Yoga for Type A???


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I am thinking about putting a yoga tape on my Christmas list. I have heard a lot of good things about it. However, I know nothing much about yoga and I am also pretty much a Type A person. I am worried that it will be too slow for me as I'm always "on the go". Are there any Type A people out there that do Yoga? And if so, what tape would be a good one to get. A begginers one would be good, but I don't want to get one that will quickly "get old" once the basics are learned. Is this making any sense??? HELLPPPP!

Hi Roylene :)
I'd be happy to help but what on earth is a "type A" person?

I think it would be better to say what you are looking for in yoga rather than what may suit you. I couldn't tell you what "type" I am, but I love all kinds of yoga. Every kind has something different to offer. If you're looking for perfectionism in your yoga, perhaps the Iyengar style may suit your personality?

I recommend that you post your question over at the forum on Not because I don't think you'll get a great response here (I know that you will) but because there are a lot more yogini's over at the VF boards so you should get more answers, more quickly.
- Lisa :)
Ah, Roylene, you made me smile! I'm the epitome of the Type A personality, and I DID try yoga. What a hoot! I couldn't relax enough to relax! I finally gave it up, at least for the time being. I'm just too . . . uh, energetic to meditate, I guess.

I'm one of these people that gets really fed up with Yoga Masters chattering all the way through, like "now gentle unfold like a flower" or "feel the love between you and the earth" or even worse "grow from love" me...i just think "grow from this you freek"!!! lol ... but power yoga for runners is a very good video. Only 30 minutes long including the relaxation. No chit chat, so this ain't a FUN FUN FUN workout, but is to the point and very strong and sweaty. The routine is very fast paced and will workout even the most advanced exercisers. x
I'll have to try this one, too, Wayne. Normally, I find myself wanting to fast forward through most of a yoga workout, but this sounds like it might be right up my alley. Since I've started running, will this vid help me keep things loosened up and stretched out?

Yeah, yoga is a hoot!! I am Type A too and it is all I can do just to keep from busting out laughing during any yoga tape or class. However, I did find a class here in Phoenix, called "Hot Yoga", where they turn the room up to excess of 100 degrees for an hour and 15 for the class. It really helps your flexibility. It is more "do this, and do that" and not so much "feel the love from the earth". Oh, I can't stand that jibber jabber. I did go to one here where some guy who looked like Jesus walked around the room the whole time waving incense while we were yagaing. Ugggghhhhhhh.......that was the LAST visit there!!!!

I would get the Runner's tape Wayne suggested. On video, for Type A, I don't think there is any way to truly "enjoy" yoga. If you can find a Hot class, it really is great especially if you are tight. Starting the new year, I am planning to add it twice per week to really try to improve my flexiblity....we'll see.....

I have Power Yoga for Runners for months and didn't try it until today. What a great 30 minute routine - the poses are great and the routine just flows at a faster pace than most yoga workouts. Perfect for a type A like me!

I still don't know what a type A is...

I'm assuming from your post that a type A person is one that is extremely active, but I might be off on that. Anyway I have tried many yoga tapes in the past and the ones that I kept are usually slow paced. Don't get me wrong that doesn't mean that they are easy by any means. The best tapes that I own are the ones by Baron Baptiste. He has beginner level videos as well as advanced. Collage video is selling a new Power Yoga Set with two of Baptiste's begin/inter videos, a sticky mat and some other stuff. But I must warn you the tapes are what you would call slow.

Another really good tape that I own is Hard Body Yoga by Tari Rose. This one is inter/advan level, but Tari shows a lot of modifications that you could do. I also think that most of the poses are not inter/advan. What makes this video hard is the fact that Tari does three sets of every pose. She also makes count variations and she combines poses in a way that make you work your entire body super hard without needing any additional weight. This one is a little faster than Baron's tapes, but is still slow. I guess most yoga tapes are like that, but even you with your "on the go" personality can benefit from them in my opinion.

Maybe pilates is better for you instead of yoga. Have you done pilates before? Pilates tapes are a lot faster than yoga tapes and if you get good ones you won't get bored and you can "grow" up with them as you get stronger.
RE: I still don't know what a type A is...

Type A here. I would suggest you start with Power Yoga. That will move quickly enough and challenge you more with chatturungas and faster flow. I am working towards the relaxation aspects of yoga still. I started with Bryan Kest's 3 volume set, Tone, Energize and Sweat. It is tough but I liked it when I was first getting into yoga.

While the slower pace yoga tapes are better for you, I think as a type A you would need to go a little faster based upon how I was as a type A. I would also laugh during yoga depending on what the instructor was doing/saying. Yoga has allowed me to relax a little more, get quite a bit more flexible, and has helped me with dealing with stress and hyperactivity.

Also, I found that I love pilates and that is another good option.

Someone here recommended to go to and check them out and that is also a great idea.

Sheila C.

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