

I'm taking Yoga at my gym. I know I won't be able to take that class after my first trimester probably. Too many moves would be hard with a big belly in the way.

Do any of you have any good Pregnancy Yoga workout DVDs you could recommend? Something that's not too easy and will help me break a little bit of a sweat? :)
I would recommend Crunch Yoga Mama. This dvd will keep you flexible, relaxed and stretched throughout pregnancy with modifications for each trimester. I don't think you'll break a sweat from it though! All of the yoga vids I know of that would give a slight workout wouldn't work during pregnancy because the poses would be too difficult with the belly in the way. Just an aside: I liked this dvd. But I started using it during my first trimester (and with hormones raging), it would always reduce me to tears! ;-) The instructor, for example, tells you to think of all the love you have for your baby and I would just have a good cry. lol. I guess it's just my weird reaction to it. So, I could never continue the workout at that point! But, it's been easier to do later in pregnancy.
>I got mine from Netflix. I thought it was one of the better
>preg. yoga videos out there.

Thank you! I just ordered it! :)

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