<-- thanks Melvin for the nite nite
<-- is very happy to announce that sis will be housesitting for a friend of Mom while Grpa is here
<-- is very very very happy that <-- said her piece and said it thoughtfully and with finality and didn't cave
<-- would also like to tell those who care that <-- was officially offered the 3rd boot camp class today, which made the email <-- just sent to the law office somewhat easier
<-- told them that <-- is physically drained and <-- has to make a change
<-- offered Mondays and Wednesdays through July 21
<-- will have to see what happens tomorrow as it's after 9pm
<-- will keep you informed as you look like you are on the edges of your seats, LOL
<-- is a bit confused over DT's outfit as that does not match what <-- thought Nance and DT wore around the house
<-- worked from home a year ago in her pajama's 99% of the time
<-- hates that fly lady, btw
<-- thought those "soldiers" Shelley posted looked strangely like the Nerd/Dork Photo of 2006
<-- is afraid everything <-- is posting here will not come out right
<-- wants to know what the M&M jewelry looks like
<-- asks Moochelino for the jewelry website
<-- is going to have oatmeal and go to bed now, <--'s work here is done
<-- lied; the work is almost done:
<-- must first say good morning to all y'all who are asleep and who come check today's post tomorrow
<-- is now wondering if <-- must say that ^^ first or must <-- say it last
<-- will ponder that as <-- heads to bed...