Anyone else think that Sarah Palin resembles....

. Lots of politicians "drag" their families into politics so to say, but I rarely see the men criticized for it.

I am sorry but I totally disagree with that. Obama rarely has his two kids with him. All I see from Sarah Palin is her husband and her kids with her, a good third of the speech is about how DH is a champion snowmobile racer, the older son is going to Iraq, the younger one is a special needs child - interestingly enough nothing about the 3 girls.

I couldn't care less if Todd Palin has raced up to the moon and back with his snowmobile, it has nothing to do with what kind of VP she would be.

What I have a problem with is that she is introduced as "a devoted wife and mother of five", that is the platform she is running on!!!! If as a candidate you are pointing this out as a positive or qualification for the job of VP, you need to expect to be asked questions about it and not scream "this is off-limits and it is sexist".

I don't know how being a mother of five qualifies you more than others, the last time I checked when I applied for a management position being a Mom of two didn't show up on my resume or in the interview.

Well, I guess we can't ask her about policies or opinions because the McCain campaign will only let her talk to the press unless the media treats her with respect and deference. Give me a break here! She is running for office, I am sure Ahmadinejad or Chavez will treat her with respect and deference - NOT!!! Good grief, this is sexism in reverse.

I am all for equal rights for women but with equal rights come equal responsibilities.

The more I listen to that nonsense that is coming from the McCain campaign the more I just want to hit them over the head. As a woman I am offended about nominating Sarah Palin in an act of tokenism and sexism so he can dilute his actual record and make an appeal to woman.

This from a guy whose voting record is the worst in the senate on children's issues as published by the Children's Defense Fund Action Committee

This from a guy who opposes equal pay for woman and voted against protection for women from domestic violence.

This from a guy who tells sexist jokes as for example at an appearance before the National League of Cities and Towns in Washington D.C

“Have you heard the one about the woman who is attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to die?… When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak, her doctor leans over to hear her sigh contently and to feebly ask, ‘Where is that marvelous ape?’ “

That from a guy who said about Chelsea Clinton

“Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?… Because her father is Janet Reno.”

How a woman in her right mind would even consider running with that guy is beyond me. Let's face it, Sarah Palin is the running mate, she subscribes to McCain's policies.

That being said, I find her tone condenscending and whatever comes out of her mouth is abbrasive and mean-spirited and I have not the faintest idea based on what accomplishments? Having sold the state airplane on Ebay? Watch out John McCain, Airforce One is next :eek::D
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Rudy! I don't know if you are from NY but I doubt it because there are very few New Yorkers who would ever support Rudy. If you a pro-choice I don't see how you can support a McCain Palin ticket with vacancies coming up on the Supreme Court which our new president will fill. I am old enough to remember and be of an age when abortion was illegal. There were horror stories among my friends and I remember the fear we all experienced when we thought we could be pregnant--ostracism, forced marriage or even worse I guess an illegal abortion. I don't wish those on anyone.
I agree ~ McCain/Palin is a serious thread to Roe v Wade. The problem is...I don't vote on only one or two issues. Sometimes I wish I could do that. It would make my decision quite easy.

Carola, McCain said those things?
But to the original question - I could judge the resemblance better, if Cathe would have her picture taken,smiling brightly next to a bloody,gasping caribou....don't see Cathe rising to that height......thank God.
I think that a lot of Republicans are struggling with the decision before them. I'm a Democrat, and I'm extremely proud of the Democrat's ticket, but I have family members that are traditionally Republicans and are struggling with the decision because Bush has changed the Republican party almost irreversibly. It used to be the party of fiscal conservatism and less government, but Bush changed all that by approving almost every spending bill that has come his way these past two terms. The Republicans used to be conservative when it came to international involvement, but starting a needless war in Iraq and spending billions in the process, debunks that theory, as well. The only "conservative" aspect of the party seems to be its social stances against abortion and gay marriage. However, Bush, I believe, had the honor of governing over a state with the highest number of executions. What's so "pro-life" about that. Not to mention sending young men to die or be maimed and forever be traumatized in a war, which he still cannot properly explain. I think those who claim to be conservative should think very long and hard about the decision which lies before them. Look at the two candidates. Who REALLY is more conservative when it comes to spending and social issues? Someone who voted in favor of the Iraq war and has supported Bush more than 90 percent of the time, or someone who voted against sending our troops to slaughter and has questioned Bush's policies the entire way?

