Always Sore?

I am just getting back into exercise after a 5 year break. I am sore everyday now and just wondered if this is what it's like for the experienced exercisers. Will I ever have a time when my body doesn't ache?

Hi there,

I'm new to Cathe but used to workout fairly regularly and ride horses. From what I remember, it gets better. You will still have days when you have DOMS after a super tough workout but they do decrease, IME.

It is DOMS that you are referring to, right?
(Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)
I am pretty much always sore in some way and I've been working out for years.

I'm sore because I do so many different kinds of workouts and my muscles don't become used to any one thing. I change it up every day. It's when I'm not sore that I realize my body needs to be challenged by something different.
I've also been working out consistently for many years now, mostly with Cathe's workouts. I don't think we necessarily need to experience DOMS to have had a good workout (Cathe wrote an article about this in her newsletter a while back, I think). So, some days I have DOMS and others I don't. I seem to get them fairly consistently when I change the style of workout that I'm shifting from a high rep/low weight routine to a low rep/high weight routine. That said, I still don't "always" get them in those situations, and then other days I get them from workouts I've done over and over again. Go figure.

My two cents: Listen to your body and don't push too hard too fast, since you're just getting back into the groove of working out. You don't want those DOMS and aches to turn into injuries! (speaking from experience)

Also, I really enjoy Epsom Salt baths to soothe my sore muscles. Super cheap but feels great! That might help give you some relief.
Yes, I was referring to DOMS.

Thanks for the replies. Good to know that it will probably get better. I probably have been pushing myself a little hard so I will have to watch that.
Since starting XTrain this week, I'm experiencing DOMS again. I did four rounds of P90X and I guess my body got so accustomed to it that I wasn't sore after completing the first 90 days.

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