"You Are What You Eat" BBCA


this is my newest obsession and most recent season pass on my tivo. it's a series on bbc america and it is really good. basically, this scottish nutritionist (who is QUITE a pistol and definitely does NOT mince words) goes into people's homes and does a complete food and exercise makeover (more so on the food because i have yet to see any of the people she works with who have done any form of exercise whatsoever, so she does start them out slowly). nothing new, but the way she does it (as well as they way she shows them how much they eat in a week and how awful it is) is really good. it's filmed in england and i continue to be completely gobsmacked at how (and what) some people eat!!!

anyway, it's a fun show to watch and often has good information.

another show on bbca that i watch is "how clean is your house" but i can't watch it that often because seeing how some people live makes me literally sick...nauseous, gagging sick. i'd recommend a strong stomach for that one!

>another show on bbca that i watch is "how clean is your house"
>but i can't watch it that often because seeing how some people
>live makes me literally sick...nauseous, gagging sick. i'd
>recommend a strong stomach for that one!

I was a visiting nurse for many years and you would not believe the squalid conditions some people tolerate. It's truly beyond my ability to describe it. One thing I learned early on -- never wear slacks with cuffs -- cockroaches will hitch a ride in them. ;( :eek: ;( :eek:

I love "You Are What You Eat!" Ah, that Gillian and her poo-obssession. Now THAT's good TV!

ohhh, this sounds interesting. I'll check it out thanks for the post! Have you seen the one on the discovery channel called the "Verminator." It is pretty gross. It follows a bunch of exterminators around and some of the stuff you see, just gives me the willies and makes your skin crawl but I can't help but watch.

I checked out this show afternoon....I can't believe what these people eat.

The lady this afternoon with the pop that she drinks....I can't believe it. Very entertaining....

I think I'll go get some fruit...

what about the guy who weighed 27 stone (378 lbs; 1 stone=14 lbs.)?!?! i never thought he would keep with the program!!!

love gillian and love the show!!!

I also LOVE this show. DH refuses to watch it because I have a history of an eating disorder and the way she talks to people in the beginning bothers her. He never sticks around to the end when these people are have embraced the lifestyle and say they have never felt better and would never go back.

I think there a so many lessons to be learned from this show. Gillian is the smartest vegetarian/semi-vegetarian I have ever seen. Many vegetarians I know personally get much of their nutrition from more processed foods mimicking the typical American Diet. The variety of fresh, whole nutritious foods she has her participants eat is impressive. They all do have trouble with the amount of time dedicated to cooking and preparing in the first few weeks. I wonder if she would be better off addressing this, or more likely, she doesn't care if it is tough because she knows it is in their best interest.

Anyway I have learned a lot from this show, not about specific nutrition per se, but how much better you can feel by eating truly healthy food.


I watch both of the shows. "You are what you eat" is fascinating. When she piles the table full of all the brown, fried food these people eat in a week - yucko!!! I like my fried chicken and fries and waffles too, but where are all the veggies and the color??? Everything is always brown. Then the lady comes in and BAM! completely changes their diets. I think the changes might be a bit drastic, as people tend to stick with small changes better, but it is a fun show. I'd like to see a "where are they now" follow up show on it.

I also like "how clean is your house." Oddly, digustingly fascinating. Doesn't make me feel so bad if I leave a few water glasses on the counter instead of washing them before bed. :)

There are alot of cool shows on BBCA, I'd like to watch "Robin Hood" as well, but can't find the time, and I'd have to rent the 1st part to get caught up on the story.



there is a kind of "follow up" show. at times, gillian will go back about eight months later to people who participated and all the ones i've seen, the people are still keeping up with her plan and looking and feeling great.

i also agree that bbca has some great shows. bbc reveals is ALWAYS interesting.

Glad you're all enjoying Gillian Mc - she's quite a scary figure over here in the UK with her poo obsession! Please don't think we all eat as badly as the people they show on this programme!;-)


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