Yoga/Incontinence/Post Partum


Hi all,

I don't mean to be gross, but this has me a little freaked out.

I'm going to cross post this to open discussion, because I'm not sure where the question belongs. After the birth of our daughter, I suffered with some incontinence for a few weeks. It got better each week, and I don't have any real problem now for the most part, but here's the thing...

I did Bryan Kest's Volume One the other day, and, after I did it, I was feeling so great that I decided to do Cathe's MIC (since I was just coming off a day of rest and lots of spaghetti)! I didn't have to go to the bathroom. In fact, I thought I might have started my period, but, no, I peed myself. I changed my panties, went to the bathroom and started back into working out... it kept happening! I ended up having to change again and I wore a huge maxi pad in my third pair of panties.

I haven't had a problem like that since literally a week or two after giving birth. It was bizarre.

A week later, I did Karen Voight's YogaSculpt on my rest day, and I noticed that I ended up feeling like I had to pee more and was a little numb about it for about maybe a half hour after doing the video.

Does Yoga work some muscles I don't know about? Am I a freak? Should I see my doctor about this? (My doctor is useless though.)


Wow -- how far postpartum are you?

I don't know about any muscles that yoga works that would cause this, but I do know that my kegel muscles sort of came and went for awhile after the birth of my son. If I got over-confident and quit doing my kegel exercise, I'd have a bit of a problem.

I would start doing lots and lots of kegels (like a hundred a day). As I tell my moms when we do silent kegels during class... it's probably the most compromised muscle of pregnancy, and it's also the one no one talks about. Those poor muscles get stretched and strained during pregnancy... and then stretched and strained again during labor...

If kegels are indeed the problem don't do ANY impact activities until you get them back again, or you are asking for more trouble.

Hope this goes away for you soon! (Do we sacrifice our bodies for our kids or what?)
I'm 19 months post, and I do kegels, but not that many! I will do more! I just found it weird that I hadn't been having any problems w/impact activities for quite a while, and then to suddenly have this horrible day with all that leaking... UGH.

I'm 19 months post, and I do kegels, but not that many! I will do more! I just found it weird that I hadn't been having any problems w/impact activities for quite a while, and then to suddenly have this horrible day with all that leaking... UGH.


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