You won't believe this!


New Member
Do you feel like you have moved an elephant when you get done with Pyramid Upper body? Guess what, if you use the same weight as Cathe, you moved several:eek:

Here's the break down:

Chest - 2,992 pounds

Back - 2,244 pounds

Shoulders - 1,416 pounds

Biceps - 2,400 pounds

Triceps - 1,220 pounds

Grand Total 10,272 pounds}(

Incredible isn't it?

I could be off a pound or two. For chest I multiplied a 12 pound weight times two (one in each hand) times 12 repetitions. That's 288 pounds of lifting in the first set. Then I just continued with each exercise. I knew it was a lot of weight but I was really stunned when I added up all the numbers.

Don't you just love it?

Take Care,
Debbie Russo
Elephant mover
I knew it! I just knew it! The chest work in PUB was always the most difficult for me. Until just recently, I had to stop and rest my arms before picking up those 20# ers. I kept thinking, 'wow this seems like a lot of weight to jump up to so fast!' At 2,992 pounds I was wonder my little arms gave out. LOL

Thanks Debbie for making me feel more like a wonder woman instead of a wimp. :p But an aside, I don't think I can pyramid up the ladder heavier than Cathe for a long time to come. Hahaha 12-15-20 is just fine where it is. }(
Well, just for the sake of discussion, an African elephant weighs 5.5-7.5 tons, or 11,000 to 15,000 pounds, so although we might feel like we moved an elephant, it still is certainly not true that we've moved several or even one.

Sorry I am so annoying, but I was born that way.
OK, just to be fair an Indian elephant weighs as little as 6,000 pounds if it's a small female, so let's just leave it at that. I'm willing to admit that we've moved one elephant. No more, no less.
>Well, just for the sake of discussion, an African elephant
>weighs 5.5-7.5 tons, or 11,000 to 15,000 pounds, so although
>we might feel like we moved an elephant, it still is certainly
>not true that we've moved several or even one.
>Sorry I am so annoying, but I was born that way.

Well, a BABY elefant (or a teenage elephant).

I figured out how much I was lifing (I lift heavier than Cathe on all but biceps) and it comes out (if my math is right) to 11,592#, so I could be lifting a smallish African elephant. (What about an Indian elephant?)
Better to move "an" elephant, OR several elephants, male OR female, African OR Indian, measured by pounds OR tons, annoying OR not :) .......than to look like one!!!
Perhaps the reason this is so darn funny to me is the timing. I homeschool, and due to company a couple of weeks ago, and starting up schooling again, I have been too busy to squeeze in a workout for nearly two weeks!! It was killing me, so I jumped in with a killer rotation this week beginning with PUB. I have been walking around in so much pain for the last two days that I was wondering if I had somehow moved an elephant!! Thanks for the confirmation!:D
LOL! This is too funny! I get that feeling with PUB too. Loving it! Okay how about we say we are envisioning pushing away that much fat, sugar, or ice cream, or fried chicken....whatever your weak point is:9
Well, even if you didn't move an elephant, you certainly did move a few horses - BIG horses.

Susan G.

P.S. A large draft-type horse (Budweiser Clydesdale types) can weigh anywhere from 1400 - 1750 lbs, give or take a few pounds.
Debra....loved this post.....only the educated Cathe crowd would debate what variety of elephants we're actually lifting.

Some days I feel like I'm only lifting an elephant in utero and other's I feel like I'm lifting that african elephant. Currently I feel like I'm carrying an elephant in utero and when I look in the mirror I look like and elephant carrying an elephant in utero.

Briee (I hate elephants)

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