. i believe I have only substituted one workout from cathe's monthly rotation. My rotation on workout manager if you want to have a look.

Week one;

  • Monday: Afterburn Abs circuites weight plates
  • Tuesday: STS disc 23+ 100 hip thrust+ 50 Reverse lunge with 10kg plate held by extended arms
  • Wedneday: Flextrain
  • Thursday: Disc 22 chest, shoulder and triceps
  • Friday: Cardio core circuits
  • Saturday: Disc 24 Back and Biceps plus Imax3

Week Two

  • X10 entirely
  • Disc 20+ 100 hip thrust and 50 reversed lunges
  • Disc 19 CST 100 lateral raise and 100 triceps extension
  • Thursday: Supercuts
  • Friday: Disc 21 Back and Biceps
  • Saturday: Flextrain

To Jen: With regard to your wrist issue, I suggest you follow what your doctor recommend. A wrist support would also help IMO. Use it after your wrist has recovered. I can relate a bit to this. I had an issue when I was on Xtrain burnset upper body rotation. My left top forarm was strained, I believe, because my muscle was weaker than the right side, my left forearm (top muscle called extinsor) was not strong enough and needed stretches. I stuck to my rotation up to three weeks ago wearing a elbow support. Also 100 reverse biceps curls helped rehabing my left forearm. I no longer have pain. I had decrease the weight when doing reverse biceps curl and Hammer curl with a rotation at the top. I was feeling pain while doing those. I am fine now. so happy he pain is gone;);) You will get through this.
Like you I wanted to do Cathe's January rotation.

The first week felt very intense. I am glad I opted for this rotation. I want my routine intense. In all honesty when I mapped out the rotation I did not quite realise what I was going for.:eek::eek: Now that it's set, I am going through it till the end no matter how:rolleyes:brutally challenging it feel.

I am catching up on my second week rotation. Today's workout was supercut premix 1 with core.

I will share my workload next week.

Hope to hear from you all soon.

Kind Regards,
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Believe it or not, I've been sick again. So frustrating. I used to be able to say that I rarely get sick. I'm better now but a little hesitant to do any hardcore cardio.

Last week
Mon: STS Disc 19 CST
Tues: Paul Katami Ultimate Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners - Drills & Combos only 26 min.
Wed: sick
Thurs: sick, but I did Lean Legs & Abs Timesaver 3 - Chair/Firewalkers + Bonus Barre
Fri: sick ...

This week I started my workouts back up again on Wednesday. It was sooo hard to get motivated again!
Wed: STS Disc 20 Legs
Thurs: Paul Katami Kettlebell Drills - Clinic & Core (no drills)
Fri (tomorrow): STS Disc 21 BB

As you can see, I've only been dabbling so far with the 2 Paul Katami Kettlebell DVDs (both from the library). They seem? like lighter workouts so far. My heaviest KB is 15 lbs, but for Kettlebell Drills Clinic I started with 15 and moved to 10 lbs to keep up with the moves. I'd like to try the Drills section before I return it. But from there I'd like to start on the Sarah Lurie set with basic moves and move up to heavier KBs. I was able to preview the first 2 discs. On the other hand, I've been antsy to get back to Cathe's cardio workouts too!!!

Nathalie, your long weekend away sounds so nice. It has been extremely cold here again. This long winter we've had is causing some serious cabin fever. :eek:

Jen, I'm sorry to hear about your sore wrist. I think a recovery week would not be a bad idea. In addition or instead, I'd probably make sure my non-STS day workouts did not involve weights or plank positions (yes, hard to avoid, but you probably do have a bunch). At least until the soreness subsides. My right knee was feeling quite iffy a few weeks ago but being sick conveniently gave it some rest time. My two fears in starting STS were getting sick and getting injured. I think we can work through these by taking our time to allow healing. I'm now a week behind schedule, but I'm still looking forward. We're four months into this, I think we can finish if we're careful. :)

My new squat/bench rack is set up, I should be starting Meso 3 in about 3 weeks. Getting kind of nervous about that ... :p
Double wave

Hello Ladies,

I am just briefly checking in sharing what I have been up to.

