Yet Another Question..........



I was looking into Cathe’s High Step Challenge DVD.....and oh me goodness! I was fooled. I thought this was all step cardio workout. Until I looked into it. You mean to tell me, that you get all this on high steps, is there any step cardio in this DVD? Or is this a total body workout only. Please someone tell me how you like this workout. I must have it.

I thought to order it today, but I “NEED” more workout shoes, so on my lunch I am going to the mall. Can’t jump and bump when my shoes are worn down, I get these sharp splints in the bottom of my foot, does this happen to anyone else when shoes have no more support. Have a blessed day.

Teddygirl in charge~ (I think)
HSC is a total body circuit workout. You do a few short combos on the high step and a couple of the floor interspersed with high paced total body stregth training. Here is a full description:

I absolutely love this workout!!! It keeps your heart rate up and works that body hard, and it is really fun with great music.

When I get that feeling it is time for new shoes immediately! :)

Thanks Guys,

Shoes have always been a issue for me. This is crazy, but, my right foot is kind of slanted so I need a shoe that’s going to give me a strong balance. I tried every shoe under the sun, well not all! But, my favorites was Nikes. They only seem to make Cross Trainers now a days.

Cross Trainers I can’t wear em. I need a aerobic shoe for aerobics and a running shoe for running. Wish I could do Cross Trainers, wouldn’t have to buy but one pair of shoes.

I have found that New Balance shoes works very good for me. But, this is my 7th pair of the same shoe, whites & blues ARGH….Anyhow, thank you for 411 on HSC going to order. Most of you like ‘Ryka’ if not to expensive, just may buy a pair, only if I can return them, if I’m still having a problems.

Off to the mall…..

HSC is a really good one but I have always favored the circuits. HSTA is also awesome but many women here hate the way they speed up and slow down the music.
Hey Sarah,

Thank you, HSTA I looked into it and it seems like a good workout. But, I’m going to save my pennies to get HSC. My credit card is on firer }(

I did order online from (can’t wait) I ordered the 620wb and there are Cross Trainers, hmmmm never knew it. All the others CT that I brought, I had to take back. But, New Balance works well for me. Now I can jump & bump. Have a great day :):)


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