I know I can share this with you all and you'll understand my excitement! I went out today to jog somewhere between 2-4 miles depending on how I felt. It was a bit cooler and less humidity then it has been the past 2 weeks. 80*ish (Ohio) Anyways, after I finished 2 miles, I felt pretty good and decided to keep going. Then mile 3 and 4 where under my belt and my legs and feet were not bothering me at all. I was breathing pretty good, but decided let's go for it. I went 5 MILES! My first time ever!!! I felt sooo good when I got done I wanted to let someone know, so here I am! I am not real sure of my distance as we are guesstimating that one lap around the pond is 1/4 of a mile if not more. (hubby stepped it off and thinks it's just over a 1/4 mile) I did 20 laps in 58:25. I see this works out to less then a 12 minute mile. Is this a SLOW pace? I do not run, but I don't walk at all. I have short legs!:7 Was just wondering how you catergorize what kind of a "pace" one has. Is there some sort of a chart to determine this? Slow, medium, fast, etc?? Just curious for my own benefit. Well, I'll quit going on & on. Just wanted to share with my fellow buds!!!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!