To Mary: Thanks again so much for that DVD60 for AOS Anthony Diluglio. I can not wait to put a dent on those goodies:D

Mary, you have many Kb program to keep you busy. Would you mind giving us a review on Lauren Brook dvds. I would like to know what her cueing is like. Does she give enough form pointers. What is her form like?

"It has been extremely cold here again. This long winter we've had is causing some serious cabin fever"

The weather is too warm and wet for this time of year here in UK and a part of Europe. It has got to do with global warming:(

I did Disc 21 with double wave training method. I love this cause it does exhaust the muscles. It's perfect for hypertrophy enthusiasts like some of us :eek::p;);) Because of the intensity brought by the training method, I had to decrease a little bit the weight load. Trust me I am feeling it as I am typing.

Here is the weight load:

  • Barbell Rows: 33kg This my number one exercise for the back. Nothing melt the fat and whip the back into a muscular great shape ;-)
  • One arm row: 12.3kg/13.3kg/14.8kg . This is my number two favourite for back training. Love the feeling on my back all the way through the execution of the move.
  • Deadlift: 40 kg with no weighted Vest.
  • Barbell Curl: 16kg/17kg/18kg
  • Incline curls: 7kg/7.5kg/8kg I could have gone slightly heavier on this!
  • Reverse Dumbbell curl: Started 6kg but could *not* increase cause my left hand grip is very weaker compared to the right hand:mad::mad::mad:. This is really driving me mad! I am hitting failure on two last rep on my left hand while I can still carry on lifting on my right hand. Oh well I need to be patient, I suppose, till I get result from 100 rep challenge of reverse biceps curl with lighter weigth.

I am still recovering from Supercut DOMS caused by core section. Has any of you tried it? My full core region is still in DOMS about 48 hours. I think I should revisit this;):eek:

Overall I loved today's workout.
Hope to hear from you.

Jen: Hope your wrist is getting better.

Best regards ladies,
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Nathalie, I'm currently previewing Lauren Brooks Kettlebell Lightning DVD. This is not a beginner DVD, there is no instruction on how to do the moves. Lauren has excellent form pointers and tells where you should be feeling some of the moves and how they should feel. She does the audible breathing, which is a good reminder to breathe properly. She has a serious but pleasant demeanor, only an occasional smile and no irrelevant chatter. Occasionally she shows a modification. She looks like she has perfect form to me. You might want to check out some of her YouTube segments. I'm not ready to do this one yet, but I think I'm going to love it! I will probably end up with more of Lauren's DVDs someday. I'm really looking forward to the AOS DVDs too!

Jen, Anthony DiLuglio Art of Strength DVDs are 60% off on his website with discount code DVD60. I couldn't resist placing an order! :eek:

Nathalie, we did the same workout today! Our schedules have crisscrossed. Here are my weight loads for today STS Disc 21:

Barbell Rows: 58lb/26.3kg
One arm row: 32lb/14.5kg, 33lb/15kg, 35lb/15.9kg
Deadlift: 68lb/30.8kg This was extremely hard on my grip and forearms.
Barbell Curl: 35lb/15.9kg, 38lb/17.2kg, 40lb/18.1kg This was so hard!
Incline curls: 15lb/6.6kg
Reverse Dumbbell curl: 13lb/5.9kg

My lower back is really feeling this tonight!

I'm thinking about incorporating the cardio portions of Cathe's Low Impact March Rotation for the next few weeks. I wonder if Supercuts is in there? Core DOMS sounds like a good idea for me. :D

Jen, how is your wrist doing? I hope you're taking it easy.
Hi ladies! I just have time for a quick post, but I will write more later. The wrist is doing better, but still hurts. I haven't lifted any dumbbells (well, upper body workout) since Monday. I posted about it on another Cathe board but the doctor said I have to stop lifting weights for 4-5 days (which will be up this weekend) and when I start again I have to use wrist braces (which I have on order).

I'm still uncertain how I am going to proceed because I still have pain even tho it has improved. When my wrist braces arrive I will do some circuit type strength work with lighter weights next week and then re-evaluate at the end of the week. I can't decide of I should return to STS after a week or not. I really want to because I am so afraid of losing my gains, but I am also afraid I will aggravate my wrist again. So I will have to think about it.