Man, this thread is like a black hole that keeps sucking me in!!! I'm such a political junkie, and this is SOOOO giving me my fix for the day!! :)
The REAL issue is John McCain

Some facts (sources included if anyone wants verification):

1) John McCain, in an 11/27/07 interview with the Des Moines Register, said this: "NAFTA was a good idea... Have people lost jobs? Yes, they have, and they're gonna lose jobs."

2) John McCain has been upfront about the fact that he has voted along with George W. 90% of the time. Since GWB took office THREE MILLION manufacturing jobs have been permanently shipped overseas. Estimates say we could lose up to FOURTEEN MILLION MORE MIDDLE-CLASS JOBS in the next ten years. Yet McCain STILL supports free trade (

3) John McCain voted to increase trade with China (H.R. 3450, Vote 395, 11/20/93 and H.R. 4444, Vote 251, 9/19/00).

4) In addition to helping to destroy the American economy by shipping overseas the jobs of ordinary working people (anyone here NOT an ordinary working person?) consider this: A laborer in China makes only 50 cents per day and works 15 hours a day/7 days a week (USA TODAY, 2/28/07).

5) The U.S. deficit with China has increased to $262 billion, resulting in the loss of 2.3 million American jobs. In my home state of Ohio 102,000 jobs have been lost to china ("China Trade Gap Cuases Massive Job and Wage Losses," Economic Policy Institute, 7/30/08 and Frank Bentayou "Economic Policy Institute study).

Before George W. Bush took office I was doing fine. My credit score was about as high as a credit score could go, I'd worked all my life, I didn't struggle with debt, and (I thought) I had plenty of money in savings. But thanks to the policies of the Republicans (including their friendships with big banking contributers) and two surgeries, followed by recovery from a car crash (keeping me out of work for five month's) I am now meeting with a bankruptcy attorney. I never dreamed this would happen to me. You know how they say it only takes one tragedy to cause a family economic disaster? Believe it, lest you imagine, as I did, this could never happen to you. I think it's just great that some of you believe McCain and Palin are so swell because you'll be the one's supporting the rest of us when we can no longer support ourselves. And our numbers are growing rapidly. Bankruptcy filings are at record highs, with no end in sight. If McCain gets in office (remember, he freely admits to voting along with GWB NINETY PER-CENT OF THE TIME) things are going to get a lot worse.

By the way, in case anyone thinks I'm being overly dramatic or I'm just some wench who doesn't want to work, I've never NOT worked. I NEVER turn down overtime and have been used to working 12-hour days for years. Try to imagine what it's like to work that hard and STILL not be able to get a foothold. Also, if it matters, I served in the Persian Gulf during the first Gulf War so I can't imagine how my patriotism, as a moderate Democrat, can be attacked. I'd like to hope, anyway. My point is that I, like you, am an ordinary working person who's always worked and played by the rules; who saved and didn't blow her money on stupid nonsense, yet none of that matters now. I never thought it could happen to me but it did - and it could happen to you. People who don't have to worry about money, who aren't even aware of the fact that they own seven fabulous houses, have the luxury of not caring that their policies are killing hard working Americans. I just wonder what everyone else's excuse for not caring is.
Carola, McCain said those things?[/QUOTE]

Not Carola here, but yes he did. He also called his wife an extremely rude name in front of the press during a 1992 Senate run.

