Your Experiences With Less Exercise = More Benefits


Hello, I am a new Mom to an 11 week old. Before my baby, I worked out a tremendous amount. I think that I probably was guilty of "over-training", with lots of cardio and weight training for fear of gaining weight. As a result of my over-training, I do think I was not quite as lean as I could have been, even though I was very small at 5' and 103 lbs. Anyway, now I want to do less so that I have more time to devote to my son. I know that many people have had good results doing less - ironically as that may seem. Does anyone have a story to share or some words of wisdom to offer? Thank you!
My results were phenomenal when I cut back on the cardio and focused more on weights.

I'm trying to get back into the groove before school starts...
Funny you should post this. I was just thinking about this a few nights ago. I'm very happy with my cardio and muscle endurance, as well as my strength. But I'm not happy with my total physique, so to speak. When I think back to when I was my most physically fit in the MIRROR, it was about 2 years ago when I focussed on variety with the Pyramids and a mixture of cardio.

ANYWAY....what a time to think this, right? The weekend of the road trip!! lol When I return, I plan on returning to what works BEST for my overall benefit...alternating cardio and weights EVENLY!

I just posted on this topic with my check in group here...I am noticing how much better my body responds to less cardio and heavy weights. When I first began to workout, I did cardio 5+ times a week (45-75 minutes) and added some weight work in...but always using light poundage. Over the past 6 months or so I have cut down tremendously on the cardio to 2, maybe 3, sessions a week with a duration of 30-45 minutes. I do heavy weights and yoga the rest of the time. I have noticed that I am leaner and tighter all the way around. I am 40 years old and 5'2" and I weigh about 113 right now. I am much more pleased with my physique now than I was 2 years ago.

A sample week for me is....

cardio 30-45 minutes
upper body split using heavy weights
cardio 30-45 minutes
upper body split heavy weights
yoga 45-60 minutes

I typically workout for less than an hour most days...I may add in some extra stretching or pilates sometimes. It just depends on what you body needs...but I do think that playing around a bit with your rotations is a good thing. Just make sure you use a rotation for at least 4-6 weeks before making a judgement on it's effectiveness.

Good luck with your fitness goals...and have fun with your new bundle of joy!


we do not remember days....
we remember moments
--Cesare Pavese

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