You knew s/he was the one when...?


The "Quirks" post made me think of this....

I knew my DH was "THE ONE" when these two things happened....

1) My parents came to visit and meet my DH for the first time. My DH (Fiance at the time) came in after my mom and I finished loading the dinner dishes into the dishwasher and he opened it up and rearranged them to his liking. It is something my dad did every single night of my life and mom and I just cracked up!

2) We took my family with us on our wedding trip to Disney World. When we got to the suite, my father went in to check the room while my DH started to unload the bags. As dad came out, DH took the bags in (they didn't talk). Instead of helping unload the car however, my father was off to complain to the manager that there was no coffeemaker in the room in case they thought we stole it when we checked out. Mom, sister and I unloaded the remaining bags and took them in... only to find DH on the phone with the front desk to let them know there was no coffeemaker in the room in case they might think we stole it! The funniest part was when I was telling this story to my brother that night on the phone, I got to the part about there being no coffeemaker in the room...... and he interrupted with "You've got to call management and let them know so they won't think you stole it!"

I guess I was meant to marry a man just like dear old dad and 10 years later he STILL reminds me of my daddy every day! The other clincher was that he moved to Germany to be near me and asked me to marry him every day for a year.

So how did you know your significant other was "THE ONE"? Katie

Your story is just too precious. I don't know exactly when I knew that DH was the one, but I know what turned the corner to make me decide to marry him. He was ready before I was and I kept putting off deciding--I knew I loved him, but I also knew that soon he would be stationed in Greece for two and a half years and I just frankly didn't want to go there (my sense of adventure was not so well developed back then). The turning point came when we were at my favorite Chinese restaurant and my fortune cookie said "a trip to Europe awaits you". How's that for an intelligent way to make decisions??? Haven't regretted it though. --Karen
I knew my husband was "the one" after just one telephone conversation. His sister, who I met first, introduced us by phone, and we talked on and off over the next 3-4 months. He was hurt on his job in Florida, so I went down to Florida to see him, and I remember sitting on the Amtrak train and saying to myself, "I'm going to marry this man!" We met face to face on Sat. January 15, 1993 and married 24 days later on February 8, 1993. :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-09-02 AT 02:31PM (Est)[/font][p]I knew my husband was the ONE on our first date. He belonged to a fraternity and invited me to this all day/night affair that began with a picnic/BBQ at a local park and then a dance later that night. So , our first date was about 14 hours long! It was like we had known each other for years--we had so much in common and got along like best friends. I remember getting home from our date and telling my college roomie "This is the man I am going to marry!". It was so wierd because I had never had that feeling with anyone else I had ever dated. Seven years later, we tied the knot! We are still like best friends. We have similar tastes, goals, etc. We finish each other's sentences, know what the other is thinking without even saying anything, will react to situations with the same response (often in unison!). It is really quite scary sometimes! The even scarier part of it (and I swear I am not making this up as crazy as it sounds)is that I was playing with a Ouija board with one of my friends when I was in high school and it said that I was going to marry a guy named Rick (my husband's name)in 1991--we got married Sept. 1991. When I was in high school, I did not know anyone named Rick so I could not have guided the Ouija tool to spell his name out. How is that for FREAKY!!!
Love this thread!

About two and a half months after our first date, on November 22, 1993, Phil and I had a date to watch the 30th anniversary of the TV coverage of the assassination of JFK; it was as gripping and compelling as when it was happening for real.

Sometime after the broadcasters had announced that JFK had died, a much younger David Brinkley gave a very moving, extremely elegant and totally spontaneous verbal essay on what had happened and what it might mean for the country. As he was speaking, I thought, "The sheer eloquence of men like Brinkley, with no Teleprompters and no script, is lost today."

As I was thinking that, Phil said, "You know, Dolly . . . the unbelievable eloquence of those journalists like Brinkley is gone."

~~~ twilight zone ~~~
~~~ marry me now! ~~~

I knew Matt was my choice for some very good reasons, but the one that puts him over the top is that he has never said anything mean or small to me as long as I've known him (11 years). Prime example of a time that he could have ranted and raved at me: We had spent a long, hot stressful day in June as directors of a local mountain bike race. He had to play in his rock band that evening. We drove to the hotel that we were staying at and I told him I was exhausted and that he should just go to the gig himself. So he hitched a ride with one of the other guys to the club, and I took his new Supercharged Thunderbird to the parking lot next to our room. As pulled up to the concrete abutment, I thought that the front end was sitting on it, so I put it in reverse and backed up a little. Unbeknownst to me, there was a tie rod sticking out of the abutment and the front bumper is so malleable, that it had popped underneath of it. This car has so much power that when I backed up, the whole front end came off! I was horrified! Bawling! Two guys came by and tried to calm me down. I asked them where they were going and they were headed to the club where my DH's band was playing. I asked them to give him a note. They asked which one he was. I said "The guitar player." They said, "You mean the one with the huge muscles?" I said, "Yes." They said "No way!" But they finally said "OK". When Matt got back to the room, I was so upset and sure I was going to see the worst side of him. He never yelled, never said anything derogatory...all he said to me was "You're supposed to love people, not things." I knew he was for me.
Thanks Karen. I guess those particular stories still touch me so much because my daddy died 2 weeks after my wedding of a ventricle aneurysm (sp?) in his heart. I love reading everyone's stories.


PS I'm really glad you are in Europe and I can't wait to meet you!
I knew he was the one when I was 20 and in college and I had my battered old teddy bear sitting on a couch in the living room. A group of male friends had been in and were throwing her around and punching her. I told them to stop because a part of me still believed that she was "real" (holdover from childhood). Later that day, Kevin came in (just a friend at that point) and picked up my bear. I thought "Oh great here we go again..." but he looked at the bear and said to me, "She looks like she's helped you through some rough times." The rest is history!
all of these stories are very moving and GOOD!! I knew when I saw George (I wasn't looking for a man at the time); thought he had beautiful hands; aND INVITED HIM TO "ASK ME OUT." He did--we married 5 years later--and it's 21 years and going strong...

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