I was wondering if any of you do yoga? I have just recently started to dabble in it. I lead such a fast passed full life that sometimes I cannot face an "aerobic" workout, It just feels like another stress point to add to my day. I thought I would just try yoga. I had read that an hour of yoga burns more calories than intense aerobics, so I thought there must be something to it. I bought a Denise Austin tape it was on sale at Walmart. Should have known better, because her voice grates on my nerves, but you know what, I totally tuned out her voice as I was going through these poises. The movement made me feel like I was openning up. I don't mean this in a "spiritual" sort of way. The streching felt so good, and you know what, I was even a little bit sore the next day. It seemed relatively easy when I was doing it, but it also seemed like I was using muscles in a new way, and that's gotta be good, right? I liked it so much, I would like to find a good tape. In all honsesty, the Denise Austin tape seems pretty good if you can get past her voice. I know very little about yoga, and feel like there has got to be better tapes out there. Just don't know where to start. I would like to also hear how you might incorporate yoga in with other rotations. I will have to let something go to make this part of my regular routine. I am not particularly interested in the spiritual aspects of yoga. I am very interested in the toning, and relaxation that can come from it. Hey, and if there are some spiritual benefits. Bring um on! Thanks!