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My in laws have been staunch Republicans for years and many a discussion has been had about politics. We are the left wing Woodstock part of the family. I was shocked to learn that they are supporting Obama and have been contributing to his campaign. These are people who had their picture taken with Ronald Reagan! I have been getting emails and phone calls from them encouraging me to vote Democratic. For them it was the Iraq war. They are both professionals and financially well off. I can't see this economy hurting them too badly and yet they have become Obama supporters. Bush has certainly taken the Republicans down a new path.
The Clinton comment is terrible. And the ape joke...what the hell?! As for the comment to his wife, does anyone have actual proof, or is this a rumor?

I'm not defending McCain. I'm just very careful about net gossip. Anyone can say anything, and if enough people repeat it, it suddenly becomes true, you know?

Siren, I'm so sorry to hear of your financial difficulties. I hope your situation turns around soon.
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As for the comment to his wife, does anyone have actual proof, or is this a rumor?

It's not a rumor! John McCain is the senator from my home state. McCain's temper tantrums, inappropriate and sexist jokes are well known in Arizona.

He called his wife a trollup and the c-word (the one that rhymes with blunt) at a 1992 rally, I know several people who said they were there and actually heard it.
Yes, but that's hearsay. Wouldn't the press be making a huge deal out of that now? Wouldn't someone bring it up or allude to it?

Again, if he did say it, he's a real jerk (that's my censored version). But I don't believe everything I hear.
I thought so too...

I'm actually impressed that nobody mentioned this before! I was thinking about it since last week. To me, they look like sisters!!!!
That was known for a long time way before he became a Presidential candidate. The sexist jokes, the namecalling of his wife and the Janet Reno comments have been around for a long time. I think it hasn't been brought up because it is kind of old news from quite a while ago. Now for the Issues....He still loses as far as I am concerned.
Yes, but that's hearsay. Wouldn't the press be making a huge deal out of that now? Wouldn't someone bring it up or allude to it?

Again, if he did say it, he's a real jerk (that's my censored version). But I don't believe everything I hear.

There are many times that McCain has said something offensive or stupid and the press hasn't covered it. It's not for nothing that he calls the press/media "his base".

I know the people who said they heard him say it, they are VERY credible to me. I actually heard it from them before I googled it.

But lets assume he didn't say it, I still find the two statements about Chelsea Clinton and the joke way more offensive anyway. No matter how you turn or slice it he IS a jerk!!! And that is also my censored version :p
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Google McCain and sexist and you'll get an eyeful. Of course, as always, mind the source. Far left or far right news articles are always suspect. I've known about McCain's temper for years. 8 years ago, when he ran against Bush, it was one of the things Bush used to get him discounted. None of this stuff is new.

I worry more about people blindly following either Dem or Reb. This election is far too important to vote for someone without really figuring out who that someone is.

As for the original question - I think Palin reminds me most of my DH's ex-wife. Fun, clever and everyone's friend, until a friend disagrees with her, then, as my DH's son said, she turns into a viper and attacks. She makes me very, very nervous. But that's just me.
I totally agree with what some of you have mentioned about the Republican party. I have always been a staunch Republican, but I've also been very disapointed in the last 8 years. I find it difficult to want to vote for McCain. I've never thought very highly of him. He has been on record for saying a lot of sexist things, so it makes me wonder how him and Sarah Palin could ever work well together. It also makes you question the whole ploy aspect of picking her in the first place. That said, I just can't see myself voting for Obama either. I feel like a woman without a candidate. :(

p.s. As far as always seeing Sarah with her husband and kids with her - I don't really see a problem with that. She is always going to be a mother first, but that doesn't mean that's all she has to be. And if they want to introduce her as the mother of 5, I really think that's the least of our worries. ;) I think you guys have mentioned plenty of other more valid concerns. Obama had his family with him too at the Democratic Convention and his two little girls were front and center on that stage talking to their dad via a video conference. A very well staged sympathetic moment - don't tell me he didn't "use" them just a little there.

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