

I was wondering if any of you do yoga? I have just recently started to dabble in it. I lead such a fast passed full life that sometimes I cannot face an "aerobic" workout, It just feels like another stress point to add to my day. I thought I would just try yoga. I had read that an hour of yoga burns more calories than intense aerobics, so I thought there must be something to it. I bought a Denise Austin tape it was on sale at Walmart. Should have known better, because her voice grates on my nerves, but you know what, I totally tuned out her voice as I was going through these poises. The movement made me feel like I was openning up. I don't mean this in a "spiritual" sort of way. The streching felt so good, and you know what, I was even a little bit sore the next day. It seemed relatively easy when I was doing it, but it also seemed like I was using muscles in a new way, and that's gotta be good, right? I liked it so much, I would like to find a good tape. In all honsesty, the Denise Austin tape seems pretty good if you can get past her voice. I know very little about yoga, and feel like there has got to be better tapes out there. Just don't know where to start. I would like to also hear how you might incorporate yoga in with other rotations. I will have to let something go to make this part of my regular routine. I am not particularly interested in the spiritual aspects of yoga. I am very interested in the toning, and relaxation that can come from it. Hey, and if there are some spiritual benefits. Bring um on! Thanks!
I, too, am interested in trying out yoga and am looking for suggestions. I've been looking through these threads, and a lot of people have suggested Bryan Kest's power yoga series - or of all the yoga tapes mentioned, this is the one that I remember the most and plan on getting myself. That said, once I do get these tapes, I plan on interspersing them with my Pilates tapes in my weekly rotations (right after heavy lifting workouts and on my rest day).

Good luck in your search & I hope we both find some great yoga workouts that we enjoy!

Sarah :)
Bryan Kest has a 3 pack series that's awesome power yoga and it's beautiful. Yoga Zone's Conditioning and Stress Relief is pretty good mild yoga that's good to alternate with PY. It's in a studio and some old guy with a lilting accent describes the poses while two ladies perform them. I bought a Gaiam 25 minute Suzanne Deason P.M. yoga that has amazing scenery but doesn't give the same relaxed and all stretched out feeling as the ones I've mentioned. But if you want a short yoga tape to tack on after workouts this one only takes 25 minutes...but it's more like just plain stretching. BK and Yoga Zone always give me the best sleep right after.
I have just started doing yoga too. I love how it makes me feel afterward.
The videos I like are;

Eoin Finns-Power yoga
Ali Mcgraw-Yoga for mind and body
Bryan Kest-Power yoga- volume 2- Tone

These are all around an hour long.

I don't have a rotation but, this is what I like best.
I like to do yoga after running/cardio if I have time. I usually run for 30 min. and then do a yoga tape. I think the Eoin Finn, and the Bryan Kest video can be done alone without anything else because they are tuff.;) The Ali Mcgraw video is easier and more relaxing.

I searhed for a long time over at the Video Fitness forum , and these were the videos they came up alot as favorites.
Thanks for the suggestions. I think I'll just add one at a time starting with the Bryan Kest tape. It really helps to get some recommendations. You can dump a lot of money on worthless stuff othewise.

I like the Ali McGraw video, too--awesome scenery in White Sands, NM! I also recently got the Rodney Yee Yoga for Athletes DVD for $10 from Gaiam. It looks like it'll be good, too, with short, sport-specific workouts.

BTW, I'm a beginner and not super-flexible. Brian Kest previews on Collage looked too advanced for me. Let me know what you think when you get it.
Try ZogaZone

I like the ZogaZone workouts because they are only 20 minutes long. I tack them on to a workout and get the stress relief but don't feel like I've sacrificed a good hard heart-pumpin' workout. I think 20 minutes is all I need. I really focus on the breathing and find that it calms and centers me. I am a beginner so these are fine, others who are more advanced with yoga would probably find them too easy.
RE: Try ZogaZone

I do Yoga every day. I love it couldn't make it without it.

Try for Power Yoga Bryan Kest or Baron Baptise

For longer Yoga sessions that you can build up from Easy to Difficult but more traditional Yoga Wai Lana can't be beat.

Also the Crunch Yoga videos are excellent Sarah Ivanhoe stuided with Eric Schiffman who is world renound in my book.

They are

Crunch Fat Burning Yoga
Crunch Joy of Yoga
Crunch Candellight Yoga
I've been adding yoga to my rotations for the past couple of months. It has really helped improve my flexibility and upper body strength, plus it feels great! My current rotation (which I'll do for 4-6 wks) is:

SUN: 45-60 min yoga (either one from Bryan Kest's 1995 series or David Swenson's Short Forms) + optional 30 min cardio

MON: C&W or Bootcamp (I alternate these weekly) + first 10 min of Yoga Zone's Conditioning and Stress Release (great neck/shoulder stretches)

TUE: Off

WED: ME + 10-20 min yoga (the last one or two segments of Baron Baptiste's Power & Precision Yoga)

THU: Imax2 + 10-20 min yoga (see Wed)

FRI: PLB + 30 min intermediate cardio (e.g., Christi Taylor)

SAT: PUB + 10-20 min yoga (see Wed)

The Baron Baptiste tape is great because it is divided into four sections, each with a different emphasis (e.g., balance, flexibility of the legs and back), making it easy to tack on to another workout. It is also a nice workout in its entirety . The Bryan Kest series is wonderful and quite difficult. I've done short rotations using only his tapes. David Swenson's Short Forms (available on DVD - always a plus!) contains a 15 min, a 30 min and a 45 min routine making it versatile yet thorough. I prefer his personality and approach to teaching to BB's and BK's.

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