50 and over week of Feb 21 check in

jann, i didn't lose anything when i did STS either, lbs. or inches. it was rather depressing , cuz you work soooo hard. i am stronger. i can lift heavier in all my w/outs now. but, the AWT and WW is how i have lost. mainly the WW, cuz my eating had gotten so bad.

iron-mom, you mean you don't use the dvd when you are doing sts? i would never be able to keep my focus. i have to have someone telling me what to do. :)

we just had about 5 min. of snow. big, pretty flakes. but, it has already stopped.

did allies maximum cardio burn this am. good workout. i like most of the firm's . i noticed in 2005 when the trasfirmer came out that my legs really shaped up using the incline. i try to use the incline in all the w/outs i can. and , i can do the firm and still walk. cathe's workouts usually cripple me. they make my feet hurt bad.
Jann, don't apologize! You have to do what works for you. What is AWAT?
I have been doing the sts but I am doing much more as well. I don't even listen anymore, I just do the weights but my print out- that way, I can do them while watching tv or something, then at another time during the day, I do some cardio or pilates or something-- I really like the structure so I am going to keep going..

I did 19 at the gym with my friend then went to the pool to water run- it is a beautiful day here!!
AWT == Aerobic Weight Training
I classify it as faster-paced weight training that keeps you in a fat-burning zone. That's why I am thinking of doing 2-3 days of AWT + 2-3 days of pure cardio.

AHHHHH to live where you can go to the pool. Do you have exercise buddies that you regularly workout with? I used to but they stopped and I have not found any others who like to do what I do.
That's why I am so thankful for my internet buddies!!
Cathy I am counting calories and going to try AWT+cardio. I got a bad case of plantar fasciitis when I first started using the TransFirmer. It took me a year to heal. I blamed it on the hard plastic and constant angle of my leg. So I have to be VERY careful with those workouts. I love Complete Body Sculpting with Christa --- that one song hmmm oh shoot I can't remember it now. something something baby... I think. I love it. Stupid old age can't remember a thing --- whine, whine, whine ;):D
AWT- maybe that is what I am doing with the sts because without doing the tape sometimes I just move through the sets- sometimes I do need Cathes voice to keep me focused- but sometimes I look at the workout and move through it while listening to my ipod or watching tv or at the gym. Lately, maybe because it is my third time through, if I do the shock cardio one day, I am ready for silence the next.

Jann, I do have workout friends that are just as obsessed as I am- the only thing is schedules and individual goals sometimes get in the way of working out together all the time- so I need my internet buddies too because that way we can encourage eachother and my dh doesn't have to always hear about my weight issues. Plus, like today, I went to the gymn hyper focused on doing disc 19 and my friend wanted to do a full body workout, so we sort of worked out together but not..

I belong to a pool that puts a dome over it in the winter- it has a 24 hour access gate code so I find myself going at odd times. I am tryingto find a way to keep burning calories even when I am worn out and so the water running fits the bill-- I am telling ya-- I have to loose this weight!!!
Green Tea Extract

By the way, I took some green tea extract this morning and I am really energetic today...:rolleyes: I guess it works because I sure feel different than yesterday!
Beth green works for me too. I've never taken extract but I do notice a BIG difference in my calorie burn when I drink it before a workout. How do you take the extract?
The pool sounds wonderful!!
Hi ladies,

I can't believe it's Wed. I'm still swamped with work. I really wanted to see some of the skating events on tv but just haven't had time.

You know that fantasy I had that I would have time to wo in March. I've been called for jury duty. I sure hope I can get out of it. With my luck trial would last for month's. Dh has been called but when he called in that day he didn't have to serve.

I drink 3-4 cups of green tea a day but don't really see any results from it. I just like it.

Jann I did lose inches the first and only time I finished STS but no weight. I don't think I have ever done wo and diet strict enough or long enough to know what works.

Beth In meso 2 & 3 I would put disc on laptop without sound and follow along while watching tv.

Magnolia Take care of yourself.

Good morning,

I did MMA: Fusion & Circuit Blast cardio only this morning. I really did not enjoy this workout....way too much jumping and really didn't feel like making modifications. Next time I see this combination in the rotation I will swap out with a low impact favorite.

I'm going to continue with the STS rotation (don't feel bad Jann). This is where I stopped last year. I'm not losing weight, in fact I'm gaining but due to comfort eating in the afternoons. I am noticing more muscle definition in my arms....I think I have gained an inch in my hips. I just need to control my diet.

