Yet another reason not to go to the gym


OK I was doing my shoulder routine in front of the weight rack last night & there were 2 guys on each side of me, both about 10 feet away.

Well, one of them just STANK TO HIGH HEAVEN!!!!!!! It was this disgusting mixture of wet dog & man sweat. It was so strong it was making me gag! And I couldn't figure out which guy it was (I was there first & they both came over at about the same time).

I wonder if people don't realize when they smell bad? It was so gross! x(

Of course, I'll never give up my health club (it's really well equipped & offers lots of class options I could never have at home), but it's times like this I really wish I had a home gym! :p
How manly of them!!

I remember a post here a while ago by someone who coached track (I think) and had two foreign (Middle Eastern?) athletes who would never shower, because it wasn't "manly" to do so. Having b.o. was a sign of masculinity.

I think that for the real stinkers, they are probably accustomed to stinking, and like women who don't smell that they have put on too much perfume, because they've grown accustomed to it, they don't smell it anymore.

Unless it's some kind of territorial thing that harkens back to the days when humans were just evolving from primates. LOL!
Ugh. I'm afraid I would have had to cut my workout short!

Every once in a while I'll have a faint temptation to join a health club. Your horror stories keep me away fairly effectively!!!;-)
Aw Shannon that makes me feel bad. I guess I do post pretty negatively about the gym most of the time, which is wrong of me. The truth is I really love my club & the variety of workout options it offers. It's clean, it's state of the art, the staff is generally friendly & helpful, I've met a lot of great people there & have received a wealth of workout tips.

I sure hope my posts don't keep people from signing on to a gym. It really could kick your workouts up a notch if you chose to go for it.
Hey, Laura - don't worry. I'm too much of a loner for the social setting of a gym anyhow. All those people crowded into one spot (smellng good or not)gives me the heebie jeebies. That's the real reason I don't join.

But yeah, I do think about how it could really shake up my workouts. Maybe one of these days ... when I get old and retire, so I can go during the off hours!
Well whenever I just have random service men to come to my house, that is the way they seem to smell like you described! LOL! It is more like a strong musty smell. I light candles in my house even when they are here. Maybe they will get the message?

I developed an aversion to the gym a few years ago--no joke! I think they're the filthiest places on earth next to a public restroom:eek:. You will never convince me that they are clean, I don't care how many times a day they wipe down the equipment. Just my .02. Who can take that filth AND a bad case of BO?

Stinky men ewwwwww!

I love my health club and it's not extremely clean or state of the art. :) It is however filled with people I love!

I have a nice workout room at home with mirrors and all the gadgets but I still like taking group fitness classes 1-2 a week. Weights I do at home.
Laura you just make me crack up sometimes with your posts but I know what you mean when someone next to you smells. Sometimes on my break at the YMCA which is where I work around lunch time their is a bunch of guys that comes I say almost everyday and boy the whole room stinks like sweat. I don't go in as much as I use to. Now I just go in the morning over the weekend or sometimes at night with my son.
Barbara! How the heck are you? I just can't believe those Summit folks actually smell bad.......;-)

Seriously though, I can take the smell of sweaty gym goers, I'm used to it by now. But this guy was just RANK. Like he hadn't bathed in like a month & had been sleeping under 17 wet blankets with his Saint Bernard. Imagine taking a tour of a sewage processing plant, which might smell half as bad as this guy did.

I am doing great:) Oh no I work in the Berkeley Heights Y. I Do go to the Summit Y once in a while and that one the folks don't smell:). I go there once in a while on my days off.
Oh, Laura, I totally understand! This has happened to me at the gym often enough that I spritz a little of my favorite fragrance on my neck right before I go to the gym, so that all I can smell is my cologne. It doesn't eliminate all odors, but it helps a bit. Very annoying.
>Oh, Laura, I totally understand! This has happened to me at
>the gym often enough that I spritz a little of my favorite
>fragrance on my neck right before I go to the gym, so that all
>I can smell is my cologne. It doesn't eliminate all odors, but
>it helps a bit. Very annoying.

Hmmm? I honestly don't know what's worse. The overpowering, sickening flowery scent next to you on one side or the unwashed, bacteria-infested sweat glands on the other.

Lauramax, I know what you mean, though. You do tend to acclimate to your surroundings, but when it's bad, it's really bad!!!

That's the reason you have the cologne people, Marla, is because of the sweaty people. They drive us to it.

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