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  1. M

    Getting Married

    Hello all. It has been a LONG time since I have posted. I need to lose 20 lbs for my wedding. I lost 100 about 3 years ago, and now I really want to be at that "perfect" weight and size for me. I am getting married in May. I need a quick slimming regimen. The only problem I have is that I...
  2. M

    I feel like I am cheating.... is there another way?

    When I work out to your videos Cathe, I sometimes have to modify to less impact, but it feels like cheating. I do this because I have weak ankles and crackly knees. Do you think this is appropriate or is there a better way to modify? Yes I am an experienced exerciser, but just lately I...
  3. M

    Ankle and musclein foot

    Cathe, When I do lunges, static or otherwise I have this muscle inthe bottom of my foot that feels "stretched or pulled". It is a terribly awful feeling. This did not used to happen, do you know how to make it stop? Also, when I do leg presses, it hurts my ankle and I have tried to...
  4. M

    Step Blast

    Is a great video. It is tough, and fun! It burns lots and lots of calories, and I was still learning it, Oh MY! The music was great and the moves were fun. I know somebody said they thought it might move too slowly because of it only having 3 sections, and the final blast. It did not move...
  5. M

    Step Jump and Pump

    I love love love this video. It was so much fun. I could not believe it when it was time to cool down! The abs killed me, but I have trouble in that area, a little weak core. I just love this, I know I said it already, but it was tough and still fun fun fun! I think this may become my new...
  6. M

    My Rythmic Step Tape... got eaten

    I am very very very sad about this! I love Rythmic Step, it is my favorite, I use it to motivate me, waaaa. Okay I just had to cry, and share with people that can feel my pain. Thankyou :D
  7. M

    That Elvis Remake

    the a little less conversation a little more action one. It is everywhere!!! I was just watching evverybody loves raymond --> it was the first dance song I was listening to the radio there it was yesterday, I was even humming it before it came on, just thought it was cool :)
  8. M

    Packaging of Body Blast Series

    I was wondering if you ordered the whole thing, can it be packaged like the CTX series was. I really prefer that because it lets me have more space. :), or even just the regular body blast together with the five day in one box. PLEASE:7 :7 :*
  9. M

    Imax 1 and 2

    :-) I did IMAX last week and for the first time made it through, without having to stop in the middle of any intervals, and gasp for more air. Then this week, day before yesterday........ I did the same with Imax 2, I am soooo happy, I have been trying to increase my cardio endurance...
  10. M

    IMAX Extreme

    Is awesome!!! I love it. It is so much fun, wow! I was debating buying the terminator with the pre order, glad I did. :o I burned 777 calories doing this, sure my heart rate goes in the 190s (doctors told me it is ok, I have asked 3 :) ). Wow again what a cardio :) Michelle
  11. M

    IMAX 2, or IMAX extreme for cardio endurance

    I find imax 2 to be harder, but does imax extreme give better cardiovascual gains. I have been trying for months, perhaps a year to work on my cardiovascular endurance. Since I have started working out with you I have seen amazing gains in cardio and muscle tone :), you remember me, tricep girl :)
  12. M

    Rating for tapes in the intensity series

    What would you rate the tapes in the intensity series, on a level from 1-10? I have been wondering about that ever since I read Art's story about working out with you. I also wanted to slip in a thank you. I have been trying to develop my triceps (or at least get a little muscle and less...
  13. M

    My Friend Said I that I have a problem....

    Because I just ordered more Cathe tapes. She said I have an obsession, and I was like, well at least I am obsessed with fitness :). She asked me do you really need 20 tapes, I was like honey you have no idea, I also have almost all of the Firms heehee. I do have a problem, but I love it! I...
  14. M

    Cardio Endurance

    Hi Cathe, Until I met your workouts I thought I was advanced. I cannot seem to finish Imax or MIC without modifications (I can complete the weight workouts Power Hour and MIS using the same weight you do)....barely. I was wondering how do I get to the point where I can finish these cardio...