Your attention please.....

>Okay, Janie, now I'm curious. How did you picture me?
>And Brigitte - no, there are no Targets in Canada. That's
>outside a Target in Peoria, IL. I was there visiting friends
>last summer:)

Shelley - They don't have Targets in Canada, i didn't know that! Peoria, IL is only about 45 min. from where I live & my father lives there, small world!!
>Okay, Janie, now I'm curious. How did you picture me?
>And Brigitte - no, there are no Targets in Canada. That's
>outside a Target in Peoria, IL. I was there visiting friends
>last summer:)

She probably pictured you right-side-up with a lime on your head . . .}( :p :) :eek:

I miss coming to the <---- thread but I just don't have the time to read it all and respond:-(
Oh my gosh!! I know that Target, I don't live too far from Peoria!! (in fact, I met Susan *singinggoddess* in Peoria last month!)

Sorry I've never posted to the <--- thread, I think it would take up more time on the forums than I already spend!!! ;-)
Wow, that is a small world because I'm not far away either!! My Dh's grandparents, uncle, aunt, and a few other relatives live there too!!
Oh, you know, kind of feline-ish. Sleek, were gorgeous any way I pictured you. It's just nice to see a face that goes with your personality. Would love one day to see your true one. :D LOL

Congratulations with the PIKE. That, is tough!


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Well, Shelley, maybe the "uncool" table is so uncool that it's now cool!!!!!:7 ;-)

Just great! Now you've gone and invited more to the <-- thread when I already have a hard enough time remembering what everyone has posted so I can comment!!!!:p :+ :7
Just wanted to peek in & say thanks for the invite. I also thought it was an exclusive group, although one of the titles nearly enticed me to post anyway one day in the past. I also agree with a few others who have said they wouldn't be able to keep up or have the time to post as much as is necessary to stay involved. But maybe I'll try to poke my furry head in there someday anyway...:p ;-)

Thanks again!

Well Shelley,

I have to admit I am one of the lurkers since I am not quite so familiar with many of you that post and do not seem to make it here often enough to get to that point. (Maybe that should be my goal for the year?)

I do have to say that y'all make me laugh loads and that is a big "kudos" to all of you as I need it often.

Your demeanor, jokes and looks remind me of a friend here and I would have to say she is like that "twin" most people have.

Thanks for all the fun and I will work on learning about y'all as soon as my 6-week jury duty ends. Taking way too much time !

Until later . . .x(
"Okay, Janie, now I'm curious. How did you picture me?"

Shelley, I picture you with a lime on your head.:+

Ok Rogue beat me to that line.x(
Amy and Kelli,

Georgia mountain girl here. Well, not born in the mountains, born in south GA, but I live in the mountains now. I know where you live (in general). We must meet sometime, but warning, I bite (not really, I'm just insane).

ETA: LOL, people thought that being in "<---" was exclusive? Bahwahahahahwaha...sorry, I mean yes dahling...much culture and snobbiness is required to join the elite. (You all know that's just a bunch of bull from a sleepless PMS woman, right?) The welcome mat is always out, but wipe your feet first.


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