I did Disk 19 on Monday, but that was my last upper body strength work. :( I also did Jillian Michael's Killer Buns & Thighs #2. Tuesday was Max 30 Max Cardio and Max Core + KCM Bootcamp bonus stretch, Wednesday was Tabatacise + KCM Kickboxing #1, Thursday was Kickmax + KCM Kickboxing #2, Friday was Low Max and this morning I did Xtrain Legs premix 2 (all legs) + KCM Kickboxing bonus abs. My legs feel like jelly right now. Amazing that I could do Squat Rack Legs and Plyo Legs and yet Xtrain Legs felt harder and more painful than both of those!!! BTW--I did use dumbbells for Legs--but I wore the stiff wrist brace on my right wrist that I already own and I used the same dumbbells as Cathe does which are much lighter than I usually use when I do Legs. It didn't bother me at all because for Legs (and some of Cathe's other lower body workouts) you don't do anything but hold the light dumbbells.

I'll be back and post more. I've been reading the posts--just really busy at work and stressing about my wrist. I should have more time this weekend.
Hi Jen,

I know it's easily said than done but try not to stress too much about your wrist. Give yourself an extra week for healing process if you are still in pain. The earlier you get better, safely you will resume your program from where you stopped and enjoy your lifting. ;);)

Take care:)
Nathalie--I really like a lot of the 10 Minute Solution workouts, but it never occurred to me to try the kettlebell workout! (I actually didn't even know they had one!) I'll have to check that out. And yes--I love Super Cuts--the whole thing, but I love the push up/sit up combos. Is that what you are referring to? I will probably try some push ups with my wrist braces next week and see if I can handle them. I have a lot of intense cardio DVD workouts with burpees and other moves in plank. I hate that I can't do them right now. In fact, my first thought when my doctor told me no weight lifting was--I'll just do an Insanity rotation! I love Insanity--then I remembered that every single Insanity workout has you in plank A LOT. Lots of burpees, squat thrusts, plank jacks, push ups, etc. :mad:

Sounds like you had a great vacation! It's so hard to eat well on vacation I know I always overdo it. But usually we are going, going, going, so I usually don't gain any weight. We have a Chicago vacation planned for May. All my husband is talking about is all the food we will try. :confused:

And yes, that first week back at Meso 2 at my new 80% was crazy intense! Actually Disk 19 was, too. I loved it, too. Hopefully when I come back to Meso 2 I can use the same weights I did last week.

Hope you're feeling better Mary! 15 pounds is the heaviest kettlebell I have, too. When I was doing kettlebell workouts more frequently I had planned to get a 20 pounder but I never did. However the last few I've done (Brook Benten's Kettlebody and Paul Katami's Burn & Build) my kettlebell selection worked just fine (8, 10 and 15 pounds). But I do remember in Bob Harper's kettlebell workouts I had wanted to go heavier.

Thanks for the coupon code! I've never heard of Anthony DiLuglio. I will have to check his DVDs out. I like volume 1--it looks like it teaches you all about kettlebell strength work.
Jen, it's so good to hear your wrist is getting better! Last spring I was 1 week away from finishing XTrain/Lis 3-mo rotation when I injured my shoulder and pushed through the pain. Bad idea, because that made it worse and then I didn't know how to proceed with workouts. I tried to put together some non-Cathe workout rotations - at that point I only had a few non-Cathe DVDs - but I lost interest quickly, got discouraged, and quit exercising for a few months. :confused: Now I'm much more aware of and worried when something doesn't feel right. Just take care with little steps, Jen, and I'm sure you'll be fine.

AOS Kettlebell Training Clinic, Vol 1 is one of the DVDs that I ordered. I hope to use that and Sara Lurie's Iron Core Kettlebell set to learn with. I bought 2 kettlebells today! :D:D:D I got a 20 and 25 lb. It was kinda weird trying to figure what weight to buy in the store. At home I was able to do snatch and clean and press pretty easily with the 20 lb, but only a few reps with the 25 lb. I hope these are appropriate weights. The ladies in the DVDs, Sarah and Lauren Brooks, look like they're using really heavy bells!!! Nathalie, what size kettlebells do you think you will use with Skogg and AOS?
Hi ladies,

My wrist doesn't seem to be getting better. It did initially but that's because the beginning of last week it was in so much pain that the reduction was a relief. It is still not nearly as bad as it was Monday/Tuesday of last week but it is hurting.

