

I haven't been on here in ages, my life's kind of gone all topsy-turvy lately, but I had such a fun workout today! I haven't done 10-10-10 in ages (been doing lots of other Cathe stuff) and I didn't remember exactly what it was like. Let me tell you, I sweat like a pig, had a smile on my face the whole time and kept thinking "why haven't I done this in so long?" I always favor Power Circuit or Step and Intervals in that series. But 10-10-10 is just the best combo, the best of all 3 worlds. I'd LOVE to see a version of that with longer segments, maybe 20-20-20. Can you imagine!? Maybe I could make one myself by doing Kickbox, then the first section of MIC (the hi/lo) and then my favorite step workout! Now THERE'S a thought. Hmmmm.....

"Life's a garden...DIG IT!" -- Joe Dirt --
Hey Lex!

I was just thinking yesterday~Where's Lex?? Glad to see you here! I LOVE 10-10-10!! It is a feel-good tape, even though it hurts sooo good! I guess I need to dust it off too as I have been using Cathe's other tapes also. Great to see you posting again. How is school going?

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
That's my favorite from CTX followed closely by everything else! Do you have a DVD player? If you do you can make it 20-20-20 by programming the sections to play twice or three times or even 4! Ok, I got a little carried away!

Wierd - I also just got back into CTX after a long hiatus (mainly kickboxing - love Cardiokicks). I really wish Cathe would do another kickboxing tape. It really is fun! Anyways, I did All Step yesterday and Step & Intervals the day before and was thinking exactly the same thing "Why haven't I done this recently". I really really like this series.
RE: Hey Lex!

I'm flattered that you were wondering where I was! Actually, right now I'm watching my favorite hockey team, the Dallas Stars, get spanked by the St Louis Blues. Not good.

But my life has been a little...uh, weird, lately and that's why I haven't been on for a while. But I really did miss it! You guys are addictive, I swear. Such a fun, supportive group.

I'm not in school, had to quit. In a nutshell, my boyfriend of 7 years and I decided to split up, though we still need to live together until I get a job and can move. I quit classes to look for work full time. It's way more complicated than that, but that's the Cliff's Notes version.

Honestly, I have used my Cathe sessions like therapy. The sweating and focusing on something totally not related to all that stuff has been really important. Keeps me sane. I should pay Cathe for therapy sessions, right?

Anyway, I hope you're all doing great. Today I did Circuit Max and even with tons of energy and being in the best shape of my life, that one kicks butt too. God bless Cathe and all my buds on this site. I missed you guys! Wish some of you lived nearby, I could use a girl's night out!

Take care. I'm back!

Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever.
Hey again!

I am so sorry, Lex, to hear of your break up with your boyfriend. That's got to be tough after 7 years! I agree with you that Cathe tapes can be great therapy. Keep up the great work, stay healthy and know we are here if you need a friend! So glad to have you back. A "girls night out" would be a blast with this group. (Trevor, Brad & and Glen would be welcome too, but they'd never get a word in!!;-))Good Luck with the job search and the move.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Hey again!

Thank you for your kind words, they really mean a lot to me. I did miss logging on and talking to the great people on here. I won't be such a stranger from now on, I promise! Although hopefully I'll be working soon and won't have all kinds of time on my hands to be websurfing.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

RE: Hey Lex!

I was wondering where you were too! I am sorry to hear about your breakup. I was just heartbroken over a guy. Unfortunately, I let the situation get in the way of my workouts. I was too upset to move. I know, pathetic. I hope things will get easier for you. 7 years is a long time and it must be awkward to still be living with him. I am glad that working out has been such a release for you. Keep it up. I am working out regularly again, and it is such a great de-stresser. I hope we all see you on the forum more often. Please know that you have been missed and that we all will think of you.
Take care!
Hi Lex,
I'm so sorry about your breakup and for you having to quit school. I think you would be perfect for that field of work and I hope that you get to start back to school again soon. I've really missed all of your informative posts regarding nutrition. Heck, for awhile there, we were all getting free info that most people paid a nutritionist for. We've really missed you! Good luck in the job search. Take care.
There you are!

I was really starting to get concerned about you. I am so sorry to hear about your break up! That's got to be so rough for you. Not to mention y'all were together longer than some marriages last. You've been through so much with losing your Grandmother and now this. You're a strong girl Lex. You'll be just fine :)

I also wanted to thank you for opening my eyes to a new way of eating. I haven't gone back since!

You're awsome girl!!!

I was wondering, too!

Lex, I even did a search the other day with your name, to see when your last post had been! We have all missed you.
I am so sorry about your breakup. You will make it through this, and we are here for you...
RE: I was wondering, too!

You guys are THE most amazing people. I was just reading all the posts from my wonderful friends here and I was almost in tears. I can't believe that you guys remember about my granny dying recently too. Now THAT'S a true friend, someone who listens and remembers.

My plan right now is to find a job, either in leasing apartments or property management or breaking into the event planning field. Then I find a place to live, a roommate situation, hopefully through a friend so it's a cool person. Then, once my schedule is all settled, I start night school.

Truth be told, I am in love with someone else, too. He lives in Dallas. So factor in a monthly trip or two out there. Long story! If anyone wants to email me I'd be glad to share.

I also happen to be about 5 pounds from my high school weight, but I am in way better shape. I'm so psyched. About a year and a half ago, I was 165 pounds (at 5'3", a size 12-14.) Now my size 6 Gap Capris are loose. And I'm not dieting at all. Just eating my normal routine, treating myself more actually, and being consistent with cardio. I do more cardio than weights now. Seemed like a good changeup for me. Now I'm reintroducing weights little by little. I want Madonna arms! Anyway, I know I have a lot to face and deal with, but my life is also good for so many reasons. Not the least of which is people like you! Thank you so much for your support. I sure did miss this forum. I only hope that when I move I still have access to the internet! Yikes, I'm an email junkie, what would I do?! Perish the thought!
You know what??

I'm a firm believer in fate. the guy wasn;t right and I admire you younger guys for NOT getting married and then having to correct it later like some of us olders did.

Lex, as for a girls' night out--we're planning to join up in Akron sometime in july--me, DebH, HB, Erica--can you come out?!

RE: You know what??

Wow, no one's called me a younger gal for a while. That's cool.

I believe in fate too. I met someone else in a very happenstance way and there must be a reason. We fell for each other hard just right away.

Anyway, I'll keep the trip in mind. I'll bet it will be a blast. Guess it depends on my work situation, my finances, where I live, etc. But thank you for telling me and inviting me. I will really keep that in mind.

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