Your advice worked - thanks Cathe!


Cathe - just wanted to give you an update. I posted a couple of weeks ago asking for advice to get the last 7-10 lbs. off after losing 50 lbs. You suggested I change my workout routine to do 2 days of total body weight workouts instead of the 3 partial body workouts I was doing. You also suggested I up the cardio to 4 days per week and change the type of cardio I do each day, adding an ab workout on cardio days.

I'm happy to report that following your advice (and eating clean, of course:) ) I've lost 5 lbs. in the last 2 weeks! That's huge for me, since it's been a while since I've lost any weight at all. Thanks, and just one more little question - how often should I change my workout routine? Would you suggest I go back to a 1-2 body part per day weights split with cardio add on for a while?

Thanks again for the great advice and for all you do!

I'd like to know how often to change my routine also. I'm doing a muscle endurance rotation right now and am enjoying it. I was thinking of doing another muscle endurance with the hard core series next month.

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