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  1. L


    does anyone use this? I have been using it for a couple of weeks now and it seems like when I workout I feel hotter and sweat alot more. didnt know if anyone noticed anything from taking this.
  2. L

    treadmill incline?

    when working on an incline do you feel that you have to stay right at the top of the incline or front part of the treadmill or is running in the middle of the treadmill still getting the max potential of the incline? I just feel like I am cheating if I run back and in the middle of the treadmill.
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    so what have your results been?

    using cardio coach? have you lost wt since starting them, gotten faster for races, gotten leaner etc.... I heard HIIT sheds body fat like no other and was wondering if anyone is seeing this for themselves using CC. I feel like I am getting leaner and the scale is down a few pds but I havent been...
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    fitnessfreak ?

    I am doing running as my cardio( cardio coach workouts etc..) but I want to get my arms more defined. what would you suggest as far as wts workouts to do? I have PUB, SH, ME,P & P, GS. I really have stubborn arms, they are getting more defined but very slowly, especially the delts. How many...
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    CC check in?

    didnt know if anyone wanted to start a cardio coach check in with all the new people trying these and talking about them. I absolutely love these workouts now. I think I will try vol 7 tonight, I have tried 5,8 and 1 so far, the longer ones are definately up my alley. What does everyone think?
  6. L

    cc vol 5

    this workout kicked my butt more than volume 8. Dont know if it was the combo of hills/sprints but man I didnt even finish the last challenge which was an option after those 6 sprints. sprints for some reason seem to do me in.
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    acne marks

    anyone know how to get rid of light acne spots? I guess they are really superficial scars or marks caused from old acne . it drives me crazy that they are there. cant really cover them but they are not real deep like bad acne scars. has anyone had these ?
  8. L

    CCV8 question again

    so when you go to improve on this workout , would you first increase the incline or increase your pace and get better at that before you would up the incline? just wondering if I should focus on getting faster on a 4% incline or climb higher. I kind of think the incline is helping me become a...
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    CC vol 8 question

    on the recovery times are you suppose to bring the incline down and speed or just the speed. after the challenges I have been bringing both down when he says go back to a level 1 effort but I am not sure if I am suppose to keep it on the incline for recovery and just slow down the speed or what?
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    I get so frustrated when I have been working hard to get faster as far as running goes and I havent seen much improvement. Everyone around me is getting faster though and they havent even been running as long as me. I dont understand why other people can get faster but I cant seem too. I have...
  11. L

    e-mailing cardio coach?

    I recently bought vol 8, still waiting for it but didnt see that you could buy 2 get the 3rd for free. I thought maybe I could email them and get vol8 and another and still receive the promotion but is there a certain email address or just do you think they will allow me to do this?
  12. L

    how many are you eating and are you seeing results?

    as far as calories? the recommended that I eat 1623 calories for the day in order to lose 1.5 pds a week for a real active person,this wasnt the highest activity level . I followed the diabetic diet for a month with probably the same amount of calories and didnt lose a pd and was...
  13. L

    Is this possible?

    okay I know that I have gained wt because my clothing isnt as loose as they once where but still fit in the same clothes. anyway,my question is can you gain wt but also be leaner? i feel like I have more muscle even though I know some of it is just plain old wt gain.
  14. L

    how do you know how many

    carbs,proteins and fats to eat per day.a I currently am at 82 grams of protein,121carbs,42grams fat. I dont know if that ratio is cgood to follow or not. I am new to this as far as determining for the entire day what they should be.oh, so far calories are at 1,152 and I still have another 400 I...
  15. L

    why do I keep doing this to myself

    I will do good all day as far as eating goes and then what do I do in the late evening, I give into eating junk. I did great today eating my smaller mini meals,didnt feel hungry and I gave in tonight and ate a oreo frosty from wendys. I wasnt even craving it,that is the problem. why do I do...
  16. L

    burn the fat fee the muscle

    someone had posted on here awhile ago about it maybe coming out inpaper back form , does anyone know yet if its available to purchase yet or do you still have to buy it via internet download?
  17. L

    for those of you that got faster using itrain

    how long did it take you to notcie a difference in your race pace? How many times a week did you do these workouts? I have been doing itrain workouts 1x week for about 5 weeks now and havent noticed it helping me in my 5k times. I was really hoping to drop below 26min and I have been running 4...
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    what do you do when DH constantly wants

    sex all the time. My DH is constantly hounding me to do it and if I dont he gets mad. sometimes says things to hurt me and will give me the silent treatment. this doesnt happen all the time but I feel like its an obligation most times and dont ever really feel like doing it.I have talked with...
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    stubborn area

    okay, I have seen great improvements in the toning of my lower body the past couple of yrs. I run,teach a bootcamp class 2x week where we do lunges,squats, leg press,many ex for the butt and saddlebag area but I still have a rippling look ,more mild than it had been but I cant believe it is...
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    Does anyone use either of these two supplements. I read up on both. Lglutamine saying that it helps curb cravings and prevent a build up of lactic acid in the muscles. ClA claiming to help people maintain an healthy weight and get leaner while losing fat. Lglutamine is suppose to be a amino acid...