Your Results From Cathe's August Rotation


I am interested in anyone's results from this month's rotation. I am about to start it and wanted to find out the progress people made on this rotation.

Did you follow it exactly or did you make substitutions?

Shelly :)
I'm actually one week behind in the rotation, but I thought I'd let you know that I've been getting great results. I do have to make some substitutions for DVDs that I don't have, but I try to stick to something similar in length/focus. I WON'T step on the scale, so I can't tell you pound wise how much I've lost, but I can tell and my husband can tell a definite difference in not only my legs, but my stomach as well. The walking lunges are KILLING me... I feel them for days after. Bonus...I put on a pair of old pants that I had stopped wearing because they were too tight, and they were lose. (I do have to mention that I have also been very careful to eat healthy food in the correct portions as well).

Thanks so much for replying. I was concerned about losing upper body strength, but it looks like Cathe took care of that as usual. Glad to know it's working. Gosh, I need SOMETHING for my lower half.

Again, thanks for replying!

Shelly :)
Hi Shelly,

I have been following the August Rotation and my legs are definitely tighter and firmer. My body type needs more cardio so I have been adding that in when possible. Hope you enjoy the Aug. rotation as much as I have.


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