Your Music

Maria E. Coster

New Member
I purchased your DVD Cross Train Press and I enjoy very much the music that you use in all your featured exercise programs. I am an instructor and would love to purchase the music you use. Is it possible? Where can I purchase it? How much would it cost?.

Thank you very much,

P.S. Do you have instructional videos where you break down your moves?

Thank you

Maria E. Coster

CTX Music Source

Hi Maria,
This contains (I think) most of the music on the Crosstrain Xpress series:

The music on CTX is also my favourite that Cathe has ever used! I'd really love to hear more of the same, or at least the same type of music on any of her upcoming projects!

Cathe doesn't have instructional videos, all the instruction is in the workouts themselves. In the CTX series she uses a lot of choreography that has been taught in past videos (Step Works, Step Jam, etc) so if you're familiar with most of her older stuff, it's a lot easier to follow CTX. Have fun & happy stepping!
The link above does have some of the music from Cathe's videos on it. The Final Cuts 2 is another good music cd to use.
I just recently purchased both cd's and really like to use the music in my toning classes.

Hi Maria! I am currently working on a project with Dynamix for a soundtrack. When this is completed we will have more information to share. Also, I do not have instructional videos for instructors. Thank you for asking :)

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