Which leads me to a difficult decision that I am sad about but trying to make the best of, if that makes sense. I am going to have to stop the heavy lifting indefinitely. I am hoping it is better in a few months, but if I am undergoing injections and possibly surgery I cannot exacerbate it with STS.

Nathalie--the body type test you posted on another thread helped me make my decision. It said I am somewhere between a mesomorph and an endomorph, so for the next few months I am taking the endomorph approach to training--circuit training with moderate weights.

The funny thing about this is, even tho I love lifting heavy, circuit training with moderate weights is how I came to be an exercise fanatic. It is still my favorite type of workout. Cathe's High Step workouts are my favorites--I have always loved fast-paced circuit training and I especially love bootcamp style circuit training that varies cardio and strength.

So I won't be continuing this bodybuilding rotation. It makes me sad because I hate to not finish something I started, but I need to take care of my wrist. It is hurting to type and do other things. I know I'll come back STS at some point, but not a year long bodybuilding rotation.

I'll still stop by and see how you ladies are doing.
Hi Ladies,

Hope you are all well. I am recovering from DOMS almost everywhere:D:D:D Today was triset legs. Plus as previously I added 100 hip thrust. I felt really spent and could not add 50 reverse lunge. I will to add it later on during the week.

To Mary: Good question about the Kb. Ideally I would like to purchase an adjustable kb. I have not found one I really like. Because I have not done KB workout for a while, I would prefer starting light. I will start with 10 to 15 pounds. I am still waiting for both AOS (3 dvd) plus skogg system. It will take a while to get through the post. Please let me know your views at your first attempt. Are you preordering *new* KCM workout? I would like to preorder but since it has been pointed out they are not as intense as cathe, I am getting skeptical.

Do you remember we discussed intensity on here our check in box. No disrespect to KCM but, as I previously mentioned I really can not connect with w/o which are not intense. It would be a waste of time! I have a decision to make on this. I could still purchase and tweak it to add intensity.Thanks for sharing your views on Lauren Brook.

While we are on intensity topic, here is a good article about intensity:

Intensity Techniques | FitnessRX for Women

To Jen: Stopping STS is the best decision till you fully heal your wrist. It seems like you will need longer time than two weeks. Health is more important.
Opting for endomorph rotation is good. I do not believe in relying on the same approach for years. We all have to change things up in order to consistently gain adaptation in our body. Regardless of the type of rotation you opt for, please share with us and carry on checking in. Our check in is not just for STS. It's about encouraging each othe. I am actually excited to know the response you will get. Are you aiming to gain cuts as a goal? Are you happy with the way your overall physique look? Are you looking to loose more fat?

Here is today's workload for one dumbbell, actual weight is 2x dumbbells where applicable:

  • Narrow squat:13kg
  • 45 degree Lunge: 7kg I love this one and felt it in my quads and glutes ;-)
  • One leg sit N slide with paper plate: 7kg
  • Side lunges: 7kg
  • Static lunges: 7kg
  • Plie squat: 14.8kg
  • Wide squat:13kg
  • one leg with plate: 7kg
  • Deadlift: 13kg
  • One leg slide back lunge on plate: 7kg I truly love love these for both glutes and quad. It does fry big time!

Hope to hear from you soon.
Jen hope you gain some improvement for your wrist.

Kind Regards,
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Nathalie, I'm currently previewing Lauren Brooks Kettlebell Lightning DVD. This is not a beginner DVD, there is no instruction on how to do the moves. Lauren has excellent form pointers and tells where you should be feeling some of the moves and how they should feel. She does the audible breathing, which is a good reminder to breathe properly. She has a serious but pleasant demeanor, only an occasional smile and no irrelevant chatter. Occasionally she shows a modification. She looks like she has perfect form to me. You might want to check out some of her YouTube segments. I'm not ready to do this one yet, but I think I'm going to love it! I will probably end up with more of Lauren's DVDs someday. I'm really looking forward to the AOS DVDs too!