I think it's great that we have exercise as a common denominator in our lifes and that we have each other for support.
Last year when I completed STS Meso's 1-3 I actually gained 5 pounds AND I know it was not all muscle. :confused: I was eating like crazy because I was so tired. This time I have been careful about my diet and I am not as tired, I am just not seeing the scale more. :mad: I LOVE muscle!! I love seeing my shoulders and arms looking good. I just hate seeing my mid-section staying the same. :(
I am hoping by adding weight training with cardio I will burn calories better and keep some muscle. I've been tracking my calorie burn with weight work and it's just not enough to burn fat. I hate to blame it on metabolism but I really think mine is so bad it will take something like cardio daily to boost. :)

Thanks for understanding Linda and Beth! :D
Good Morning, Y'All.

Thanks for your encouragement, I needed it. That's why I love visiting. It's great to have friends that I can talk to and know that we are all going through basically the same stuff.

I did Basic Step today and was just fine. I have been looking at Cathe's Official Beginner Rotation, but the weight workouts are way too easy, so I may just follow the cardio portion of the rotation (to get stronger aerobically) while subbing in other workouts for the rest.

I agree that aerobic weight training is the way to go. The last time I lost a significant amount of weight, I was doing Basic Step (and other cardios) three days a week, alternated with Anna Benson workouts, and the few Cathes that I owned at that time. But I was also on the South Beach Diet. It wasn't tough cardio, and the other videos I was doing were cardio with weights. I was in pretty good shape after that. I have no idea whether that would work for me now. With STS, I didn't lose any weight either, but I noticed on the cruise that my arms do seem a lot firmer than most other 60-year-old women's. I didn't flinch at wearing sleeveless tops.

Jann, I think you're taking the right approach. Sometimes, we just have to "drop back 10 and punt." I never hesitate to change things up if it's not working.

Have a great day, everyone.

Hi Everyone!

Jann and Joan, I love green tea also and can drink it all day, unfortunately, I then am up all night... So my son pointed out that the green tea extract had so much more of the antioxizants in it than gallons of tea, so I bought just some "green tea extract" powder capsules at gnc. Also, I read the label on the back of a few fat burners and that was one major ingredient- it is also something I feel is safe- I don't like to take anything that I don't understand..

I also take a multivitamin and fish oil

Don't get discouraged with your results- physics is physics- just re-evaluate what you are eating vs how much you are really burning and tell yourself that eventually- if you are running on a deficit- your body has to start pulling energy from fat stores.. Maybe keep a journal- I have been journaling on this program that I downloaded last year and even though I am not consistent with it- when I do it it reminds me that a few extras can shoot the calories up and over my limit- I also have been weighing my food again--

At night I have been having either a no fat cocoa or a skinny cow (thank you Magnolia) and that takes the edge off..
Back again.

Beth, I also take a multivitamin and fish oil. Welcome on the Skinny Cow. Love their products!

I think I'm going to make myself a cup of green tea, then look up somewhere that I can get the extract. Thanks.

I am going to try the extract also. I like the word "burn" :p.

Have any of you tried vitamuffins or vitatops? I am thinking of getting those again. They are 100 calories, high in fiber, and have half of most of the vitamins as a multivitamin. I think having something chocolate in the afternoons would help me. And they go great with tea. Of course there goes the low carbing...:( Always something.
I get an email a week on specials and discount coupons. Plus you get free shipping a couple of times a year. They do freeze nicely.
If you can find them on sale at the grocery store that's the best place to purchase.
Shipping varies from state to state. I think they are made up in the north east.
well, i think green tea tastes like dirt. :) but, that is just me. i would like to look into those supplements. i love to have a cup or 2 of decaf tea in the morning, but my gerdie is objecting to that too. :( so, may have to give that up. rats!

i did the firm's pump,jump&jab w/kelsie today. it is really a good workout. kelsie packs a punch in all of her workouts. it is 40 m. , but a super workout.

going down to my son's tomorrow to cook hamburgers on the fire and play with my grandkids. supposed to be 65 tomorrow, after being 30 yesterday. only in texas.
woo hoo, jann. our local grocery store carries the vitamuffins. ok, what are vitatops?
i can't wait to try them. gotta get some. would they be a good post or pre workout snack?
gonna get some on my way to my son's tomorrow, and let my dil try them.
woo hoo, jann. our local grocery store carries the vitamuffins. ok, what are vitatops?
i can't wait to try them. gotta get some. would they be a good post or pre workout snack? gonna get some on my way to my son's tomorrow, and let my dil try them.
vitatops are the tops of muffins. They are thinner and easier to toast. I think so anyway. I've used them as pre-workout just to have a little something in my stomach on days I can't wait until after my workout to eat my breakfast. Mostly I like them for something chocolate in the afternoons. I bought the raisin oatmeal for pre-workout and the deep chocolate for afternoons. I'll try not to eat both in one day. :confused:

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