Your Suggestions for good information


I have posted this question in another form but I'm curious as to what you would recommend. I want to know if you can suggest a good book for some overall information regarding fitness and nutrition. I've been working out for a while and you always get different opinions on things, expecially regarding nutrition. I know you may have a problem with endorsing any one particular book but it would help me out. Something that tells you things about what sorts of things your bodys needs after a hard cardio workout as compared to a hard lifting workout? Any suggestion from you would be much appreciated. I'm trying to become as informed as I possibly can and even with the information I know different things work for different individuals. Thank you so much.

Not Cathe of course, and I can't recommend one book in particular, but I would suggest going to and looking at specific book reviews. You can find some quality reviews by real people that may help.
I'm not Cathe either, but I'd like to suggest that you check out the Human Kinetics website ( for its list of books, videos and DVDs on a whole host of fitness science topics. It is really a very good clearinghouse for information on exercise physiology, training principles and trends, and nutrition for exercise as well as for general health, and its approach is more academically driven that mass-trade commercially driven.

Thanks to both of you for your suggestions I really appreciate that you guys did respond.
i know this is a couple of days old, but i just saw it and thought i would tell you about an e-book that i just purchased. it is called burn the fat, feed the muscle by tom venuto. it has been mentioned by a few others on this site before, and i think it is as complete a fitness and nutrition book as you will find. it is not sold in stores, and it is a little pricey, $39, but you get newsletters as well and some other bonus material. tom is a natural bodybuilder, and his book is based on at least 14 years of personal experience and effort. he has no endorsements to supplement companies, and is brutally honest about nutrition and fitness. if you go to his website,, you can read his home page and get an idea of what he is all about and you will be able to tell if you want to invest in the book.

I'll second A-Jock's recommendation for Human Kinetics. All the books I've gotten from them (with the exception of "Sculpting Her Body Perfect") were excellent. Also, anything by Douglas Brooks.
I know this is an older question, but one book that really brought the basics home to me is READY, SET, GO! by Phil Campbell. After you read his book, you really are aware of all the different muscle fibers, the 5 different forms of exercise that should be done each one on a weekly basis as well as some nutritional advice.

Highly, highly recommend this book.

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