Jen, Anthony DiLuglio Art of Strength DVDs are 60% off on his website with discount code DVD60. I couldn't resist placing an order! :eek:

Nathalie, we did the same workout today! Our schedules have crisscrossed. Here are my weight loads for today STS Disc 21:

Barbell Rows: 58lb/26.3kg
One arm row: 32lb/14.5kg, 33lb/15kg, 35lb/15.9kg
Deadlift: 68lb/30.8kg This was extremely hard on my grip and forearms.
Barbell Curl: 35lb/15.9kg, 38lb/17.2kg, 40lb/18.1kg This was so hard!
Incline curls: 15lb/6.6kg
Reverse Dumbbell curl: 13lb/5.9kg

My lower back is really feeling this tonight!

I'm thinking about incorporating the cardio portions of Cathe's Low Impact March Rotation for the next few weeks. I wonder if Supercuts is in there? Core DOMS sounds like a good idea for me. :D

Jen, how is your wrist doing? I hope you're taking it easy.

To Mary,

To reply to your question above, the DOMS were caused by the core segment. Mainly from the exercise consisting of lying on the back , stacking one leg on top of the other and bringing the top leg toward the chest while crunching. That definitely killed me:D:eek:
Hi Ladies,
Do you remember we discussed intensity on here our check in box. No disrespect to KCM but, as I previously mentioned I really can not connect with w/o which are not intense. It would be a waste of time! I have a decision to make on this. I could still purchase and tweak it to add intensity.Thanks for sharing your views on Lauren Brook.

To Jen: Stopping STS is the best decision till you fully heal your wrist. It seems like you will need longer time than two weeks. Health is more important.
Opting for endomorph rotation is good. I do not believe in relying on the same approach for years. We all have to change things up in order to consistently gain adaptation in our body. Regardless of the type of rotation you opt for, please share with us and carry on checking in. Our check in is not just for STS. It's about encouraging each othe. I am actually excited to know the response you will get. Are you aiming to gain cuts as a goal? Are you happy with the way your overall physique look? Are you looking to loose more fat?

I've been doing a lot of KCM workouts, primarily as my doubles workouts, but I wanted to respond to your comment about intensity. I have not yet done her straight strength workouts though I do own several. Most of the workouts I own are circuit based. Now, I will say that overall Cathe is more intense, but some of KCMs circuit workouts have worn me out! I do the premix that combines them both for an hour long workout, I used heavier dumbbells than KCM (I do the same thing with Cathe btw--I almost always use heavier dumbbells than she does) and do all of the advanced modifications and I get an excellent circuit/MWT workout. Plus, KCM creates fun workouts and she has a good presence. That is one of the reasons I am addicted to Cathe workouts--they're fun! That is pretty important to working out, for me at least. I own a lot of very advanced and intense workouts by other trainers, but I come back to Cathe all the time because of a the fun-factor. KCM has the fun factor, too. You also have to like the trainer. I like KCM and Cathe a lot--I also really like Shaun T--but there isn't a lot of fun-factor to his Insanity workouts. :confused: However, they are incredible workouts, which is why I always come back to them--just not nearly as frequently as I come back to Cathe!

As for my goals at this point--obviously to heal my wrist! :p But I've gained a lot of muscle. I am really not interested in gaining anymore, so altering my rotation is something I have been considering for a while. But I didn't want it to happen like this and I am also OCD--when I start something I like to finish it. I just do. However, I am looking to maintain the muscle I've gained and get rid of some fat. So this actually plays right into what I want to do. It is making it hard for me create rotations right now. I am still hurting, so I am so afraid of muscle loss. I am doing circuit workouts with dumbbells--but not super heavy. I want to add some some workouts like STS Total Body, Muscle Max, Muscle Endurance, but I'm worried about my wrist. Right now I am trying new workouts that don't require heavy dumbbells--circuit/MWT--lots of reps, so I am feeling it! But I also miss lifting heavy.
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