

I know I can share this with you all and you'll understand my excitement! I went out today to jog somewhere between 2-4 miles depending on how I felt. It was a bit cooler and less humidity then it has been the past 2 weeks. 80*ish (Ohio) Anyways, after I finished 2 miles, I felt pretty good and decided to keep going. Then mile 3 and 4 where under my belt and my legs and feet were not bothering me at all. I was breathing pretty good, but decided let's go for it. I went 5 MILES! My first time ever!!! I felt sooo good when I got done I wanted to let someone know, so here I am! I am not real sure of my distance as we are guesstimating that one lap around the pond is 1/4 of a mile if not more. (hubby stepped it off and thinks it's just over a 1/4 mile) I did 20 laps in 58:25. I see this works out to less then a 12 minute mile. Is this a SLOW pace? I do not run, but I don't walk at all. I have short legs!:7 Was just wondering how you catergorize what kind of a "pace" one has. Is there some sort of a chart to determine this? Slow, medium, fast, etc?? Just curious for my own benefit. Well, I'll quit going on & on. Just wanted to share with my fellow buds!!!!! :)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Yay Debbie!

I'm so excited for you! What a terrific feat. Don't know how to judge your pace as far as fast, medium or slow. But I think its great :)

How exciting for you Debbie! I find that running gives me a sense of satisfaction that I don't get from other forms of cardio - it is such a thrill to accomplish a new distance!! Congratulations! You are such an inspiration! :)
RE: Wow!!

That is AWESOME Debbie!!! Gosh, I know how good that feels. Feels like you might just be a "runner" now, huh??:):) 5 miles is no easy feat..especially in 80 degrees and humidity no less....and a 12 min mile is nothing to scoff at. Imagine how far you could have gone in 60 degrees and low humidity. Very nice!!!!! I cannot share in your victory however, as I have shelved running for the summer for the most part here in Phoenix. Although I would have to say I would prefer 100 degrees dry than 80 wet. But right now in AZ it is monsoon season and it feels crappy outside. I like the dry heat, you know!!!!!
RE: Wow!!

OK, oh, this might be helpful...'

In one of my Covert Bailey books he suggests figuring out your "pace" in order to figure out your general fitness level. He tells you to go atleast a mile each day for 5 days and average out your distances to reach a true "pace" at which you are likely to go everyday. In other words, you are not supposed to run all out just to get a good time. You just go like you always would..run, that it. He breaks it down like this..

6 min Olympic caliber, very high

7-8 min. Under 45 yrs old- High
Older than 45- Very High

9-10 min. Under 45-Above Average
Older than 45- High

11-13 min. Under 45- Average
Older than 45- Above Average

14-17 min. Under 45- Below Average
Older than 45- Average

18-20 min. Under 45-POOR
Older than 45- Below Average

21 min. or longer Under 45- Very Poor
Older than 45- Poor

Covert says to remember that an aerobic pace is how fast you run, jog, or walk, consecutive miles at a comfortable pace that does not get you out of breath. So you would have to maintain a easy pace, not run and slow and run and slow. He says that the "good health" section is people under age 45 should be able to walk/run/jog a mile in 9-13 min. People over age 45 should be able to do the same in 9-17 min.

And you seem to be calculating your pace correctly. I don't know of any other formula other than to measure your distance exactly, which, as you say, should not be much different. But, sorry, as far as your legs go.....it is no harder for a short legged person to run as it is said that even though your stride may be shorter you have less weight to carry the same distance as bigger heavier longer legged people. I know, doesn't seem right, but my running book by Jeff Galloway explains that in fact shorter legged runners are at no disadvantage. I tried that one once, too. Just seems like it MUST be harder, eh??:):) Hope that helps!!!! Oh, and hey, since you never walk or run( being that you do not "train" for this type of exercise) I think you did awesome for virtually a first-timer!! Cathe obviously has done wonders for your cardio system!!!

That's great Debbie!

You did awesome! And even though I'm 6' tall I feel like running is harder for me than short people...hehe.

RE: That's great Debbie!

Wow Deb, 5 miles! :)

You know my "brand new to running, 1.7 miles" self is just too impressed with you! :)

I'll think about you as I push myself to 2 miles over the next week or so. I bet that really felt great, what a rush!


Thanks so much everyone! I guess the "short leg" theory is out the door! Tee-Hee! I TRIED!;-) Janice, thanks for the time you put into posting that chart for me! Glad to know I fit into the "ABOVE" average group. Woo-Hoo! Donna, you are doing awesome! Keep it up. As others have noted, there is just a rush/satisfaction that comes from jogging. I feel so great when I'm done even if I'm sweating BIGTIME and breathing hard. Thanks, everyone, for all your kind words.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Just wanted to say GOOD JOB!! That is great. I live out in Utah and when I went back to Indiana this summer to visit my parents the humidity was a killer when I went out running..

Great pace too...

Keep us posted on your future running.
For what it is worth, the Department of Defense SWAT team (of which my DH is a member) requires them to be able to run 2 miles at a 13 minute mile pace or better. So you should feel great about that pace!

That short leg thing does make a difference: I was jogging next to a really tall guy, and I am only 5' 2" : my speed was at 5.9 on the treadmill and his was at 7.0 and our footfalls were even stevens for 45 minutes.

If I am correct, he can cover more distance than you overall but it is not harder intensity wise for you to run than it is for him. He is working just as hard as you at 7.0 miles an hour as you are at 5.9, see?? And supposedly the calorie burn is the same because at 5.9 your body feels like you are running at your own 7.0. I think that is how it works!!!
Beverly & Kristina!

Thanks~Ill keep you posted. I really like this jogging! I feel sooo workouted, or is that worked out (what is the past tense for workout??) when I'm done too. Kristina~thanks for that info. I feel pretty proud. I went out and jogged 20 laps again today and shaved 33 seconds off my time fron Saturday! My DH thinks I am actually jogging closer to 6 miles then 5 miles?? I need to get my son-in-law down here with his bike. It has a good mileage counter on it. I will be thrilled if I am going further then 5 miles! Thanks guys!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Congratulations Debbie. Running 5 miles in the heat of the summer (or anytime, for that matter!) is quite an accomplishment. I wish I had your motivation.

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