You Are All SOOO Appreciated!


Just a spur of the moment post to tell all of you that I wish I could meet every single one of you in person (maybe for a big pancake breakfast
). I've been reading everyone's posts to Cathe and Jon, and I've never seen such caring, warm, thoughtful and articulate people in my life.

How could I have known that buying one Cathe Friedrich tape to see what all the raves at VF were about would lead me to end up absolutely hooked -- and I do mean addicted -- to my daily check-in with the Cathe Forums? Even when I just lurk for a couple of minutes, it is a treat for me, and really grounds me, to stop by this site.

This is my little bitty moment of sanity and refuge at the end of each long and hectic day spent lawyering, supervising a house renovation going badly, mothering a Jekyll and Hyde 13-year-old ("YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, MOM!"), a precocious 10-year-old and a spoiled and needy (but beloved) 3-year-old dog, chauffeuring platoons of big and little boys, running errands for everybody, grocery shopping, cooking, HOPEFULLY exercising and -- last but never least -- "wifing" a wonderful fella.

Y'all are a lovely bunch of people. My fondest wish is that someday I will actually make it onto the "A" list for a Cathe trip. I might not even exercise, I might just spend the whole trip hugging and photographing and getting acquainted!

It's a privilege to be amongst ya!

Kathy--You took the words right out of my mouth!(Except my babies are 21 & 27!!!) I was thinking the same thing this morning when I got on to catch up with everyone and I've only been with you all for about a week or so. I feel like I know you all so much. What a great opportunity we have to use this site and there are not many out there that make you feel warm all over. Thanks everyone and you too Cathe for creating such a great place to meet!! (One more thing-- I got all the way through one WHOLE SET of "crazy eights" with a 30 pound barbell today!! My 3rd. time to do the tape!! Just had to share that!!)
Did I see a Pancake Breakfast in there:O)

Alright everybody lets plan a play-date...and it looks like Kathy is making us all pancakes
.hehehe..careful with the special orders, some will want ice-cream with their waffles

Kathy, I couldn't agree more with you, there isn't a better group to be hangin' around with.

Future Roadtrips

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-00 AT 10:57AM (EST)</font></center>

I hope to make another roadtrip too! Cathe's roadtrips are the greatest. It is really great to meet kindred souls and to workout live with Cathe and the familiar faces from her videos. And now I want to see little Eric!

And in between the roadtrips it is nice to have this forum as a means to keep in touch, isn't it?
Hi Kathy!

That is too funny! Actually, I think my kids are really happy I work out. My daughter likes to work out too. My son is sporatic. I was just so tickled w/myself when I made it thru those "CRAZY EIGHTS"!! I could not even do 8 of the 1st. set of 1/2 way ups when I first started!! Now, I'm trying to master the 2 plyo-jacks and 2 tucks!! Talk to you later!

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